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oracle的timestamp类型使用 -
oracle的timestamp类型使用 -
oracle的timestamp类型使用 -
oracle中查看用户权限 -
5、MapResourceManager控件中添加了两个服务, ...
北京ArcGis Server应用基础培训笔记1
ArcGIS Server APIs
1)XML-structured 语言。
2)对server objects和server object extensions可用。
3)设计用作stateless 交互。
4)Catalog 请求由IServerCatalogAdmin 接口处理。
5)Service 请求由IRequestHandler 接口处理。
1)远程与GIS Server上的ArcObjects 交互。
2)使用客户端的Primary Interop Assemblies (PIA) 和object libraries。
3)通过SOM访问获得ArcGIS Server services。
4)设计用作stateless 和stateful 交互。
ArcGIS Server MapResource 类型
A、MapResourceInternet – 连接到Web service endpoint
B、MapResourceLocal – 连接到Server Object Manager
ArcGIS Server Internet: SOAP编程
MapServerProxy, 访问value objects
3)使用pooled objects
Dim mapRes as ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.DataSources.ArcGISServer.MapResourceInternet
mapRes = gisFunc.Resource
Dim mapsProxy as ArcGISServer.MapServerProxy = mapRes.MapServerProxy
Dim mapInfo as ArcGISServer.MapServerInfo =
Dim mapDesc as ArcGISServer.MapDescription = mapInfo.DefaultMapDescription
Dim mLayerInfo as ArcGIServer.MapLayerInfo()
mLayerInfo = mapRes.MapServerInfo.MapLayerInfos
Dim layerDescs as ArcGISServer.LayerDescription()
layerDescs = mapDesc.LayerDescriptions
ArcGIS Server Local: ArcObjects 编程
MapServer > IMapServer (COM) >IMapServerObjects (COM)
Dim mapFunc as IMapFunctionality = Map1.GetFunctionality(0)
Dim ags_mr as ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.DataSources.ArcGISServer.MapResourceLocal
ags_mr =
' Access the ArcObjects COM ServerObject directly
Dim mapServer as ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto. IMapServer = CType(ags_mr.MapServer,IMapServer)
Dim mapServerObjs as ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.IMapServerObjects
mapServerObjs = CType(mapServer,IMapServerObjects)
Dim map as ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.IMap = mapServerObjs.Map
' Now perform more ArcObjects operations
Dim featClass as IFeatureClass = CType(map.Layers(0)).FeatureClass,
深入ArcGIS Server Local API
ArcObjects 远程编程
3)不需要release servercontext
Dim ags_mr as ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.DataSources.ArcGISServer.MapResourceLocal
ags_mr =
' Create a new ArcObjects COM objects
Dim context as ESRI.ArcGIS.Server.IServerContext = ags_mr.ServerContextInfo.ServerContext
Dim pnt as ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint = context.CreateObject("esriGeometry.Point")
pnt.X = 60
pnt.Y = 100
Dim topo as ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.ITopologicalOperator = CType(pnt, Itopological)
--首先建立连接 Identity identity = new Identity("username", "pwd", "domain"); AGSServerConnection connection = new AGSServerConnection("fmc-pca187", identity); connection.Connect(); --获得服务器对象 IServerObjectManager m_pSOM = connection. ServerObjectManager ; IServerContext m_pServerContext = m_pSOM. CreateServerContext (" testMap" , "MapServer" ) ; IMapServer pMapServer = m_pServerContext . ServerObject as IMapServer ; --使用服务器对象 IMapServerObject s pMapServerObject s = ( IMapServerObject s) pMapServer ; IMap pMap = pMapServerObject s. get_Map (pMapServer .DefaultMapName) ; IFeatureLayer p FLayer = ( IFeatureLayer) pMap. get_Layer(0) ; IFeatureClass p FeatureClass = p FLayer . FeatureClass ; int i = p FeatureClass. FeatureCount (null) ; --释放服务器对象 m_pServerContext . ReleaseContext () ;
2008-09-19 10:46 5020这段时间在做FileGDB的要素编辑,以前做过shp的编辑,以 ... -
2008-09-18 17:07 4183功能:远程web上传shp文件,然后添加到指定的SDE已经存在 ... -
2008-09-16 16:04 7925功能:功能实现了现在网络流行的定位后在地图上画一个图标,点击图 ... -
Arcgis Server发布WMS服务时URL样式
2008-09-08 15:50 6902http:// ... -
2008-09-02 17:20 2584为了处理adf中关于Maptips的各种棘手问题,我前段时间没 ... -
ArcGIS Server概述
2008-09-02 16:32 31521、概述 ArcGIS Server——基于AO的对象服务器, ... -
Data source-specific APIs 编程中的常用概念
2008-08-06 15:23 1618首先介绍几个概念: Server Objects 一个服务器对 ... -
Web ADF编程
2008-08-06 14:11 2009通用步骤:1. 从Web controls 开始2. 访问re ... -
北京ArcGis Server应用基础培训笔记2
2008-08-04 17:43 311017、ArcGIS Server Internet连接方式和A ... -
北京ArcGis Server应用基础培训笔记1
2008-08-04 14:25 36891 用户名问题在GIS Server PostInstall过 ... -
北京ArcGis Server开发培训例子(整理)
2008-08-01 16:07 9864前段时间到北京去参加了ArcGis Server应用开发的培训 ... -
Arcgis Server常用类库分类
2008-07-29 11:34 2841Web controls----ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF ... -
北京ArcGis Server开发培训笔记
2008-07-28 15:57 29831、以local方式连接arcgis server 时需要设置 ... -
如何采用Local方式连接到ArcGIS Server
2008-06-20 22:05 3006在使用ArcGIS Server ArcObjects API ... -
ArcGISServer 开发问题集
2008-06-13 08:35 2445Map resource "MapResou ... -
ArcGIS Server几个基本概念
2008-06-12 17:06 31601 gis server 简单的说,gis ... -
ArcGIS Server开发调试中经常遇到的问题
2008-06-10 13:21 2980在对.net开发ArcGIS Server 的web 应用程序 ... -
ArcGIS Server开发——控制图层是否可见
2008-06-10 13:18 2397当需要控制图层的可见性时,可以使用 IMapDescripti ... -
在ArcGIS Server中不能直接用New来创建ArcObjects对象,而应该用serverC
2008-06-10 13:15 20311 web应用调用的是远程的AO组件,这些AO对象都运行在服务 ...
3. **Web ADF/Common Data Source API->Data Source Specific APIs** **页面ADF框架普通数据源API调用数据源具体API** 在这一级别,开发者可以直接调用特定数据源的API,进一步增强应用程序的功能和性能。例如,...
Secure Coding Frameworks (APIs) Manual Code Review Independent Code Review and Testing (by Experts or Third Parties) Static Analysis Risk Assessment Methodology Integration of SDL with SDLC ...
When using the EDSDK libraries, you must call this API once before using EDSDK APIs. Parameters: In: None Out: None Returns: Returns EDS_ERR_OK if successful. In other cases, see EDSDKError....
ArcGIS Engine包含丰富的控件和API,但需要授权,而data source specific APIs则无需授权即可在桌面环境中直接编程使用。 4. **移动应用开发**:针对特定移动设备,如PocketPC,开发者可以利用Mobile ADF,这是为...
event.dataTransfer.setData("arbitrary", "data"); }); // On the target element: const targetElement = document.querySelector('.target'); targetElement.addEventListener('dragover', function(event) { ...
- **Server Resources:** Resources like data sources, JMS destinations, and mail sessions can be managed within Geronimo. - **Server Management & Deployment:** Geronimo provides tools for managing and ...
- **data source specific developer APIs**:可在桌面应用中直接编程使用,无需授权。 5. **移动应用开发** Mobile ADF是为移动设备如PocketPC设计的开发框架,通过途径4利用ArcGIS Server Web services和SOAP ...
It provides a rich set of high-level APIs for handling data, performing operations, and managing system resources. The framework includes classes, protocols, and other components that developers can ...
Selenium WebDriver is an open source automation tool implemented through a browser-specific driver, which sends commands to a browser and retrieves results. The latest version of Selenium 3 brings ...
- **ODBC Configuration**: Requires configuring the ODBC driver and establishing a DSN (Data Source Name). - **JDBC Configuration**: - **Configuring the JDBC Port**: Specifies the port used for JDBC ...
This library contains functions and APIs designed to interact with the hardware and operating system of CipherLab portable terminals. - **System**: - **General**: Covers basic system functions such...
print("%(timestamp)s %(author)s: %(text)s" % hit["_source"]) ``` #### Features (Page 9) The `elasticsearch-py` library offers several advanced features that enhance its functionality: ##### ...
- **Native device API access:** Access native device features like camera, accelerometer, and geolocation through JavaScript APIs. - **Performance optimization:** Improved performance through ...
Google-Specific Magic Smart Pointers cpplint Other C++ Features Reference Arguments Function Overloading Default Arguments Variable-Length Arrays and alloca() Friends Exceptions Run-Time Type ...
Its unique architecture allows the lean reporting engine to quickly read records from the data source and immediately render them to the output device. The simplicity of the design allows the data to...
Its unique architecture allows the lean reporting engine to quickly read records from the data source and immediately render them to the output device. The simplicity of the design allows the data to...
Its unique architecture allows the lean reporting engine to quickly read records from the data source and immediately render them to the output device. The simplicity of the design allows the data to...