So far we have briefly covered both WSDL import and include and schema import and include. The following table summarizes the similarities and differences between the WSDL 2.0 and XML Schema include
and import
mechanisms. We will talk a lot more about importing mechanisms in 3.1 Importing WSDL and 3.2 Importing Schemas
Table 2-1. Summary of Import and Include Mechanisms
Visibility of Schema Components
wsdl:import |
WSDL 2.0 Namespace |
Declare that WSDL 2.0 components refer to WSDL 2.0 components from a DIFFERENT targetNamespace. |
XML Schema Components in the imported Description component are NOT visible to the containing description . |
wsdl:include |
WSDL 2.0 Document |
Merge Interface, Binding and Service components from another WSDL 2.0 document that has the SAME targetNamespace. |
XML Schema components in the included Description component's {element declarations} and {type definitions} properties are visible to the containing description . |
wsdl:types/ xs:import |
XML Schema Namespace |
Declare that XML Schema components refer to XML Schema components from a DIFFERENT targetNamespace. |
XML Schema components in the imported namespace are visible to the containing description . |
wsdl:types/ xs:schema/xs:import |
XML Schema Namespace |
Declare that XML Schema components refer to XML Schema components from a DIFFERENT targetNamespace. |
XML Schema components in the imported namespace are NOT visible to the containing description . |
wsdl:types/ xs:schema/xs:include |
XML Schema Document |
Merge XML Schema components from another XML Schema document that has the SAME or NO targetNamespace. |
XML Schema components in the included document are visible to the containing description . |
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