





. CRS 的组成

. CRSCTL命令的用法举例

. Start/Stop RAC Instance


1. How the crs related services startup when OS startup or reboot:

OS: Linux

From the directory (/etc/init.d), There are four executable shell scripts:
init.crs (Combination of all services' start)
init.crsd (crs daemon)
init.cssd (cluster synchronization service)
init.evmd (event manager)

Note: /etc/init.d/init.crs start is not supported until
/etc/init.d/init.crs stop is supported since

2. How to start/stop crs related services ?

From the directory: $CRS_HOME/bin, there are several executable shell scripts (Start with crs_):

crsctl (Combination of all crs conctrl command)
crsd (crs daemon)
crs_getperm (Get parameter)
crs_register (Register targets on the host)

crs_unregister (Unregister targets on the host)

Maybe this command is useful when you want to remove error register information which has been detected by CRS.

#list all listener of cluster env
crs_stat |grep lsnr

# resource_name comes from: crs_stat |grep name
crs_unregister resource_name -q

crs_relocate (Relocate targets on the host)

3. Detailed usage

3.1 crsctl

Note: There are some relationship between CSS,CRS,EVM services.Bouncing CRS service will start CRS resources first, then bounce CSS and EVM service automatically;

Shutting down CRS service will stop CRS resources only, It doesn't affect other related services(CSS,EVM)

If user wanna shutdown CSS service, CRS, EVM service will be stopped as well;

If user wanna shutdown CRS or CSS service, EVM service will be stopped as well;

So, In order to eliminate the dependency of these services, we'd better use command line tool "crsctl" to bounce crs service. Issue the command "crsctl" and it will list all available commands:

crsctl check crs - checks the viability of the CRS stack
crsctl check cssd - checks the viability of CSS
crsctl check crsd - checks the viability of CRS
crsctl check evmd - checks the viability of EVM
crsctl set css <parameter> <value> - sets a parameter override
crsctl get css <parameter> - gets the value of a CSS parameter
crsctl unset css <parameter> - sets CSS parameter to its default

crsctl query css votedisk - lists the voting disks used by CSS
crsctl add css votedisk <path> - adds a new voting disk
crsctl delete css votedisk <path> - removes a voting disk
crsctl enable crs - enables startup for all CRS daemons
crsctl disable crs - disables startup for all CRS daemons
crsctl start crs - starts all CRS daemons.
crsctl stop crs - stops all CRS daemons. Stops CRS resources in case of cluster.

Note: Since 10.2, User can choose either "init.crs start/stop" or "crsctl start/stop crs" to start/stop all CRS daemons.

crsctl start resources - starts CRS resources.
crsctl stop resources - stops CRS resources.

crsctl debug statedump evm - dumps state info for evm objects
crsctl debug statedump crs - dumps state info for crs objects
crsctl debug statedump css - dumps state info for css objects
crsctl debug log css [module:level]{,module:level} ...
- Turns on debugging for CSS
crsctl debug trace css - dumps CSS in-memory tracing cache
crsctl debug log crs [module:level]{,module:level} ...
- Turns on debugging for CRS
crsctl debug trace crs - dumps CRS in-memory tracing cache
crsctl debug log evm [module:level]{,module:level} ...
- Turns on debugging for EVM
crsctl debug trace evm - dumps EVM in-memory tracing cache
crsctl debug log res <resname:level> turns on debugging for resources

crsctl query crs softwareversion [<nodename>]
- lists the version of CRS software installed

crsctl query crs activeversion
- lists the CRS software operating version

crsctl lsmodules css
- lists the CSS modules that can be used for debugging

crsctl lsmodules crs
- lists the CRS modules that can be used for debugging

crsctl lsmodules evm
- lists the EVM modules that can be used for debugging

If necesary any of these commands can be run with additional tracing by adding a "trace" argument at the very front.
Example: crsctl trace check css

3.2 Startup/shutdown steps

In windows, the correct startup/shutdown steps is:

1. Shutdown db console service if it's running
2. Shutdown OraService<sid> via "control panel" ->"services"
3. srvctl stop instance -d <db_name> -i <instance_name>
4. srvctl stop asm -n <node_name> if using asm
5. srvctl stop nodeapps -n <node_name>
6. Shutdown crs service via "control panel" ->"services"

1. Startup crs service via "control panel" ->"services"
2. srvctl start nodeapps -n <node_name>
3. srvctl start asm -n <node_name> if using asm
4. srvctl start instance -d <db_name> -i <instance_name>
5. Startup OraService<sid> via "control panel" ->"services"
6. Startup db console service if it's running

In Linux, almost all steps are same except how to startup/shutdown crs service. You can execute "/etc/init.d/init.crs stop/start" or issue "crsctl start/stop crs" to bounce or shutdown crs service.




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