Path-Dependent Option
Whereas the value of a traditional option depends only on the price of the underlying on the day of exercise or expiration, the value of a path-dependent option depends partly or exclusively on the price pattern the underlying follows in reaching exercise or expiration. Asian (average price or rate) options, look- back options, and barrier options are all examples of path-dependent options. If early exercise could be appropriate for an American option under certain circumstances, that option is also path dependent in a sense. See Average Price or Rate Option (APO, ARO) (diagrams), Exploding Option, In Option, Lookback Option, Out Option, Reset Option or Warrant (diagram).
### Argument-dependent Name Lookup (ADL) 参数依赖查找 在C++编程语言中,参数依赖查找(Argument-dependent lookup,简称ADL)或者称为参数依赖名称查找,是用于查找未限定名称函数的一种机制,其查找过程依赖于...
本文研究了网络化感知与控制系统(Networked Sensing and Control System, NSCS)的时间依赖动力学问题。NSCS是一种结合了网络化传感器与控制及执行单元的系统,用于控制物理环境。为了有效地利用感知信号与控制信号...
"" 提供了一个基于 jQuery 的插件,专门用于实现这种功能,尤其适用于需要根据上一级选择动态更新下一级选项的情况,如地区选择、产品分类等。下面将详细探讨这个插件的工作原理、使用方法...
Interactive Learning from Policy-Dependent Human Feedback Interactive Learning from Policy-Dependent Human Feedback 是一篇关于人工智能、机器学习和增强学习的学术论文。该论文探讨了人工智能从人类教师...
long range dependent alaysis long range dependent alaysis
针对这一问题,研究者提出了基于目标相关单元的家用服务机器人多模态语言理解模型——Target-dependent UNITER。这个模型旨在解决DSR在理解如“拿起有红色条纹的塑料瓶并放入左上角的盒子”等物体获取指令时的困难。...
Our method is an important work as it establishes a new way that can reduce the conservatism and the computational efforts at the same time. The delay-dependent stabilization conditions obtained in ...
Doubly periodic solutions of a nonlinear wave equation with x-dependent coefficients,冀书关,,This paper is concerned with the doubly periodic solutions of the nonlinear wave equation with -...
A data-dependent process (DDP) models an application who- se control flow is guided by a finite state machine, as well as by the state of an underlying database. DDPs are com- monly found e.g., in e-...
Optimal control of the nonlinear one dimensional periodic wave equation with x-dependent coefficients,李恒燕,冀书关,This paper is concerned with an optimal control problem governed by the nonlinear...
ExtremeLearningMachine资源共享-New-delay-variation-dependent-stability-for-neural-networks-_2013_Neurocompu.pdf 小弟准备学习ELM,才收集到一些相关资料,发现论坛中并无相关资料,因此把自己手头上收集到...
ExtremeLearningMachine资源共享-New-delay-dependent-stability-criteria-for-uncertain-stochastic_2013_Neuroco.pdf 小弟准备学习ELM,才收集到一些相关资料,发现论坛中并无相关资料,因此把自己手头上收集到...
本研究涉及的是一篇关于中国对虾中发现的谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(Se-GPx)和谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(GSTs)的研究论文。研究者们从中国对虾Fenneropenaeus chinensis中克隆出了两个不同亚型的GST基因和一个硒半胱氨酸...