System Partitioning
System partitioning is quite different from all other types of data partitioning. System partitioning is meant to enable application controlled table partitioning. Just for starters, there aren’t any partitioning keys when you use system partitioning. Under system partitioning the database lets you break a table down into meaningless partitions and you don’t control the partitioning ranges for the actual data placement. The application controls the partitioning and actual data placement.
Because a system-partitioned table doesn’t use partitioning keys, you can’t direct the mapping of the rows to a particular partition. Instead, the application must specify the actual partition in which the database must place a row. Thus, insert statements must use the partition information explicitly. It’s important to remind yourself that system partitioning doesn’t use any partitioning method and thus can’t distribute table rows to partitions. It’s the application’s job to do the data distribution to the partitions.
System partitioning provides the benefit of easier manageability that comes with equipartitioning a table. You can, for example, create a nested table as a system- partitioned table with the same partitions as the base table. System partitioning doesn’t support the normal partition pruning and partition-wise joins like the other types of partitioned tables. You thus lose the performance benefits inherent in partitioning a table.
A System Partitioning Example
As you would expect, system partitioning allows large tables to be broken down into smaller partitions, but unlike other partitioning schemes, the database has no control over the placement of rows during insert operations. The following example shows the creation of a system partitioned table.
SQL> CREATE TABLE system_partitioned_tab (
code VARCHAR2(10),
description VARCHAR2(50),
created_date DATE
The partition must be explicitly defined in all insert statements or an error is produced.
SQL> INSERT INTO system_partitioned_tab VALUES (1, 'ONE', 'One', SYSDATE);
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-14701: partition-extended name or bind variable must be used for DMLs on tables partitioned by
the System method
The PARTITION clause is used to define which partition the row should be placed in.
SQL> INSERT INTO system_partitioned_tab PARTITION (part_1) VALUES (1, 'ONE', 'One', SYSDATE);
SQL> INSERT INTO system_partitioned_tab PARTITION (part_2) VALUES (2, 'TWO', 'Two', SYSDATE);
SQL> COLUMN table_name FORMAT A25
SQL> COLUMN partition_name FORMAT A20
SQL> COLUMN high_value FORMAT A10
SQL> SELECT table_name, partition_name, high_value, num_rows
FROM user_tab_partitions
ORDER BY table_name, partition_name;
------------------------- -------------------- ---------- ----------
2 rows selected.
Notice that the HIGH_VALUE for the partitions is blank.
In addition to the insert statement, the merge statement also requires that you specify the partition-extended syntax to identify the partition into which you want the database to place the merged partition rows. Here’s an example:
SQL> alter table sys_part_tab merge partitions part_1,part_2 into partition p1;
The PARTITION clause is optional for update and delete statements, but omitting this clause will force all partitions to be scanned, since there is no way perform automatic partition pruning when the database has no control over row placement. When the PARTITION clause is used, you must be sure to perform the operation against the correct partition.
SQL> DELETE FROM system_partitioned_tab PARTITION (part_2) WHERE id = 1;
0 rows deleted.
SQL> UPDATE system_partitioned_tab PARTITION (part_1) SET code = 'TWO' WHERE id = 2;
0 rows updated.
The PARTITION clause can also be used in queries to target specific partitions.
FROM system_partitioned_tab PARTITION (part_1);
1 row selected.
You can perform the following operations with a system-partitioned table:
- Partition maintenance operations
- All DML and DDL operations
- Creation of local indexes, as long as they are not unique
- Creation of local bitmapped indexes
- Creation of global indexes
Conditions and restrictions on system partitioning include:
- If you specify the PARTITION BY SYSTEM clause, but don't define partitions, a single partition is created with the name in the format of "SYS_Pn".
- If you specify PARTITION BY SYSTEM PARTITIONS X clause, the database creates "X" partitions with the name in the format of "SYS_Pn". The range of allowable values for "n" is from 1 to 1024K-1.
- System partitioning is not available for index-organized tables or a table that is part of a cluster.
- System partitioning can play no part in composite partitioning.
- You cannot split a system partition.
- System partitioning cannot be specified in a CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT statement.
- To insert data into a system-partitioned table using an INSERT INTO ... AS subquery statement, you must use partition-extended syntax to specify the partition into which the values returned by the subquery will be inserted.
as shown here:
SQL> insert into table_name
partition (
dataobj_to_partition(base_table, :physical_partid))
as SubQuery...
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