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Myrinet is a cost-effective, high-performance, packet-communication and switching technology that is widely used to interconnect clusters of workstations, PCs, servers, blade servers, or single-board computers. Clusters provide an economical way of achieving:

  • high performance, by distributing demanding computations across an array of cost-effective hosts. For "tightly coupled" distributed computations, the interconnect must provide high-data-rate and low-latency communication between host processes.
  • high availability, by allowing a computation to proceed with a subset of the hosts. The interconnect should be capable of detecting and isolating faults, and of using alternative communication paths.

photoConventional networks such as Ethernet can be used to build clusters, but do not provide the performance or features required for high-performance or high-availability clustering. Characteristics that distinguish Myrinet from other networks include:

  • Flow control, error control, and "heartbeat" continuity monitoring on every link.
  • Low-latency, cut-through switches, with monitoring for high-availability applications.
  • Switch networks that can scale to tens of thousands of hosts, and that can also provide alternative communication paths between hosts.
  • Network Interface Cards (NICs) that execute firmware to offload protocol processing from the host computer. The firmware interacts directly with host processes ("OS bypass") for low-latency communication, and directly with the network to send, receive, and buffer packets.

Myrinet is an ANSI (American National Standards Institute) Standard -- ANSI/VITA 26-1998. The link and routing specifications are public, published, and open.

Myrinet Components and Software

Myricom supplies Myrinet components and software in two series: Myrinet-2000 and Myri-10G. Myrinet-2000 is a superior alternative to Gigabit Ethernet for clusters, whereas Myri-10G offers performance and cost advantages over 10-Gigabit Ethernet. Myri-10G uses the same physical layers (PHYs: cables, connectors, signaling) as 10-Gigabit Ethernet, and is highly interoperable with 10-Gigabit Ethernet. In fact, Myri-10G NICs are both 10-Gigabit Myrinet NICs and 10-Gigabit Ethernet NICs.

Product series Myrinet-2000 Myri-10G
Full-duplex data rate for the links, NIC ports, and switch ports 2+2
Link cables LC-connectorized duplex multimode fiber to 200m Selected 10-Gigabit Ethernet cables, copper and fiber
NICs Single-port and dual-port PCI-X Single-port PCI-Express, dual-protocol 10G Myrinet or 10G Ethernet
Switches Based on 16-port and 32-port crossbar switches Based on 16-port crossbar switches
Switch networks Up to 256 host ports with a single "Network in a Box" component, and up to tens of thousands of hosts by combining these components Up to 128 host ports with a single "Network in a Box" component, and up to tens of thousands of hosts by combining these components
Interoperability Gigabit Ethernet 10-Gigabit Ethernet
Myrinet software support Myrinet Express (MX-2G)
or GM-2
Myrinet Express (MX-10G)
MX or MPI latency 2.6µs–3.2µs 2µs
MX unidirectional data rate 247 MBytes/s (one-port NICs)
495 MBytes/s (two-port NICs)
1.2 GBytes/s
TCP/IP (MX ethernet emulation) data rate 1.98 Gbits/s (one-port NICs)
3.95 Gbits/s (two-port NICs)
9.6 Gbits/s

Myrinet-2000 and Myri-10G employ the same network architecture and protocols, and, when used with MX software support, are fully compatible with respect to applications and application-programming interfaces.

Myricom supplies Myrinet software support for most common hosts and operating systems. The software is supplied "open source," and other Myrinet software is available from third parties.

You or an integrator install the NICs and software in the hosts, and connect the network with cables and switches. The software maps the network, and uses whatever communication paths are available from host to host. No switch programming or routing-table configuration is necessary.

Software Interfaces

Myrinet packets may be of any length, and thus can encapsulate other types of packets, including IP packets, without an adaptation layer. Each packet is identified by type, so that a Myrinet, like an Ethernet, may carry packets of many types or protocols concurrently. Thus, Myrinet supports several software interfaces.

Myricom supplies two alternative low-level message-passing systems for Myrinet: GM, which is used in most Myrinet clusters today, and a new system called MX (Myrinet Express). Other software interfaces such as MPI, Sockets, DAPL, VI, and PVM are layered efficiently over GM or MX, and are available from Myricom and from third parties. Both GM and MX provide "ethernet emulation," in which any protocols carried over ethernet, typically TCP/IP and UDP/IP, can be carried over Myrinet. The GM and MX systems provide protected user-level access to the Myrinet (secure in multi-user, multiprogramming environments); reliable, ordered delivery of messages; network mapping and route computation; and other features that support robust and error-free communication. The Software and Customer Support page provides a complete outline of Myrinet software, with links to documentation, and the Performance Measurements page shows the performance achieved with the various software interfaces.

Technology and Reliability

Myrinet components are implemented with the same advanced technology -- full-custom-VLSI CMOS chips -- as today's workstations, servers, PCs, and single-board computers. This use of CMOS technology is one reason why Myrinet performance has advanced and will continue to advance in step with advances in the hosts, without changes to the network architecture and software interfaces.

These CMOS-based Myrinet components are also extremely reliable. The MTBF of current-production Myrinet switches and NICs exceeds 5 million hours per port. Myrinet exhibits a very low bit-error rate, and is highly robust with respect to host, switch, and cable faults. Myrinet can map itself continuously, and use alternate routes to circumvent faults (e.g., disconnections and powering-down). The hardware computes and checks a CRC for each packet on each link. The NICs provide parity checking both in their memory and across host IO buses.


Myrinet is the clear market leader in high-performance, high-availability, cluster interconnect. Myricom shipped its first Myrinet products in August 1994. Including the installations supplied by Myricom's OEM customers and by Myrinet resellers and integrators, there are now many thousands of Myrinet installations, ranging in size to more than 2,000 hosts and more than 4,000 processors. These sites include many of the world's premier cluster-computing systems. A total of 141 (28.2%) of the June-2005 TOP500 supercomputers use Myrinet technology.



    DAPL Provider for Myrinet-开源

    该项目为Myrinet网卡实现了DAPL提供程序。 2.0系列适用于DAT 2.0,并支持GM和MX。 1.2系列适用于DAT 1.2,自0.4版开始支持GM和MX。 1.1系列适用于DAT 1.1,仅支持GM。

    Myrinet Virtual Interface Architecture-开源

    MyVIA是THVIA项目的子项目。 MyVIA是一个高性能的用户级通信库。 它是Myrinet高性能网络的用户级网络驱动程序。 请访问我们的主页并向我发送电子邮件:chyyuu@yahoo.com或chyyuu@sohu.com


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    - **硬件**:Myrinet采用了一种称为GM Link的专用链路,以及GM Switch交换设备和GM Host Bus Adapter(HBA)主机适配器。GM Link提供了高速的数据传输通道,而GM Switch负责数据包的路由转发。GM HBA则是连接主机与...


    2. **Myrinet**:Myrinet是一种专为高性能计算设计的网络通信协议。它支持无阻塞的点对点通信,具有非常低的延迟特性。Myrinet的设计初衷是为了克服传统以太网在高带宽和低延迟方面的局限性,特别适合于需要频繁进行...

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    Myrinet和高性能并行接口(HiPPI)是实际应用中的标准互连网络,Myrinet提供高速的包交换网络,支持任意拓扑结构,而HiPPI则是一个高带宽、低延迟的点对点接口,用于高性能计算系统。 这些互连技术和网络模型的选择...


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    Myrinet 是一种高性能的互连网络结构,由 Myricom 公司设计,目的是为了构筑计算机机群,使系统互连成为一种商业产品。Myrinet 是基于加州理工学院开发的多计算机和 VLSI 技术以及在南加州大学开发的 ATOMIC/LAN ...


    这些 NICs 支持双协议栈运行,即可以在传统的 TCP/IP 协议之上运行,也可以通过 Myrinet 表达式软件(MX)实现更低的延迟和更少的主机 CPU 使用率。 2. **MX over Ethernet (MXoE)**: Myricom 扩展了其已广泛应用...

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