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android Supporting multiple screen翻译(二)


How Android supports multiple screens

Using the alternative resources framework使用可选资源框架

The platform's support for loading screen size- and density-specific resources at run time is based on the alternative resources framework.

If you want to use size- or density-specific layouts or drawables in your application and you are not familiar with resource qualifiers or how the platform uses them, please read Alternative Resources.


如果你想要使用尺寸或者特定密度布局或者是可利用的应用程序,如果你不熟悉资源限定符或者是如何在平台上使用它们,请阅读Alternative Resources.

The foundation of Android's support for multiple screens is a set of built-in compatibility features that together manage the rendering of application resources in an appropriate way for the current device screen. The platform handles most of the work of rendering your application, but also gives you two key ways to control how your application is displayed, if you need or want to use them:


The platform supports a set of resource qualifiers that let you provide size- and density-specific resources, if needed. The qualifiers for size-specific resources are large, normal, and small, and those for density-specific resources are hdpi (high), mdpi (medium), and ldpi (low). The qualifiers correspond to the generalized densities given in Table 1, above.

。该平台支持一组让你提供尺寸和特定密度的资源限定符,如果需要,对特定资源的限定分为largenormalsmall,对特定密度资源的限定分为hdpihigh),mdpi (medium), and ldpi (low),特定密度的限制符在上表1中已给出。

The platform also provides a <supports-screens> manifest element, whose attributes android:largeScreens, android:normalScreens, and android:smallScreens let you specify what generalized screen sizes your application supports. A fourth attribute, android:anyDensity, lets you indicate whether or not your application includes built-in support for multiple densities.

该平台也提供一个manifest元素<supports-screens>,它的属性android:largeScreens, android:normalScreens, android:smallScreens可以让你指定你的应用程序中所支持的屏幕尺寸,第四个属性android:anyDensity可以指明你的程序是否包含对多重密度的嵌入支持。

At run time, the platform provides three types of support to your application, to ensure the best possible display on the current device screen:


1、 Pre-scaling of resources (such as image assets)

Based on the density of the current screen, the platform automatically loads any size- or density-specific resources from your application and displays them without scaling. If no matching resources are available, the platform loads the default resources and scales them up or down as needed to match the current screen's generalized density. The platform assumes that default resources are designed for proper display at the baseline screen density of "medium" (160), unless they are loaded from a density-specific resource directory.

For example, if the current screen's density is "high", the platform loads resources that are tagged with the qualifier hdpi and uses them without scaling. If no such resources are available, the platform uses the default resources instead, scaling them from the baseline density ("medium") to "high".

For more information about how to create size- and density-specific resources, see Resource qualifiers.



2Auto-scaling of pixel dimensions and coordinates

If the application states that it does not support different screen densities, the platform auto-scales any absolute pixel coordinates, pixel dimension values, and pixel math used in the application (such as might be used for specifying the width or padding for a view). It does this to ensure that pixel-defined screen elements are displayed at approximately the same physical size as they would be at the baseline density of "medium" (160). The platform handles this scaling transparently to the application and also reports scaled overall pixel dimensions to the application, rather than physical pixel dimensions.

For instance, suppose a given device is using a WVGA high-denisty screen, which is 480x800 and about the same size as a traditional HVGA screen, but it's running an app that states that it does not support multiple densities.

In this case, the system will "lie" to the application when it queries for screen dimensions, and report 320x533.

Then, when the app does drawing operations, such as invalidating the rectangle from (10,10) to (100, 100), the system will likewise automatically transform the coordinates by scaling them the appropriate amount, and actually invalidate the region (15,15) to (150, 150). The same thing happens in the other direction, if the application is running on a lower-density screen, coordinates are scaled down.

For more information, see the android:anyDensity attribute in Manifest attributes for screens support.




然后,当app做绘图操作时,比如说让矩形从(10,10)到(100,100)变化,同样地,系统将会通过缩放它们到接近的数据来自动改变坐标,实际上,改变反问式从(15,15) (150, 150),其他的方向也会发生相同的事情,如果应用程序运行在一个低密度的屏幕中,坐标会按比例缩放。

Publishing to Small Screen Devices

To ensure the best experience for users on small-screen devices, Android Market only shows applications that explicitly declare support for small screens. If you developed an application on Android 1.5 or earlier and published it on Android Market, you need to test your application on small screens and then upload an updated version that explicitly indicates support for small screens.

为了确保给用户在小屏幕设备中以最佳的体检,android市场唯一展示了改应用程序是明确的支持小屏幕的。如果你在anroid1.5或者是更早的版本上开发,并且把它发布在android market,你需要在小屏幕上测试你的程序,并且在更新的版本上去装载它,以验证它是否支持小屏幕。

3、Compatibility-mode display on larger screen-sizes

If the current screen's size is larger than your application supports, as specified in the supports-screens element, the platform displays the application at the baseline size ("normal") and density ("medium). For screens larger than baseline, the platform displays the application in a baseline-sized portion of the overall screen, against a black background.


For instance, suppose a given device is using a WVGA medium density screen, classified as a "large" screen, but the application states that it does not support large screens; in this case, the system will again "lie" to the application when it queries for screen dimensions, and report 320x480. Instead of scaling the application, however, the application's 320x480 interface will be placed as a "postage stamp" in the larger 480x800 screen.For more information, see the android:anyDensity attribute in Manifest elements for screens support and the Screen-Compatibility Examples section.


In general, these compatibility features ensure that all applications, including those written against Android 1.5 and earlier platform versions, can display properly on most devices, especially when the device's screen is at the baseline "normal" size or larger.


However, note that applications written for the baseline screen may need minor adjustments before they display properly on smaller screens such as QVGA. With the reduced screen area of small screens, there may be tradeoffs in design, content, and function that you, as the application developer, need to consider. For more information about how to prepare an existing application for display on small screens, see Strategies for Legacy Applications.

但是请注意,在它在诸如QVGA的小屏幕上合适的显示之前,应用程序对基线屏幕的书写需要一些小调整,随着小屏幕的屏幕面积减少,作为应用程序的开发者,有可能在设计、内容、函数上需要考虑调整,The sections below provide more information how to take advantage of the platform's multiple-screens support.




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