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o <name> is the name of the program or package. The <name> is
usually assigned by the program's author. In our example, the
developers decided to name their product "bash" for reasons that
seemed amusing to them.
o <version> identifies which edition of the software this RPM
contains. The <version> number is assigned by the program's
author. Using the <version> number allows one to determine which
version of the author's sources were used to generate the RPM.
o <release> provides the edition number of the RPM file itself and
not the version of the author's source files. An updated RPM may
be issued to supply a patched version of the author's original
software. The patch need not have come from the original
developer, so the RPM <release> gets incremented instead of the
Remember: the <version> is controlled by the original author and
the <release> is controlled by whomever constructed the RPM.
o <arch> describes the contents of the RPM and tells whether this
file contains the product source (a ".src.rpm"),
architecture-independent files (a ".noarch.rpm"), or files which
may only be installed on a particular host type (a ".sh.rpm" will
work only on a STRONGHOLD embedded processor).
In this case, the options "-i", "-v", and "-d" direct cpio(1) to:
-i Extract one or more files from an archive. The filename(s)
requested must match the "cpio -t" table of contents
exactly, or a shell-like wildcard pattern. If the destination
file already exists, cpio(1) will refuse to overwrite it unless
the "-u" switch is added to the command.
-d Create any directories that precede the filename specified
in the cpio(1) command. If the directories already exist,
the "-d" switch could be omitted but does no harm if it is
always specified.
-v Display the names of any files processed, along with the
size of the CPIO archive file, in 512-byte blocks. Note
this size is not the size of the RPM package, which cpio(1)
never sees directly.
附:trouble shooting
If your RPM database is hung or corrupted you can try to repair it with these
commands. This process is not guaranteed to work.
You must be logged in with superuser privilege (aka
"root") for these steps. The commands may be copied and pasted
directly into a root terminal window.
1) Make sure there are no RPM processes left running on your system.
Use the ps(1) command to identify them. Use the kill(1) command
to terminate any "rpm" processes you find; a "kill -9" may be
2) Delete the lock files that RPM uses:
rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db*
3) If you were experiencing a hanging "rpm" command, try it again.
If it works, you are finished. If not, perform Step #1 and #2
again. Then proceed to the next step.
4) Make a backup of your RPM database:
cd /var/lib
mkdir rpm-backup
rsync -av ./rpm/. ./rpm-backup/.
5) Rebuild your RPM database:
rpm -vv --rebuilddb > /tmp/rpmrebuilddb.log 2>&1
6) Retry your failed RPM command.
o <name> is the name of the program or package. The <name> is
usually assigned by the program's author. In our example, the
developers decided to name their product "bash" for reasons that
seemed amusing to them.
o <version> identifies which edition of the software this RPM
contains. The <version> number is assigned by the program's
author. Using the <version> number allows one to determine which
version of the author's sources were used to generate the RPM.
o <release> provides the edition number of the RPM file itself and
not the version of the author's source files. An updated RPM may
be issued to supply a patched version of the author's original
software. The patch need not have come from the original
developer, so the RPM <release> gets incremented instead of the
Remember: the <version> is controlled by the original author and
the <release> is controlled by whomever constructed the RPM.
o <arch> describes the contents of the RPM and tells whether this
file contains the product source (a ".src.rpm"),
architecture-independent files (a ".noarch.rpm"), or files which
may only be installed on a particular host type (a ".sh.rpm" will
work only on a STRONGHOLD embedded processor).
[root@hzmc tmp]# rpm -qa|grep ncurses4
[root@hzmc tmp]# rpm -e ncurses4-5.0-5
[root@hzmc tmp]# rpm -ivh ncurses4-5.0-5.i386.rpm
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:ncurses4 ########################################### [100%]
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:ncurses4 ########################################### [100%]
[root@hzmc tmp]# rpm -Uvh /tmp/ncurses4-5.0-5.i386.rpm
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:ncurses4 ########################################### [100%]
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:ncurses4 ########################################### [100%]
[root@hzmc tmp]# rpm -qlp ncurses4-5.0-5.i386.rpm
[root@hzmc tmp]# rpm2cpio ncurses4-5.0-5.i386.rpm|cpio -t
720 blocks
720 blocks
[root@hzmc tmp]# rpm2cpio ncurses4-5.0-5.i386.rpm | cpio -ivdu
720 blocks
720 blocks
[root@hzmc /]# rpm2cpio /tmp/ncurses4-5.0-5.i386.rpm | cpio -ivdu ./usr/lib/libform.so.4
720 blocks
720 blocks
In this case, the options "-i", "-v", and "-d" direct cpio(1) to:
-i Extract one or more files from an archive. The filename(s)
requested must match the "cpio -t" table of contents
exactly, or a shell-like wildcard pattern. If the destination
file already exists, cpio(1) will refuse to overwrite it unless
the "-u" switch is added to the command.
-d Create any directories that precede the filename specified
in the cpio(1) command. If the directories already exist,
the "-d" switch could be omitted but does no harm if it is
always specified.
-v Display the names of any files processed, along with the
size of the CPIO archive file, in 512-byte blocks. Note
this size is not the size of the RPM package, which cpio(1)
never sees directly.
附:trouble shooting
If your RPM database is hung or corrupted you can try to repair it with these
commands. This process is not guaranteed to work.
You must be logged in with superuser privilege (aka
"root") for these steps. The commands may be copied and pasted
directly into a root terminal window.
1) Make sure there are no RPM processes left running on your system.
Use the ps(1) command to identify them. Use the kill(1) command
to terminate any "rpm" processes you find; a "kill -9" may be
2) Delete the lock files that RPM uses:
rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db*
3) If you were experiencing a hanging "rpm" command, try it again.
If it works, you are finished. If not, perform Step #1 and #2
again. Then proceed to the next step.
4) Make a backup of your RPM database:
cd /var/lib
mkdir rpm-backup
rsync -av ./rpm/. ./rpm-backup/.
5) Rebuild your RPM database:
rpm -vv --rebuilddb > /tmp/rpmrebuilddb.log 2>&1
6) Retry your failed RPM command.
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MySQL客户端Linux RPM包是专为在Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7或Oracle Linux 7(64位)操作系统上使用的软件包。这个RPM包包含了运行MySQL客户端所需的组件,使得用户能够连接到MySQL服务器并执行各种数据库操作。...
"常用Linux命令rpm包"指的是包含了若干常用Linux命令的RPM软件包,这些命令在日常系统管理和故障排查中非常实用。以下是对这些命令的详细解释: 1. **netstat**:网络状态工具,用于查看网络连接、路由表、接口统计...
#### 一、RPM包简介 RPM(Red Hat Package Manager)是一种广泛应用于Linux发行版中的软件包管理工具,主要用于安装、卸载、升级和查询软件包。RPM最初由Red Hat开发,但随着时间的发展,它已经被包括OpenLinux、...
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由官方deb包转rpm, 安装命令 sudo rpm -ivh netease-cloud-music-1.0.0-2.x86_64.rpm 请根据依赖提示自行安装依赖,或用命令sudo yum localinstall netease-cloud-music-1.0.0-2.x86_64.rpm 安装,无法自动安装依赖...
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在描述中,我们看到"新建一个文件夹,上传资源",这可能意味着你需要先下载`unzip`的RPM包到你的Linux机器上,并将其放在一个新创建的文件夹内。一旦RPM包位于指定目录下,你可以运行上述命令来安装`unzip`。 `bzip...
### Linux RPM包命令详解 在Linux环境中,RPM(Red Hat Package Manager)是管理软件包的一种强大工具。它被广泛应用于Red Hat、Fedora、CentOS等基于RPM的发行版中。通过RPM,用户可以轻松地安装、卸载、升级、...
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在本压缩包中,你将找到与Linux下使用TFTP进行文件传输、安装RPM包以及处理源代码相关的资源。 首先,让我们了解如何在Linux上设置和使用TFTP服务器。要启用TFTP服务,你需要安装tftp-server软件包,这通常可以通过...
- 使用`rpm`命令安装JDK 1.8的RPM包,例如`sudo rpm -ivh jdk-8u131-linux-x64.rpm`。这会自动处理依赖关系并安装JDK。 - 安装完成后,设置环境变量。在`/etc/profile.d/`目录下创建一个名为`jdk.sh`的脚本,添加...
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