1) HTML5 Game Engine
Construct 2 is a leading high quality HTML5 game engine. Tens of thousands of HTML5 game developers are choosing Construct 2 to make HTML5 games.
2) Clanfx
clanfx is a 2D, tile-based Javascript game engine developed using Javascript and CSS. It currently works in Firefox, Epiphany and Opera browsers. Features include many animated sprites, spell effects, buildings, tiles/textures and basic game AI.
3) Crafty js
4) CSS Game Engine
This is a free game engine developed for programming browser based games. It uses the Javascript language and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to dress up the page. They run pretty reliably together. Use this engine to create your own game.
5) Effect Games
Effect Games provides a suite of developer tools for creating and publishing web-based video games. The software is free, and includes an asset manager, level editor, sprite manager, environment editor, and publishing tools.
6) Entity js
Entity is an awsome all new javascript game engine. It focuses on flexibility, reusability and robustness. To make this happen Entity utilizies the, entity-component design where all logic is implemented in components and entities are created from adding or removing components.
7) Flash js
FlashJS was born at the crossroad of HTML / CSS and beautiful Flash objective model that is known by many interactive developers and fits great for game development. This library allows to develop HTML5 games and applications in the way that is similar to ordinary AS3 development.
8 ) Game Query js
gameQuery is a jQuery plug-in to help make javascript game development easier by adding some simple game-related classes. It’s still in an early stage of development and may change a lot in future versions.
9) Gamma js
Gamma is a new Javascript library which can be used to create 2.5D platform games for a web browser using the power of HTML, JavaScript, CSS and WebGL.
10) Geom
Geom is a JavaScript Game Engine that allows you to develop HTML5 Games in no time. Games created with Geom require no browser plugins or any software installations and work with old browsers that support only the Javascript.
11) Impact js
Impact is a JavaScript Game Engine that allows you to develop stunning HTML5 Games for desktop and mobile browsers.
12) Isogenic Engine
The Isogenic Engine is a modern web-based game engine that allows you to rapidly develop your next single or multiplayer game for the web. Isogenic does not require any browser plugins which means players can run your game without Adobe Flash or Microsoft Silverlight, straight from their web browser.
13) Jaws js
Jaws is a 2D game lib powered by HTML5. It started out only doing canvas but is now also supporting ordinary DOM based sprites through the same API.
14) GMP
GMP is great for making sprite-based, 2-D games, and it can easily power most retro-style arcade game designs. It is also well suited to making puzzles such as sudoku or gogopop.
15) Ingenio JS
ingenioJS is a JavaScript / HTML5 game engine. Its structure allows independent rendering methods, such as WebGL, Canvas or DOM Elements.
melonJS 是我们过去实验的结果,是一个开放、自由而且使用简单的HTML网页游戏开发包。虽然还有一个大工作正在进行中,melonJS已经可以轻松地创建一些不错的游戏。
melonJS 集成了流行的砖块地图格式,可使用 Tiled map editor 所编辑的地图,你只需要把精力放在游戏本身。
- A fresh and lightweight 2D sprite-based engine
- Standalone library (does not rely on anything else, except a HTML5 capable browser)
- Compatible with most major browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, IE)
- Multiple Audio Channel support
- Basic physics and collision mechanisms (to ensure low cpu requirements)
- A basic set of Object Entities (to be extended)
- Tween effects
- Transition effects (state and/or level change)
- Manage basic animation
- A state manager (to easily manage loading, menu, options or in-game screen state and switch)
- Tiled map format version 0.7.x integration for easy level design :
- uncompressed XML, Base64 and CSV encoded XML tilemap format
- Orthogonal tilemap
- Multiple layers (multiple background/Foreground layers, collision layer, "Parallax" layer)
- Layers Alpha settings
- Multiple Tileset support
- Tileset Transparency settings
- Tiled Object
- Dynamic Layer and Object/Group ordering
- Dynamic Entity loading (melonJS will instantiate JS object matching the object property name defined in the tilemap)
- Solid, Platform, Slope and Breakable Tiles
- System and bitmap fonts
- some basic GUI elements
- a customizable loader, etc. . .
【压缩包子文件的文件名称列表】虽然只有一个条目,即“H5小游戏源码 大力射手”,但我们可推测这可能是一个包含所有游戏源代码和资源的顶级文件夹。源码文件可能分为几个部分,如HTML文件(游戏主页面)、...
15. **内容更新频率**:定期更新内容表明网站活跃,利于搜索引擎抓取。 16. **用户行为信号**:用户停留时间、跳出率、点击率等反馈搜索引擎用户满意度。 17. **社交媒体影响力**:社交媒体上的分享和讨论可增加...
《cocos2d-x C++ 版本塔防游戏》是一款基于C++编程语言和cocos2d-x游戏引擎开发的策略类游戏。cocos2d-x是一个强大的跨平台2D游戏开发框架,它允许开发者使用C++、Lua或者JavaScript进行游戏开发,并能将游戏发布到...
Pixi渲染引擎是一款强大的2D图形库,专为制作游戏和交互媒体而设计。它基于JavaScript,充分利用WebGL技术提供高性能的图形渲染。在本文中,我们将深入探讨如何使用Pixi来创建引人入胜的交互式体验。 首先,我们...
该项目使用了Cocos2d游戏引擎来构建,这是一款广泛应用于移动平台的游戏开发框架,以其高效性能和易用性著称。 在Cocos2d中,开发者通常会利用其提供的场景(Scene)、层(Layer)、精灵(Sprite)等基本元素进行...
它允许开发者使用Python语言来创建各种手机游戏和HTML5游戏,同时支持Android和iOS两大主流移动平台,极大地拓宽了游戏开发的可能性。 在cocos2D Python中,核心概念包括场景(Scene)、层(Layer)、精灵(Sprite...
6-3-用 WebGL 打造 HTML5 游戏引擎平台-林意炜 6-4-如何看待 left-pad 事件-贺师俊 6-5-前后端分离中 API 接口与数据 Mock 的思考与应用-吕伟 6-6-向未来兼容-李成银 QCon是由InfoQ主办的全球顶级技术盛会,每年在...
例如,场景是游戏的顶级容器,可以包含多个节点;节点则可以是精灵、层(Layer)或其它子节点,它们负责渲染和逻辑处理;动作则是控制节点运动和变化的关键元素。 在《保卫萝卜》这样的游戏中,Cocos2d-JS的物理引擎...
在移动游戏开发领域,Cocos2d-JS是一款广泛使用的跨平台游戏引擎,它基于HTML5和JavaScript,能够帮助开发者快速构建2D游戏。本篇文章将深入探讨如何利用Cocos2d-JS实现经典游戏“打地鼠”的全过程。 首先,我们要...
5. 百度喜欢从其他优秀网站自动收录你的网站,比如我在百度空间发表的文章里面含有自己网站的地址,那么百度会自动收录的。而且速度比较快。 谷歌排名规则: 1. 谷歌喜欢把网站地址含有关键字的网站排名靠前。 2. ...
Pixi.js是一个强大的2D渲染引擎,用于在Web上创建高性能的图形应用。它使用 WebGL 技术,但隐藏了底层复杂性,提供了一个简洁易用的API。在这个"Pixi.js学习(二)创建Pixi应用和Stage"的主题中,我们将深入探讨如何...
场景是游戏的顶级容器,而节点可以是游戏对象、精灵(Sprite)、层(Layer)或任何其他可添加到场景中的元素。通过这些节点,开发者可以构建复杂的层次结构,实现游戏世界的动态变化。 2. **渲染系统**:Cocos2d-x ...
2. **场景与层**:场景是游戏的顶级容器,可以包含多个层。层则负责处理特定的游戏逻辑或显示元素,例如游戏界面、玩家控制或游戏背景。层之间可以通过栈来管理,形成层级关系,实现前后遮挡和交互。 3. **精灵与...
1. 场景与层:场景是游戏或应用的顶级容器,可以看作是一个大的舞台,而层则是场景中的独立页面或者说是子容器。开发者可以在层上添加节点,组织和管理游戏的逻辑。 2. 节点:节点是Cocos2d-x的基本构建块,可以...