

之前redis已经描述了redis 的基本作用与用处, 这一篇主要讲述redis运用场景以及分片,和spring整合。redis 存储数据结构大致5种,String 普通键值对,用的比较多。HASH针对 key 唯一标识 hashmap 键值对运用也比较多 list set 当然是集合运用 sortedSet 排序集合使用。
首先看redis 和spring 配置整合

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"

    <bean id="propertyConfigurer" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
        <property name="order" value="2" />
        <property name="ignoreUnresolvablePlaceholders" value="true" />
        <property name="locations">
    <!-- redis连接池的配置 -->
     <bean id="jedisPoolConfig" class="redis.clients.jedis.JedisPoolConfig">  
       <property name="maxTotal" value="2048" />  
       <property name="maxIdle" value="200" />  
       <property name="numTestsPerEvictionRun" value="1024"/>  
       <property name="timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis" value="30000" />  
       <property name="minEvictableIdleTimeMillis" value="-1" />  
       <property name="softMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis" value="10000" />  
       <property name="maxWaitMillis" value="1500"/>  
       <property name="testOnBorrow" value="true" />  
       <property name="testWhileIdle" value="true"/>  
       <property name="testOnReturn" value="false"/>  
       <property name="jmxEnabled" value="true"/>  
       <property name="jmxNamePrefix" value="youyuan"/>  
       <property name="blockWhenExhausted" value="false"/>  
     <!-- redis的连接池pool,不是必选项:timeout/password  -->
    <bean id="shardedJedisPool" class="redis.clients.jedis.ShardedJedisPool">  
       <constructor-arg index="0" ref="jedisPoolConfig"/>  
       <constructor-arg index="1">  
                <bean name="master" class="redis.clients.jedis.JedisShardInfo">  
                   <constructor-arg index="0" value="${redis1.server.host}"/>  
                   <constructor-arg index="1" value="${redis1.server.port}" type="int"/><!-- 指定参数类型否则可能回报错 -->
                   <constructor-arg index="2" value="${redis1.server.timeout}" type="int"/>  

可能开发中redis 服务器一般不止一台 在list 下注入就行。
相信很多时候我们在写代码的时候数据结构运用的恰当能够,帮我审很多事,并且解决很多问题,redis 也一样。自己封装了一下常用的redis 使用工具类

package demo.dcn.cache;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON;
import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONArray;
import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject;
import com.alibaba.fastjson.TypeReference;
import com.google.protobuf.Internal.ProtobufList;
 * Redis序列化及反序列化工具类
 * @author kun.zhang@downjoy.com
public class JedisUtil {

	 * 把对象转换成json 文本
	 * @param object
	 * @return
	public static String toJson(Object object){
		return JSON.toJSONString(object);
	 * 单独的T 代表一个类型 而 Class<T>代表这个类型所对应的类
	 *  把JSON文本parse为JavaBean 
	 * @param json
	 * @param clazz
	 * @return
	public static <T> T toObject(String json,Class<T> clazz){
		return JSON.parseObject(json, clazz);
	 * 泛型解析方法
	 * @param json
	 * @param typeReference
	 * @return
	public static <T> T toObject(String json,TypeReference<T> typeReference){
		return JSON.parseObject(json, typeReference);
	 * 把json 文本转换成对象集合形式
	 * @param json
	 * @param T
	 * @return
	public static <T> List<T> parseArray(String json,Class<T> T){
		return JSON.parseArray(json, T);
	 * 解析数组json 转换成对象集合方式
	 * @param jsons
	 * @param clazz
	 * @return
	public static <T> List<T> toObjects(List<String> jsons, Class<T> clazz){
		List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>();
		for (String json : jsons) {
			T obj = toObject(json, clazz);
            if(null != obj) {
		return list;
	 * 把把JSON文本parse为JSONObject javamap或者JSONArray Javalist
	 * @param json
	 * @return
	public static Object parseObject(String json){
		return JSON.parse(json);
	  * 把JSON文本parse成JSONObject    
	  * @param json
	  * @return
	public static JSONObject parJsonObject(String json){
		return JSONObject.parseObject(json);
	 * 把JSON文本parse成JSONArray 
	 * @param text
	 * @return
	public static final JSONArray parseArray(String text){
		return JSONArray.parseArray(text);
	  *  将JavaBean序列化为带格式的JSON文本 
	  * @param object
	  * @param prettyFormat
	  * @return
	public static final String toJSONString(Object object, boolean prettyFormat){
		return JSON.toJSONString(object, prettyFormat);
	 *  将JavaBean转换为JSONObject或者JSONArray
	 * @param javaObject
	 * @return
	public static final Object toJSON(Object javaObject){
		return JSON.toJSON(javaObject);


package demo.dcn.cache;

import redis.clients.jedis.ShardedJedis;

 * 自定义分片jedis
 * @author kun.zhang@downjoy.com
public class SelfShardedJedis {

	private ShardedJedis shardedJedis;//分片
	private Boolean isReturn;//是否归还连接池
	public SelfShardedJedis(ShardedJedis shardedJedis, Boolean isReturn) {
		this.shardedJedis = shardedJedis;
		this.isReturn = isReturn;

	public SelfShardedJedis() {
	 * @return the shardedJedis
	public ShardedJedis getShardedJedis() {
		return shardedJedis;

	 * @param shardedJedis the shardedJedis to set
	public void setShardedJedis(ShardedJedis shardedJedis) {
		this.shardedJedis = shardedJedis;

	 * @return the isReturn
	public Boolean getIsReturn() {
		return isReturn;

	 * @param isReturn the isReturn to set
	public void setIsReturn(Boolean isReturn) {
		this.isReturn = isReturn;

package demo.dcn.cache;

import java.util.Set;

import javax.annotation.Resource;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;
import redis.clients.jedis.JedisShardInfo;
import redis.clients.jedis.ShardedJedis;
import redis.clients.jedis.ShardedJedisPool;
public class RedisClientBase implements RedisClient {

	private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RedisClientBase.class);
	private static final String NX ="NX";//redis 设置key不存在时候起作用
	private static final String XX = "XX";//redis 设置key存在 ,才能对键进行操作
	private static final String EX ="EX";//redis 设置键固定时间秒
	private static final String PX ="PX";//redis 设置键固定时间毫秒
	private ShardedJedisPool shardedJedisPool;//连接池
	 public static final int MAX_SCAN_COUNT = 200;
	 private static RedisClient	redisclient;

	public RedisClientBase(ShardedJedisPool shardedJedisPool) {
		this.shardedJedisPool = shardedJedisPool;
	public RedisClientBase() {
		redisclient = this;
	public static RedisClient getInstance() {
        return redisclient;
     * 获取一个分片 jedis 客户端
     * @return
	public SelfShardedJedis getShardedJedis(){
		ShardedJedis shards = shardedJedisPool.getResource();
		SelfShardedJedis selfShardedJedis = new SelfShardedJedis(shards, false);
		return selfShardedJedis;
	 * 关闭 jedis 切片池
	 * @param jedis
	 * @param broken
	@SuppressWarnings({ "null", "deprecation" })
	public void closeRedisThread(SelfShardedJedis jedis, boolean broken){
		}catch(Exception e){
	/**setnx 的值设为 value ,当且仅当 key 不存在。 若给定的 key 已经存在,则 setNotExists 不做任何动作。
	 * 保存
	 * @param key
	 * @param obj
	 * @return
	 * 设置成功,返回 1 ;设置失败,返回 0 。
	public Long setNotExists(String key,byte[] obj){
		SelfShardedJedis shardedJedis = null;
		boolean broken = false;
			shardedJedis = getShardedJedis();
			return shardedJedis.getShardedJedis().setnx(key.getBytes(), obj);//保存成二进制
		}catch(Exception e){
			  logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
	          broken = true;
			closeRedisThread(shardedJedis, broken);
		return 0L;
	 * 将 key 的值设为 value ,且设置过期时间,当且仅当 key 不存在。 若给定的 key 已经存在,则 setNotExists 不做任何动作。 * Set the string value as value of the key. The string
     * can't be longer than 1073741824 bytes (1 GB).
	 * @param key
	 * @param value
	 * @param nxxx
	 * @param expx
	 * @param time
	 * @return
	public String set(String key,String value, String nxxx, String expx, long time){
		SelfShardedJedis shardedJedis = null;
		boolean broken = false;
			shardedJedis = getShardedJedis();
			return shardedJedis.getShardedJedis().set(key, value, nxxx, expx, time);
		}catch(Exception e){
			logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            broken = true;
        } finally {
            closeRedisThread(shardedJedis, broken);
        return null;
	 * 通过key 获取字符串数据
	 * @param key
	 * @return
	public String getString(String key){
		 SelfShardedJedis shardedJedis = null;
	        boolean broken = false;
	        	shardedJedis = getShardedJedis();
	        	return shardedJedis.getShardedJedis().get(key);
	        }catch(Exception e){
	        	logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
	            broken = true;
	     }finally {
	            closeRedisThread(shardedJedis, broken);
			return null;
	 * 设置key过期时间
	 * @param key
	 * @param obj
	 * @param expireTime
	 * @return
	 public String setExpire(String key, byte[] obj, int expireTime) {
	        SelfShardedJedis shardedJedis = null;
	        boolean broken = false;
	        try {
	            shardedJedis = getShardedJedis();
	            return shardedJedis.getShardedJedis().setex(key.getBytes(), expireTime, obj);
	        } catch (Exception e) {
	            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
	            broken = true;
	        } finally {
	            closeRedisThread(shardedJedis, broken);
	        return null;
	 * 设置key过期时间
	 * @param key
	 * @param expireTime
	 * @return
	  public Long expire(String key, int expireTime) {
	        SelfShardedJedis shardedJedis = null;
	        boolean broken = false;
	        try {
	            shardedJedis = getShardedJedis();
	            return shardedJedis.getShardedJedis().expire(key, expireTime);
	        } catch (Exception e) {
	            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
	            broken = true;
	        } finally {
	            closeRedisThread(shardedJedis, broken);
	        return null;
	     * 移除有序集 key 中,指定排名(rank)区间内的所有成员。
	     * <p/>
	     * 区间分别以下标参数 start 和 stop 指出,包含 start 和 stop 在内。 下标参数 start 和 stop 都以 0 为底,也就是说,以 0 表示有序集第一个成员,以 1 表示有序集第二个成员,以此类推。 你也可以使用负数下标,以 -1
	     * 表示最后一个成员, -2 表示倒数第二个成员,以此类推
	     * @param key
	     * @param start
	     * @param stop
	     * @return
	    public Long zremrangeByRank(String key, long start, long stop) {
	        long result = 0L;
	        SelfShardedJedis shardedJedis = null;
	        boolean broken = false;
	        try {
	            shardedJedis = getShardedJedis();
	            result = shardedJedis.getShardedJedis().zremrangeByRank(key, start, start);
	        } catch (Exception e) {
	            broken = true;
	            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
	        } finally {
	            closeRedisThread(shardedJedis, broken);
	        return result;
	     * 返回有序集 key 中,指定区间内的成员 其中成员的位置按 score 值递减(从大到小)来排列
	     * @param key
	     * @param start
	     * @param stop
	     * @return
	    public Set<String> zrevrange(String key, long start, long stop) {
	        Set<String> result = null;
	        SelfShardedJedis shardedJedis = null;
	        boolean broken = false;
	        try {
	            shardedJedis = getShardedJedis();
	            result = shardedJedis.getShardedJedis().zrevrange(key, start, start);
	        } catch (Exception e) {
	            broken = true;
	            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
	        } finally {
	            closeRedisThread(shardedJedis, broken);
	        return result;

	     * 删除key
	     * @param key
	     * @return
	    public Long del(String key) {
	        SelfShardedJedis shardedJedis = null;
	        boolean broken = false;
	        try {
	            shardedJedis = getShardedJedis();
	            return shardedJedis.getShardedJedis().del(key);
	        } catch (Exception e) {
	            broken = true;
	            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
	        } finally {
	            closeRedisThread(shardedJedis, broken);
	        return null;
	     * 计数器
	     * @param key
	     * @param seconds 过期时间长度,单位:秒;值为0或负数表示不过期。
	     * @param roll 时间是否滚动
	    public Long incr(String key, int seconds, boolean roll) {
	        long b = 0;
	        SelfShardedJedis shardedJedis = null;
	        boolean broken = false;
	        try {
	            shardedJedis = getShardedJedis();
	            b = shardedJedis.getShardedJedis().incr(key.getBytes());
	            if (seconds > 0) {
	                if (b == 1) {// 第一次进入,设置过期时间
	                    shardedJedis.getShardedJedis().expire(key.getBytes(), seconds);
	                if (roll && b > 1) {// 时间滚动
	                    shardedJedis.getShardedJedis().expire(key.getBytes(), seconds);
	        } catch (Exception e) {
	            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
	            broken = true;
	        } finally {
	            if (broken && shardedJedis != null) {
	            closeRedisThread(shardedJedis, broken);
	        return b;
	 * 判断key 是否存在
	 * @param key
	 * @return若 
	   public Boolean exists(String key) {
	        SelfShardedJedis shardedJedis = null;
	        boolean broken = false;
	        try {
	            shardedJedis = getShardedJedis();
	            return shardedJedis.getShardedJedis().exists(key.getBytes());
	        } catch (Exception e) {
	            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
	            broken = true;
	        } finally {
	            closeRedisThread(shardedJedis, broken);
	        return false;
	    * 通过key 获取 jedis
	    * @param key
	    * @return
	   public Jedis getShard(String key) {
	        SelfShardedJedis shardedJedis = null;
	        boolean broken = false;
	        try {
	            shardedJedis = getShardedJedis();
	            if (shardedJedis != null) {
	                return shardedJedis.getShardedJedis().getShard(key);
	        } catch (Exception e) {
	            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
	            broken = true;
	        } finally {
	            closeRedisThread(shardedJedis, broken);
	        return null;
	     * 获取JedisShardInfo
	     * @param key
	     * @return JedisShareInfo
	    public JedisShardInfo getShardInfo(String key) {
	        SelfShardedJedis shardedJedis = null;
	        boolean broken = false;
	        try {
	            shardedJedis = getShardedJedis();
	            if (shardedJedis != null) {
	                return shardedJedis.getShardedJedis().getShardInfo(key);
	        } catch (Exception e) {
	            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
	            broken = true;
	        } finally {
	            closeRedisThread(shardedJedis, broken);
	        return null;
	     * 保存字符串键值对
	     * @param key
	     * @param value
	     * @return
	    public String set(String key, String value) {
	        SelfShardedJedis shardedJedis = null;
	        boolean broken = false;
	        try {
	            shardedJedis = getShardedJedis();
	            if (shardedJedis != null) {
	                return shardedJedis.getShardedJedis().set(key, value);
	        } catch (Exception e) {
	            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
	            broken = true;
	        } finally {
	            closeRedisThread(shardedJedis, broken);
	        return null;
	     * 获取key的类型
	     * @param key
	     * @return
	    public String type(String key) {
	        SelfShardedJedis shardedJedis = null;
	        boolean broken = false;
	        try {
	            shardedJedis = getShardedJedis();
	            if (shardedJedis != null) {
	                return shardedJedis.getShardedJedis().type(key);
	        } catch (Exception e) {
	            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
	            broken = true;
	        } finally {
	            closeRedisThread(shardedJedis, broken);
	        return null;

	     * 获取key 剩余时间  当 key 不存在时,返回 -2 。
		 * 当 key 存在但没有设置剩余生存时间时,返回 -1 。
		 * 否则,以秒为单位,返回 key 的剩余生存时间。
	     * @param key
	     * @return
	    public Long ttl(String key) {
	        SelfShardedJedis shardedJedis = null;
	        boolean broken = false;
	        try {
	            shardedJedis = getShardedJedis();
	            if (shardedJedis != null) {
	                return shardedJedis.getShardedJedis().ttl(key);
	        } catch (Exception e) {
	            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
	            broken = true;
	        } finally {
	            closeRedisThread(shardedJedis, broken);
	        return null;
	     * 为key 设定一个新值,并返回旧值
	     * 返回给定 key 的旧值。
	     *	当 key 没有旧值时,也即是, key 不存在时,返回 nil 。 不是字符串类型返回错误
	     * @param key
	     * @param value
	     * @return
	    public String getSet(String key, String value) {
	        SelfShardedJedis shardedJedis = null;
	        boolean broken = false;
	        try {
	            shardedJedis = getShardedJedis();
	            if (shardedJedis != null) {
	                return shardedJedis.getShardedJedis().getSet(key, value);
	        } catch (Exception e) {
	            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
	            broken = true;
	        } finally {
	            closeRedisThread(shardedJedis, broken);
	        return null;
	     * 当key 不存在时候 保存key String类型 存在不做什么操作返回0
	     * @param key
	     * @param value
	     * @return 
	    public Long setnx(String key, String value) {
	        SelfShardedJedis shardedJedis = null;
	        boolean broken = false;
	        try {
	            shardedJedis = getShardedJedis();
	            if (shardedJedis != null) {
	                return shardedJedis.getShardedJedis().setnx(key, value);
	        } catch (Exception e) {
	            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
	            broken = true;
	        } finally {
	            closeRedisThread(shardedJedis, broken);
	        return null;
	     * 设置key 存在修改,不存在保存
	     * @param key
	     * @param seconds
	     * @param value
	     * @return
	    public String setex(String key, int seconds, String value) {
	        SelfShardedJedis shardedJedis = null;
	        boolean broken = false;
	        try {
	            shardedJedis = getShardedJedis();
	            if (shardedJedis != null) {
	                return shardedJedis.getShardedJedis().setex(key, seconds, value);
	        } catch (Exception e) {
	            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
	            broken = true;
	        } finally {
	            closeRedisThread(shardedJedis, broken);
	        return null;
	     * 对指定的key 进行减少 如果key 不存在  key值会被初始化0 然后减少
	     * @param key
	     * @param integer
	     * @return
	    public Long decrBy(String key, long integer) {
	        SelfShardedJedis shardedJedis = null;
	        boolean broken = false;
	        try {
	            shardedJedis = getShardedJedis();
	            if (shardedJedis != null) {
	                return shardedJedis.getShardedJedis().decrBy(key, integer);
	        } catch (Exception e) {
	            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
	            broken = true;
	        } finally {
	            closeRedisThread(shardedJedis, broken);
	        return null;
	     * 如果key 按指定增量增加 key 不存在 创造key 初始化为0 incr 自增为1
	     * @param key
	     * @param integer
	     * @return
	   public Long incrBy(String key, long integer) {
	        SelfShardedJedis shardedJedis = null;
	        boolean broken = false;
	        try {
	            shardedJedis = getShardedJedis();
	            if (shardedJedis != null) {
	                return shardedJedis.getShardedJedis().incrBy(key, integer);
	        } catch (Exception e) {
	            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
	            broken = true;
	        } finally {
	            closeRedisThread(shardedJedis, broken);
	        return null;
	   * 为已经存在的key追加新值,返回 长度 如果key 不存在,直接设置key为value
	   * @param key
	   * @param value
	   * @return
	   public Long append(String key, String value) {
	        SelfShardedJedis shardedJedis = null;
	        boolean broken = false;
	        try {
	            shardedJedis = getShardedJedis();
	            if (shardedJedis != null) {
	                return shardedJedis.getShardedJedis().append(key, value);
	        } catch (Exception e) {
	            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
	            broken = true;
	        } finally {
	            closeRedisThread(shardedJedis, broken);
	        return null;
	    * 截取字符串
	    * @param key
	    * @param start
	    * @param end
	    * @return
	   public String substr(String key, int start, int end) {
	        SelfShardedJedis shardedJedis = null;
	        boolean broken = false;
	        try {
	            shardedJedis = getShardedJedis();
	            if (shardedJedis != null) {
	                return shardedJedis.getShardedJedis().substr(key, start, end);
	        } catch (Exception e) {
	            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
	            broken = true;
	        } finally {
	            closeRedisThread(shardedJedis, broken);
	        return null;

这里主要是针对String类型 封装的方法 ,其他类型基本大致一直。可以对照着网站去理解,

这里的json输出, 序列化 是用的阿里巴巴fastjson,也可以Google gson,  protobuf 在序列化方面是比较快的。找时间试一试。




    在IT领域,Redis因其快速、灵活以及丰富的数据结构支持而备受青睐。本分享主要涵盖了Redis作为缓存的使用及其测试项目。 首先,让我们深入了解一下Redis的核心特性。Redis支持多种数据类型,如字符串(Strings)、...


    Redis,全称Remote ...通过理解并熟练运用其数据结构、命令、复制、持久化和发布订阅等功能,开发者可以构建出高效、稳定的分布式系统。这份资料将帮助你深入了解Redis的各个方面,并在实际项目中发挥其优势。


    Redis因其快速、灵活且支持多种数据结构(如字符串、哈希、列表、集合等)而成为理想的二级缓存选择。 当我们谈论基于Redis的二级缓存时,通常涉及到以下几个关键知识点: 1. **数据同步**:一级缓存与二级缓存...





    35.[视频] Spring Boot集成Redis实现缓存机制【从零开始学Spring Boot】

    5. **Redis的数据结构应用** - **String**:最基础的键值对,常用于缓存简单数据。 - **Hash**:适合存储对象,如用户信息。 - **List**:用于存储有序列表,如消息队列。 - **Set**:无序且不重复的数据集合,...


    Redis支持多种数据结构,如字符串(Strings)、哈希(Hashes)、列表(Lists)、集合(Sets)和有序集合(Sorted Sets)。这些数据结构使得Redis在处理各种场景时具有高效性和灵活性。 在Linux上部署Redis服务,...


    Redis作为缓存工具,其主要目标是提高数据读取效率。通过将常用数据存储在内存中,避免了硬盘I/O操作,从而实现了快速访问。此外,Redis还支持LRU(Least Recently Used)和LFU(Least Frequently Used)等淘汰策略...




    - **数据类型**:Redis支持字符串(String)、哈希(Hash)、列表(List)、集合(Set)和有序集合(Sorted Set)等多种数据结构。 - **持久化**:Redis可通过RDB(快照)和AOF(Append Only File)两种方式实现...




    理解并熟练运用这些命令和数据结构,能让你在使用Redis时更加得心应手。 以上是对Redis基础命令和数据结构的简要介绍,具体使用时还需结合实际场景和需求进行深入学习和实践。通过阅读`redis.txt`文件,你将能获得...


    StackExchange.Redis支持多种Redis数据结构: - 字符串(Strings):基本的键值对存储。 - 哈希(Hashes):存储键值对的集合,键是字段,值是字段值。 - 列表(Lists):有序的元素集合,支持两端插入和弹出。 ...




    2. Stream 数据类型:虽然在 Redis 3.0 中正式引入,但在 2.8 中已经预览,Stream 是一种日志型数据结构,适合实现消息队列或时间序列数据存储。 3. 模块系统:Redis 2.8 开始引入模块系统,允许开发者扩展 Redis ...




    它以其丰富的数据结构、高速的读写性能以及灵活的数据模型在IT行业中广泛应用。 首先,我们要了解Redis的基础知识。Redis支持五大数据类型:字符串(String)、哈希(Hash)、列表(List)、集合(Set)和有序集合...

    redisredis redis redis redis

    Redis 的优势在于它的高速读写性能、丰富的数据结构以及持久化机制。 标题中的重复“redisredisredisredis”可能意味着在讨论 Redis 的重要性或强调其在项目中的核心地位。描述部分同样如此,暗示了 Redis 在某场景...





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