Given two strings a = a0a1...ap and b =, where each ai and each bj is in some ordered set of characters, we say that string a is lexicographically less than string b if either
there exists an integer j, where 0 ≤ j ≤ min(p, q), such that ai = bi for all i = 0, 1, ..., j - 1 and aj < bj, or
p < q and ai = bi for all i = 0, 1, ..., p.
For example, if a and b are bit strings, then 10100 < 10110 by rule 1 (letting j = 3) and 10100 < 101000 by rule 2. This is similar to the ordering used in English-language dictionaries.
The radix tree data structure shown in Figure 12.5 stores the bit strings 1011, 10, 011, 100, and 0. When searching for a key a = a0a1...ap, we go left at a node of depth i if ai = 0 and right if ai = 1. Let S be a set of distinct binary strings whose lengths sum to n. Show how to use a radix tree to sort S lexicographically in Θ(n) time. For the example in Figure 12.5, the output of the sort should be the sequence 0, 011, 10, 100, 1011.
Figure 12.5: A radix tree storing the bit strings 1011, 10, 011, 100, and 0. Each node's key can be determined by traversing the path from the root to that node. There is no need, therefore, to store the keys in the nodes; the keys are shown here for illustrative purposes only. Nodes are heavily shaded if the keys corresponding to them are not in the tree; such nodes are present only to establish a path to other nodes.
证明:令T(n)为对一个n个结点的树执行一次中序遍历的代价,对空树T(0)=C,C为某个正常数。利用substitution方法,假设T(n)=(c+d)n + c
T(n)=T(K) + T(n - k - 1) + d //左树K个结点,右树n - k - 1个结点
T(n)=((c + d)k + c) + ((c + d)(n - k - 1) + c) + d //归纳假设
T(n)=(c + d)n + c
### 知识点解析 #### 一、教材背景与作者介绍 《算法导论》(*Introduction to Algorithms*)是...通过以上对《算法导论》课后习题与思考题答案合集的解析,希望能帮助读者更好地理解和掌握这些重要的算法概念与技术。
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### 知识点总结 #### 1....以上知识点涵盖了算法导论的核心内容,包括基本概念、设计技巧和具体算法实例。这些知识点不仅是学习算法的基础,也是计算机科学专业学生和技术从业者必须掌握的重要技能。
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- 示例:`num.toString(radix);` - **`parseInt()`** - 用途:解析一个字符串,并返回一个整数。 - 参数:接受一个字符串和一个可选的基数。 - 示例: - `parseInt("3blindmice");` 返回 `3` - `parseInt("0...
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开源项目,This drop-in replacement for sort.Strings can be twice as fast in some settings.
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2. **树类初始化**:创建RadixTree类,初始化根节点为null。还可以添加一些属性,如节点计数器,用于跟踪树的大小。 3. **插入操作**:插入一个键时,从根节点开始,逐位比较键的字符。如果当前节点没有对应字符的...