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Build模式的理解 -
Value Object. S ...
Value Object vs. Data Transfer Object (VO vs. DTO)
A mutable object is simply an object which can change its state after construction. For example, StringBuilder and Date are mutable objects, while String and Integer are immutable objects.
A class may have a mutable object as a field. There are two possible cases for how the state of a mutable object field can change :
* its state can be changed only by the native class - the native class creates the mutable object field, and is the only class which is directly aware of its existence
* its state can be changed both by the native class and by its callers - the native class simply points to a mutable object which was created elsewhere
Both cases are valid design choices, but you must be aware of which one is appropriate for each case.
If the mutable object field's state should be changed only by the native class, then a defensive copy of the mutable object must be made any time it is passed into (constructors and set methods) or out of (get methods) the class. If this is not done, then it is simple for the caller to break encapsulation, by changing the state of an object which is simultaneously visible to both the class and its caller.
Planet has a mutable object field fDateOfDiscovery, which is defensively copied in all constructors, and in getDateOfDiscovery. Planet represents an immutable class, and has no set methods for its fields. Note that if the defensive copy of DateOfDiscovery is not made, then Planet is no longer immutable!
A class may have a mutable object as a field. There are two possible cases for how the state of a mutable object field can change :
* its state can be changed only by the native class - the native class creates the mutable object field, and is the only class which is directly aware of its existence
* its state can be changed both by the native class and by its callers - the native class simply points to a mutable object which was created elsewhere
Both cases are valid design choices, but you must be aware of which one is appropriate for each case.
If the mutable object field's state should be changed only by the native class, then a defensive copy of the mutable object must be made any time it is passed into (constructors and set methods) or out of (get methods) the class. If this is not done, then it is simple for the caller to break encapsulation, by changing the state of an object which is simultaneously visible to both the class and its caller.
Planet has a mutable object field fDateOfDiscovery, which is defensively copied in all constructors, and in getDateOfDiscovery. Planet represents an immutable class, and has no set methods for its fields. Note that if the defensive copy of DateOfDiscovery is not made, then Planet is no longer immutable!
import java.util.Date; /** * Planet is an immutable class, since there is no way to change * its state after construction. */ public final class Planet { public Planet (double aMass, String aName, Date aDateOfDiscovery) { fMass = aMass; fName = aName; //make a private copy of aDateOfDiscovery //this is the only way to keep the fDateOfDiscovery //field private, and shields this class from any changes that //the caller may make to the original aDateOfDiscovery object fDateOfDiscovery = new Date(aDateOfDiscovery.getTime()); } /** * Returns a primitive value. * * The caller can do whatever they want with the return value, without * affecting the internals of this class. Why? Because this is a primitive * value. The caller sees its "own" double that simply has the * same value as fMass. */ public double getMass() { return fMass; } /** * Returns an immutable object. * * The caller gets a direct reference to the internal field. But this is not * dangerous, since String is immutable and cannot be changed. */ public String getName() { return fName; } // /** // * Returns a mutable object - likely bad style. // * // * The caller gets a direct reference to the internal field. This is usually dangerous, // * since the Date object state can be changed both by this class and its caller. // * That is, this class is no longer in complete control of fDate. // */ // public Date getDateOfDiscovery() { // return fDateOfDiscovery; // } /** * Returns a mutable object - good style. * * Returns a defensive copy of the field. * The caller of this method can do anything they want with the * returned Date object, without affecting the internals of this * class in any way. Why? Because they do not have a reference to * fDate. Rather, they are playing with a second Date that initially has the * same data as fDate. */ public Date getDateOfDiscovery() { return new Date(fDateOfDiscovery.getTime()); } // PRIVATE // /** * Final primitive data is always immutable. */ private final double fMass; /** * An immutable object field. (String objects never change state.) */ private final String fName; /** * A mutable object field. In this case, the state of this mutable field * is to be changed only by this class. (In other cases, it makes perfect * sense to allow the state of a field to be changed outside the native * class; this is the case when a field acts as a "pointer" to an object * created elsewhere.) */ private final Date fDateOfDiscovery; }
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Value Object vs. Data Transfer Object (VO vs. DTO)
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