Exercises 14.2-4: ⋆
Let * be an associative binary operator, and let a be a field maintained in each node of a red-black tree. Suppose that we want to include in each node x an additional field f such that f[x] = a[x1] * a[x2] * ··· * a[xm], where x1, x2,..., xm is the inorder listing of nodes in the subtree rooted at x. Show that the f fields can be properly updated in O(1) time after a rotation. Modify your argument slightly to show that the size fields in order-statistic trees can be maintained in O(1) time per rotation.
1)容易得到不变式 f(x) = f(left[x])*a[x]*f(right[x])]
3)对于求B的f域, f(B) = f(b)*a[B]*f(r)
4)求A的f域f(A) = f(a)*a[A]*f(B)
/ \ -->/ \
A ra B
a b b r
中文名: 算法导论 原名: Introduction to Algorithms 作者: Thomas H. Cormen Ronald L. Rivest Charles E. Leiserson Clifford Stein 资源格式: PDF 版本: 文字版 出版社: The MIT Press书号: 978-0262033848发行...
Exercises 1-4.zip
4. **Hexadecimal Output** - **Objective:** Convert an integer to its hexadecimal representation. - **Key Concepts:** - Using the `hex()` built-in function. - Understanding hexadecimal number ...
麻省理工算法导论 Table of Contents Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition Preface Part I - Foundations Chapter 1 - The Role of Algorithms in Computing Chapter 2 - Getting Started ...
Reading: Chapters 1–4, excluding §4.4; §28.2; §30.1. Both exercises and problems should be solved, but only the problems should be turned in. Exercises are intended to help you master the course ...
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其中,“Solutions to selected exercises and problems”部分则是对书中习题的解答,对于读者理解和掌握算法至关重要。 在学习算法的过程中,解决书中的习题是提升能力的关键环节。这本书涵盖了排序、搜索、图算法...
算法导论 CLRS Mit Press - Introduction To Algorithms 2Nd Edition Incl Exercises Edition.chm
注:下载后,评价时给5星,还你11分 Table of Contents Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition Preface Part I - Foundations Chapter 1 - The Role of Algorithms in Computing ... List of Exercises
《算法导论》是计算机科学领域的一本经典著作,它深入浅出地介绍了各种重要的算法,并提供了详尽的分析和实现。这本书对于学习算法、提升编程能力以及理解复杂度分析至关重要。"Solutions to selected exercises and...
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