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.NET Application contorls identified as WinOBject instead of SwfObjects

  • QTP
1. See if there is a patch that can help you – There are a lot of patches available for QTP. For eg: you’ll have to use the QTP_00699 for a 64 bit machine, QTPNET_00120 for WPF (.NET). Refer http://support.openview.hp.com/selfsolve/patches for more (you’ll need an HP ID for this)

2. this is most likely .Net addin installation problem . A Repair Should HElp  you .
Go to Tools > .Net windows form Spy   
Spy the dot net form spy on your application

Click OK here .If you are Getting error Before Reaching the below form then .Net addin is not properly Installed . You can go to QTP exe and Perform Repair.

3. Ensure that WPF addin is not loaded If your Application is a .NET application.

If WPF add-in is also loaded with .NET add-in , .NET add-in does not seem to work.

4. make sure you have selected record and run settings for any open windows based application.

It does Affect your SWf object identification
If in record and run settings you specify other application path without giving reference to your .NET object
Object spy takes that as WinObject instead of SWfobject

Yes Ideally it should  not be the case but it happens !!!
Please check with standard .NET object application  given by HP ( a very small standard windows .NET form )
(application is attached with rar file )


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