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who touched the bureau master’s wife(谁摸了局长的老婆)


局长的老婆是一朵花,大家都知道,那是三十年前的事了。Everyone knows that the bureau master’s wife was once pretty a beauty. She used to be a well-known flower thirty years before. 

局长的秘书也是一朵花,大家也都知道,是如今刚刚调来的。Everyone knows that the bureau master’s new secretary is also a flower. She is transferred here recently. 

近日爆出一件特大新闻,局长的老婆被人偷偷摸了一把。这件事着实让人吃惊,而且据说是在局长的眼皮下摸的,事态就变得严重了。There is a big news that the bureau master’s wife was molested by somebody lately. It shocks the around because it is said that the scandal happened by the attendance of the master. It is too bad.

出事那晚,王老板请局长一班人喝酒,局长的老婆和秘书都去了。席间大家喝的正尽兴时,忽然停了电。The event happened at the night when local buckra Mr. Wang invited the bureau master and his fellows to take a big meal. The master took his wife and his secretary together to the banquet.

在这一片漆黑之际,就听到局长的老婆大喊:流氓啊…….” When they were drinking at high moment the electricity was cut off. In the darkness, the master’s wife cried out loudly: ah…….  
大家正乱做一团,也不知究竞发生了什么事。All the attendance were in confusion when the power off and none knew what happened.

在电来了以后,局长的老婆就哭哭啼啼地说:有人趁黑用手摸了我的大腿。”Later the electricity was on and the master’s wife cried and said: “someone felt me onto my leg just now”. 

岂有此理,一定要查清!一起吃饭的副局长老李当即表态。要摸也要看对象,看时候,看场合嘛。这种做法不是太岁头上动土,严重损害了领导的威信吗?”“How unreasonable, we must find the dirty hand”, said the vice master lee. “If you want to touch a lady you should ensure yourself doing that at the right time in the right place towards the right goal”. He motioned: “What happens just now is unforgivable, it is the sort of holding the tiger’s tail and it deeply hurts our bureau master’s authority”.

这时的局长不知是气是怒,只呆坐着却一直不语,而局长老婆把工会老周叫到一边开始询问情况。Nobody knew whether the master was angry or offended, he sit there in silence. The chairman of the union investigated the master’s wife some related detail questions nearby.

一起吃饭的几个人,最可疑的是副局长老李和办公室的小孟。Of all the attendant, vice master lee and office boy little Meng were the suspects.据她回忆,老李和局长当年是情敌,曾经追过局长老婆,会不会刚才触景生情,有此举动?She recalled that Mr. lee was the master’s rival in love. Lee pursued her when she was young. Maybe it was he who touched her just now in the darkness after some drunk?

小孟,虽然年龄小,才20多岁,可近几年,自从局长上任后,隔三差五的往局长家跑,还经常夸局长老婆皮肤白,有气质,时不时还送些化妆品,局长自己就从来不买的。会不会是他也日久生情了? Little Meng was about 20. He always went to her house after the master took the new office.He praised her white skin and elegant appearance and sent her cosmetic occasionally. And the master never bought any cosmetic for her. Did the silly boy go too far away?

局长的老婆经过分析后,情绪好转了不少,心想:如果真是他们,也就算了吧。人哪能不犯几次错误呢?算了,还是别计较了,我也不想多去追究了。After the deep analysis, she become calm and tolerance. She told herself to give them a pardon if either of them did that. Nobody would not make any mistake. She didn’t want to look into the matter.

晚上回到家中,局长老婆忽然对局长说:想占我便宜,没想到被我把他的戒指给抠下来了。来咱们看看这戒指。” After back home, the master’s wife said to the master: “He wanted to take advantage of me, but he failed and I kicked up his ring. Let’s have a look.”

局长却说:这是我的戒指,你怎么一点浪漫也不懂? ”Shouted the master: “The ring is mine. Why don’t you have any romantic?”

第二天上班的时候,局长严厉地批评了秘书:娇娇,昨晚吃饭时,谁让你和我老婆换位置的?……………..” The day after that night, at work time the master criticized his secretary seriously: Jiaojiao, why did you change your seat with my wife last night?”



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