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Building and Running Example Applications from the Command Line

Building and running an example application in the emulator from a command line session consists of four basic steps:


* Check the current SDK device 检查当前SDK设备
*Create the abld.bat file 创建abld.bat文件
* Create the build files and build the application 创建构建文件并构建应用程序
* Launch the application in the emulator 在模拟器中启动应用程序

Building and Running Example Applications from the Command Line
Check the current SDK device


Before starting to build an example application, you need to ensure that the S60 SDK device points to the device that the application in question is intended to run on. In other words, you need to make sure that the appropriate SDK installation is set as default.

To check the device, perform the following steps:

在开始构建一个示例程序之前,你必须确保S60 SDK设备指向的设备是准备在上面运行的目标设备。换言之,你必须确保让适当的SDK设置作为默认值。检查设备,按如下步骤来完成:

1.Open the command prompt and enter the following command and press enter:




This command displays all Symbian SDK installations available to you, for example:

这个命令显示出你可用的所有的Symbian SDK设备,例如:

S60_3rd_MR:com.nokia.S60 - default

In the above, you can see that in this case the S60_3rd_FP1.nokia.S60 is the default (active) SDK (that is, the S60 3rd Edition SDK for Symbian OS Maintenance Release). To switch between devices, use the -setdefault option of the devices command. Enter this commannd to switch to the S60 3rd Edition SDK for Symbian OS, Supporting Feature Pack 1:

C:\devices -setdefault @S60_3rd_FP1:com.nokia.S60

在上面,你可以看到既然这样 S60_3rd_FP1.nokia.S60 是默认的(激活的)SDK.为了在设备之间交换,可以使用devices命令的-setdefault 选项.输入这个命令去改变S60 3rd Edition SDK for Symbian OS,支持Feature Pack 1:

C:\devices -setdefault @S60_3rd_FP1:com.nokia.S60

Note: @ is part of the command.


For more information, please, refer to SDK Help > Symbian Developer Library > How to Manage development for multiple device types for more information.

要得到更多的信息,请根据如下路径 SDK Help > Symbian Developer Library > How to Manage development for multiple device types 以得到更多信息。

Building and Running Example Applications from the Command Line

Create the abld.bat file

Once you have checked that the current SDK is the default SDK, you need to create an abld.bat file. The abld.bat file is a batch file that controls the build process. The abld.bat file is generated from the bld.inf component description file.


To create the abld.bat file, perform the following steps:


1. Open the command prompt and go to the application top-level folder. 打开命令行,打到应用的最高文件夹。

For example, <S60_SDK_installation_directory>\S60Ex\helloworldbasic .例如:<s60_SDK的安装路径>\S60Ex\helloworldbasic.


In the application top-level folder, locate the group subdirectory which contains the bld.inf file.在应用程序的最高级的文件夹里,在group的子目录下包含着bld.inf的文件。

For example, <S60_SDK_installation_directory>\S60Ex\helloworldbasic\group\,例如, <S60_SDK_installation_directory>\S60Ex\helloworldbasic\group\

1.Enter the following command and press enter: 输入如下命令并回车:

bldmake bldfiles

This will create the abld.bat file in the current directory, making the abld command available for use.

In the following, you will use the command in creating build files and building the Hello World Basic example application. To find more information on other commands and switches, enter the abld command without arguments, for example:



The help message printed to the console provides more information on the command and its parameters.


Building and Running Example Applications from the Command Line
Create the build files and build the application


With the abld command available, perform the following steps to create the needed build files:


1.Open the command prompt and go to the application folder, which now contains the abld.bat file.打开命令提示行并且转到应用所在文件夹,这个文件夹现在已经包括abld.bat文件了。

For example, 例如


1. Enter the following command and press Enter : 输入如下命令并回车:

abld build winscw udeb

Notice, that you have now built a debug build of the Hello World Basic example application (that is, debug-type binaries), which you can run on the emulator . This build is appropriate for your purposes at this point, as it enables you to run and view the application on the S60 emulator.

The build process creates the necessary build files and application binaries, including any resource files required.


This stage of the process may produce warnings. If there are errors, it may be because the exports of a DLL component were not frozen. If the application has a DLL component, you need to freeze the exports by performing the following steps.


1.In the application group folder, enter the following command:在应用的group文件夹,输入如下命令:

abld freeze

For example,例如:

<S60_SDK_installation_directory>\S60Ex\helloworldbasic\group\abld freeze

This ensures that the exports are frozen. To use the frozen exported interfaces, the application needs to be re-built after the freeze.


1.Rebuild the application after freezing the exports by entering the build command:在冻结输出后重新编译通过输入build命令来完成。

abld build winscw udeb

For example,

<S60_SDK_installation_directory>\S60Ex\helloworldbasic\group\abld build winscw udeb

Building and Running Example Applications from the Command Line
Launch the application in the emulator


To run the example application that you have built on the S60 SDK emulator, perform the following steps:

在S60 SDK模拟器上运行编译好示例程序,按如下步骤来实现:

1. Run the emulator by entering the following command in the command prompt:在命令提示行输入如下命令运行模拟器


2. Click the Applications button . 点击应用按钮.

3. To open the Hello World Basic application that you have built, navigate first to the Installed folder with the five-way navigation key打开你编译好的HelloWorldBasic应用程序,通过五个导航键导航至Installed(中文版是‘安装’)。 Building and Running Example Applications from the Command Line

1.Open the Installed folder either by通过如下任何一方法打开文件夹。

* clicking the center of the five-way navigation key or点击导航键中间的键或者
* clicking the left soft key (under Options ) and then selecting Open from the menu that appears.点击左软件(在Options'选项'下)然后在出现的菜单中选择Open(打开)






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