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What is JAAS?
JAAS provides a pluggable framework for authenticating and authorising users (more information is available on the JAAS pages @ Sun Developer Network). Many application servers support JAAS as a means of bringing greater flexibility to the declarative security models of the J2EE (now known as the Java EE) specifications. Whilst intentionally not a full-blown application server, jetty6 supports JAAS to provide greater alternatives for servlet security, and to increase the portability of web applications.
The JAAS support aims to dictate as little as possible whilst providing a sufficiently flexible infrastructure to allow users to drop in their own custom LoginModules. We will discuss how to configure jetty6 for JAAS, and describe the example LoginModules provided with the distribution.
Using JAAS with jetty is very simply a matter of declaring a org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.JAASUserRealm, creating a jaas login module configuration file and specifying it on the jetty run line. Let's look at an example.
Step 1
Configure a jetty6 org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.JAASUserRealm to match the <realm-name> in your web.xml file. For example, if the web.xml contains a realm called "xyzrealm":
Then the following JAASUserRealm would be declared in a jetty configuration file:
<Call name="addUserRealm">
<New class="org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.JAASUserRealm">
<Set name="name">xyzrealm</Set>
<Set name="LoginModuleName">xyz</Set>
It is imperative that the contents of the <realm-name> and the <Set name="name"> of the JAASUserRealm instance are exactly the same
Step 2
Set up your LoginModule in a configuration file, following the syntax rules:
xyz {
com.acme.SomeLoginModule required debug=true;
It is imperative that the application name to the left of the { is exactly the same as the <Set name="LoginModuleName">
Step 3
Invoke jetty with the jaas configuration file you created in step 2:
java -Djava.security.auth.login.config=mylogin.conf -jar start.jar etc/myjetty.xml
A Closer Look at the JAASUserRealm
To allow the greatest degree of flexibility in using JAAS with web applications, the JAASUserRealm supports a couple of configuration options. Note that you don't ordinarily need to set these explicitly, as jetty6 has defaults which will work in 99% of cases. However, should you need to, you can configure:
a policy for role-based authorization (Default: org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.StrictRoleCheckPolicy)
a CallbackHandler (Default: org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.callback.DefaultCallbackHandler)
a list of classnames for the Principal implementation that equate to a user role (Default: org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.JAASRole)
Here's an example of setting each of these (to their default values):
<New class="org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.JAASUserRealm">
<Set name="Name">xyzrealm</Set>
<Set name="LoginModuleName">xyz</Set>
<Set name="RoleCheckPolicy">
<New class="org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.StrictRoleCheckPolicy"/>
<Set name="CallbackHandlerClass">
<Set name="roleClassNames">
<Array type="java.lang.String">
The RoleCheckPolicy must be an implementation of the org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.RoleCheckPolicy interface and its purpose is to help answer the question "is User X in Role Y" for role-based authorization requests. The default implementation distributed with jetty is the org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.StrictRoleCheckPolicy, which will assess a user as having a particular role iff that role is at the top of the stack of roles that have been temporarily pushed onto the user or if the user has no temporarily assigned roles, the role is amongst those configured for the user.
Roles can be temporarily assigned to a user programmatically by using the pushRole(String rolename) method of the org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.JAASUserPrincipal class.
For the majority of webapps, the default StrictRoleCheckPolicy will be quite adequate, however you may provide your own implementation and set it on your JAASUserRealm instance.
A CallbackHandler is responsible for interfacing with the user to obtain usernames and credentials to be authenticated.
Jetty ships with the org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.DefaultCallbackHandler which interfaces the information contained in the request to the Callbacks that are requested by LoginModules. You can replace this default with your own implementation if you have specific requirements not covered by the default.
Role Principal Implementation Class
When LoginModules authenticate a user, they usually also gather all of the roles that a user has and place them inside the JAAS Subject. As LoginModules are free to use their own implementation of the JAAS Principal to put into the Subject, jetty needs to know which Principals represent the user and which represent his/her roles when performing authorization checks on <security-constraint>s. The example LoginModules that ship with jetty all use the org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.JAASRole class. However, if you have plugged in some other LoginModules, you must configure the classnames of their role Principal implementations.
Sample Login Modules
At the time of writing, jetty6 ships with 3 sample LoginModule implementations:
We'll take a look at all of these, but first, a word about password handling in jetty6, as it applies to all LoginModules.
Passwords can be stored in clear text, obfuscated or checksummed. The class org.mortbay.util.Password should be used to generate all varieties of passwords,the output from which can be cut and pasted into property files or entered into database tables.
> java -cp lib/jetty.jar org.mortbay.jetty.security.Password
Usage - java org.mortbay.util.Password [<user>] <password>
> java -cp lib/jetty.jar org.mortbay.jetty.security.Password me you
Read more on Securing Passwords.
The JDBCLoginModule stores user passwords and roles in a database that are accessed via JDBC calls. You can configure the JDBC connection information, as well as the names of the table and columns storing the username and credential, and the name of the table and columns storing the roles.
Here is an example login module configuration file entry for it using an HSQLDB driver:
jdbc {
org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.spi.JDBCLoginModule required
There is no particular schema required for the database tables storing the authentication and role information. The properties userTable, userField, credentialField, userRoleTable, userRoleUserField, userRoleRoleField configure the names of the tables and the columns within them that are used to format the following queries:
select <credentialField> from <userTable> where <userField> =?
select <userRoleRoleField> from <userRoleTable> where <userRoleUserField> =?
Credential and role information is lazily read from the database when a previously unauthenticated user requests authentication. Note that this information is only cached for the length of the authenticated session. When the user logs out or the session expires, the information is flushed from memory.
Note that passwords can be stored in the database in plain text or encoded formats, using the org.mortbay.jetty.security.Password class.
Similar to the JDBCLoginModule, but this LoginModule uses a DataSource to connect to the database instead of a jdbc driver. The DataSource is obtained by doing a jndi lookup on java:comp/env/${dnJNDIName}
Here is a sample login module configuration for it:
ds {
org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.spi.DataSourceLoginModule required
With this login module implementation, the authentication and role information is read from a property file.
props {
org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.spi.PropertyFileLoginModule required
The file parameter is the location of a properties file of the same format as the etc/realm.properties example file. The format is:
<username>: <password>[,<rolename> ...]
Here's an example:
fred: OBF:1xmk1w261u9r1w1c1xmq,user,admin
harry: changeme,user,developer
tom: MD5:164c88b302622e17050af52c89945d44,user
dick: CRYPT:adpexzg3FUZAk,admin
The contents of the file are fully read in and cached in memory the first time a user requests authentication.
Note that the LdapLoginModule ships in a separate jar, in $JETTY-HOME/lib/ext/jetty-ldap-jaas.jar. It requires JDK1.5 or above.
ldaploginmodule {
org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.spi.LdapLoginModule required
bindDn="cn=Directory Manager"
Writing Your Own
If you want to implement your own custom LoginModule, there are two classes to be familiar with:
package org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.spi;
public abstract class AbstractLoginModule implements LoginModule
public abstract UserInfo getUserInfo (String username) throws Exception;
package org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.spi;
public class UserInfo
public UserInfo (String userName, Credential credential, List roleNames)
public String getUserName()
public List getRoleNames ()
public boolean checkCredential (Object suppliedCredential)
The org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.spi.AbstractLoginModule implements all of the javax.security.auth.spi.LoginModule methods. All you need to do is to implement the getUserInfo method to return a org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.UserInfo instance which encapsulates the username, password and role names (note: as {{java.lang.String}}s) for a user.
The AbstractLoginModule does not support any caching, so if you want to cache UserInfo (eg as does the org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.spi.PropertyFileLoginModule) then you must provide this yourself.
Example JAAS WebApp
There is an example of authentication and web authorization in the jetty distribution in examples/test-jaas-webapp. It uses the PropertyFileLoginModule to perform authentication based on a simple properties file. To use it with the jetty maven plugin:
cd examples/test-jaas-webapp
mvn jetty:run
Alternatively, to use it instead with jetty standalone:
cd examples/test-jaas-webapp
mvn clean install
cd ../../
java -jar start.jar etc/jetty.xml etc/jetty-jaas.xml
Then surf to http://localhost:8080/test-jaas/index.html
Other Goodies
As all servlet containers intercept and process a form submission with action j_security_check, it is usually not possible to insert any extra input fields onto a login form with which to perform authentication: you may only pass j_username and j_password. For those rare occasions when this is not good enough, and you require more information from the user in order to authenticate them, you can use the JAAS callback handler org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.callback.RequestParameterCallback. This callback handler gives you access to all parameters that were passed in the form submission. To use it, in the login() method of your custom login module, add the RequestParameterCallback to the list of callback handlers the login module uses, tell it which params you are interested in, and then get the value of the parameter back. Here's an example:
public class FooLoginModule extends AbstractLoginModule
public boolean login()
throws LoginException
Callback[] callbacks = new Callback[3];
callbacks[0] = new NameCallback();
callbacks[1] = new ObjectCallback();
//as an example, look for a param named "extrainfo" in the request
//use one RequestParameterCallback() instance for each param you want to access
callbacks[2] = new RequestParameterCallback ();
((RequestParameterCallback)callbacks[2]).setParameterName ("extrainfo");
String userName = ((NameCallback)callbacks[0]).getName();
Object pwd = ((ObjectCallback)callbacks[1]).getObject();
List paramValues = ((RequestParameterCallback)callbacks[2]).getParameterValues();
//use the userName, pwd and the value(s) of the parameter named "extrainfo" to
//authenticate the user
JAAS provides a pluggable framework for authenticating and authorising users (more information is available on the JAAS pages @ Sun Developer Network). Many application servers support JAAS as a means of bringing greater flexibility to the declarative security models of the J2EE (now known as the Java EE) specifications. Whilst intentionally not a full-blown application server, jetty6 supports JAAS to provide greater alternatives for servlet security, and to increase the portability of web applications.
The JAAS support aims to dictate as little as possible whilst providing a sufficiently flexible infrastructure to allow users to drop in their own custom LoginModules. We will discuss how to configure jetty6 for JAAS, and describe the example LoginModules provided with the distribution.
Using JAAS with jetty is very simply a matter of declaring a org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.JAASUserRealm, creating a jaas login module configuration file and specifying it on the jetty run line. Let's look at an example.
Step 1
Configure a jetty6 org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.JAASUserRealm to match the <realm-name> in your web.xml file. For example, if the web.xml contains a realm called "xyzrealm":
Then the following JAASUserRealm would be declared in a jetty configuration file:
<Call name="addUserRealm">
<New class="org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.JAASUserRealm">
<Set name="name">xyzrealm</Set>
<Set name="LoginModuleName">xyz</Set>
It is imperative that the contents of the <realm-name> and the <Set name="name"> of the JAASUserRealm instance are exactly the same
Step 2
Set up your LoginModule in a configuration file, following the syntax rules:
xyz {
com.acme.SomeLoginModule required debug=true;
It is imperative that the application name to the left of the { is exactly the same as the <Set name="LoginModuleName">
Step 3
Invoke jetty with the jaas configuration file you created in step 2:
java -Djava.security.auth.login.config=mylogin.conf -jar start.jar etc/myjetty.xml
A Closer Look at the JAASUserRealm
To allow the greatest degree of flexibility in using JAAS with web applications, the JAASUserRealm supports a couple of configuration options. Note that you don't ordinarily need to set these explicitly, as jetty6 has defaults which will work in 99% of cases. However, should you need to, you can configure:
a policy for role-based authorization (Default: org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.StrictRoleCheckPolicy)
a CallbackHandler (Default: org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.callback.DefaultCallbackHandler)
a list of classnames for the Principal implementation that equate to a user role (Default: org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.JAASRole)
Here's an example of setting each of these (to their default values):
<New class="org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.JAASUserRealm">
<Set name="Name">xyzrealm</Set>
<Set name="LoginModuleName">xyz</Set>
<Set name="RoleCheckPolicy">
<New class="org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.StrictRoleCheckPolicy"/>
<Set name="CallbackHandlerClass">
<Set name="roleClassNames">
<Array type="java.lang.String">
The RoleCheckPolicy must be an implementation of the org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.RoleCheckPolicy interface and its purpose is to help answer the question "is User X in Role Y" for role-based authorization requests. The default implementation distributed with jetty is the org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.StrictRoleCheckPolicy, which will assess a user as having a particular role iff that role is at the top of the stack of roles that have been temporarily pushed onto the user or if the user has no temporarily assigned roles, the role is amongst those configured for the user.
Roles can be temporarily assigned to a user programmatically by using the pushRole(String rolename) method of the org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.JAASUserPrincipal class.
For the majority of webapps, the default StrictRoleCheckPolicy will be quite adequate, however you may provide your own implementation and set it on your JAASUserRealm instance.
A CallbackHandler is responsible for interfacing with the user to obtain usernames and credentials to be authenticated.
Jetty ships with the org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.DefaultCallbackHandler which interfaces the information contained in the request to the Callbacks that are requested by LoginModules. You can replace this default with your own implementation if you have specific requirements not covered by the default.
Role Principal Implementation Class
When LoginModules authenticate a user, they usually also gather all of the roles that a user has and place them inside the JAAS Subject. As LoginModules are free to use their own implementation of the JAAS Principal to put into the Subject, jetty needs to know which Principals represent the user and which represent his/her roles when performing authorization checks on <security-constraint>s. The example LoginModules that ship with jetty all use the org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.JAASRole class. However, if you have plugged in some other LoginModules, you must configure the classnames of their role Principal implementations.
Sample Login Modules
At the time of writing, jetty6 ships with 3 sample LoginModule implementations:
We'll take a look at all of these, but first, a word about password handling in jetty6, as it applies to all LoginModules.
Passwords can be stored in clear text, obfuscated or checksummed. The class org.mortbay.util.Password should be used to generate all varieties of passwords,the output from which can be cut and pasted into property files or entered into database tables.
> java -cp lib/jetty.jar org.mortbay.jetty.security.Password
Usage - java org.mortbay.util.Password [<user>] <password>
> java -cp lib/jetty.jar org.mortbay.jetty.security.Password me you
Read more on Securing Passwords.
The JDBCLoginModule stores user passwords and roles in a database that are accessed via JDBC calls. You can configure the JDBC connection information, as well as the names of the table and columns storing the username and credential, and the name of the table and columns storing the roles.
Here is an example login module configuration file entry for it using an HSQLDB driver:
jdbc {
org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.spi.JDBCLoginModule required
There is no particular schema required for the database tables storing the authentication and role information. The properties userTable, userField, credentialField, userRoleTable, userRoleUserField, userRoleRoleField configure the names of the tables and the columns within them that are used to format the following queries:
select <credentialField> from <userTable> where <userField> =?
select <userRoleRoleField> from <userRoleTable> where <userRoleUserField> =?
Credential and role information is lazily read from the database when a previously unauthenticated user requests authentication. Note that this information is only cached for the length of the authenticated session. When the user logs out or the session expires, the information is flushed from memory.
Note that passwords can be stored in the database in plain text or encoded formats, using the org.mortbay.jetty.security.Password class.
Similar to the JDBCLoginModule, but this LoginModule uses a DataSource to connect to the database instead of a jdbc driver. The DataSource is obtained by doing a jndi lookup on java:comp/env/${dnJNDIName}
Here is a sample login module configuration for it:
ds {
org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.spi.DataSourceLoginModule required
With this login module implementation, the authentication and role information is read from a property file.
props {
org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.spi.PropertyFileLoginModule required
The file parameter is the location of a properties file of the same format as the etc/realm.properties example file. The format is:
<username>: <password>[,<rolename> ...]
Here's an example:
fred: OBF:1xmk1w261u9r1w1c1xmq,user,admin
harry: changeme,user,developer
tom: MD5:164c88b302622e17050af52c89945d44,user
dick: CRYPT:adpexzg3FUZAk,admin
The contents of the file are fully read in and cached in memory the first time a user requests authentication.
Note that the LdapLoginModule ships in a separate jar, in $JETTY-HOME/lib/ext/jetty-ldap-jaas.jar. It requires JDK1.5 or above.
ldaploginmodule {
org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.spi.LdapLoginModule required
bindDn="cn=Directory Manager"
Writing Your Own
If you want to implement your own custom LoginModule, there are two classes to be familiar with:
package org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.spi;
public abstract class AbstractLoginModule implements LoginModule
public abstract UserInfo getUserInfo (String username) throws Exception;
package org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.spi;
public class UserInfo
public UserInfo (String userName, Credential credential, List roleNames)
public String getUserName()
public List getRoleNames ()
public boolean checkCredential (Object suppliedCredential)
The org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.spi.AbstractLoginModule implements all of the javax.security.auth.spi.LoginModule methods. All you need to do is to implement the getUserInfo method to return a org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.UserInfo instance which encapsulates the username, password and role names (note: as {{java.lang.String}}s) for a user.
The AbstractLoginModule does not support any caching, so if you want to cache UserInfo (eg as does the org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.spi.PropertyFileLoginModule) then you must provide this yourself.
Example JAAS WebApp
There is an example of authentication and web authorization in the jetty distribution in examples/test-jaas-webapp. It uses the PropertyFileLoginModule to perform authentication based on a simple properties file. To use it with the jetty maven plugin:
cd examples/test-jaas-webapp
mvn jetty:run
Alternatively, to use it instead with jetty standalone:
cd examples/test-jaas-webapp
mvn clean install
cd ../../
java -jar start.jar etc/jetty.xml etc/jetty-jaas.xml
Then surf to http://localhost:8080/test-jaas/index.html
Other Goodies
As all servlet containers intercept and process a form submission with action j_security_check, it is usually not possible to insert any extra input fields onto a login form with which to perform authentication: you may only pass j_username and j_password. For those rare occasions when this is not good enough, and you require more information from the user in order to authenticate them, you can use the JAAS callback handler org.mortbay.jetty.plus.jaas.callback.RequestParameterCallback. This callback handler gives you access to all parameters that were passed in the form submission. To use it, in the login() method of your custom login module, add the RequestParameterCallback to the list of callback handlers the login module uses, tell it which params you are interested in, and then get the value of the parameter back. Here's an example:
public class FooLoginModule extends AbstractLoginModule
public boolean login()
throws LoginException
Callback[] callbacks = new Callback[3];
callbacks[0] = new NameCallback();
callbacks[1] = new ObjectCallback();
//as an example, look for a param named "extrainfo" in the request
//use one RequestParameterCallback() instance for each param you want to access
callbacks[2] = new RequestParameterCallback ();
((RequestParameterCallback)callbacks[2]).setParameterName ("extrainfo");
String userName = ((NameCallback)callbacks[0]).getName();
Object pwd = ((ObjectCallback)callbacks[1]).getObject();
List paramValues = ((RequestParameterCallback)callbacks[2]).getParameterValues();
//use the userName, pwd and the value(s) of the parameter named "extrainfo" to
//authenticate the user
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5. **jetty-security.jar**:用于处理安全性和认证,包含Jaas登录服务、BasicAuthenticator等。 6. **jetty-util.jar**:这是Jetty的一般工具类库,提供了许多实用工具,如异步事件处理、线程池、URL处理等。 7. *...
7. **安全特性**:该开发包中包含了安全模块,如JAAS(Java Authentication and Authorization Service)支持,用于实现用户认证和权限控制。Jetty还支持HTTPS和SSL/TLS加密,确保数据传输的安全性。 8. **集成性**...
使用Acegi Security时,开发者需要配置安全上下文(Security Context),定义访问控制规则,以及设置用户认证和授权的策略。在Jetty环境中,Acegi Security的配置可能涉及到创建自定义的过滤器链,这些过滤器会在...
7. **安全性**:Jetty提供了多种安全模块,如JAAS认证、SSL/TLS加密,以及基于角色的访问控制(RBAC),确保了Web应用的安全性。 8. **社区支持**:Jetty拥有活跃的开发者社区,不断推出新版本和更新,同时提供了...
7. **安全管理**:Jetty支持多种安全机制,包括基本认证、摘要认证、SSL/TLS加密以及JAAS集成,以确保web应用的安全性。 8. **集群和负载均衡**:Jetty可以与其他Jetty实例组成集群,实现负载均衡和故障转移,提高...
Jetty提供了安全模块,支持基本认证、摘要认证、SSL/TLS加密,以及基于JAAS的身份验证机制,确保Web应用程序的安全性。 6. **集成** Jetty与其他Java框架和工具(如Spring、Quarkus、Vert.x等)有很好的集成,...
Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) 是Java平台中用于安全性的关键组件,它提供了一种标准框架来实现用户身份验证和授权。在Web应用程序中,JAAS被用来控制对资源的访问,确保只有经过验证的用户...
容器通常有自己的安全配置,但可以通过配置使其与JAAS交互,从而利用JAAS的认证和授权能力。 **总结** Java JAAS为Java开发者提供了强大的安全基础,允许他们灵活地处理用户认证和授权。理解并熟练使用JAAS对于...
8. **安全性**: Jetty支持多种安全机制,如SSL/TLS加密、JAAS认证、以及与Spring Security等框架的集成,为Web应用提供了强大的安全保障。 9. **模块化**: Jetty的模块化设计使其可以根据应用需求选择加载特定的...
8. **安全性**:Jetty提供了基本的安全特性,如SSL/TLS支持,以及对JAAS(Java Authentication and Authorization Service)的集成,可以实现用户认证和访问控制。 9. **持续集成**:由于其轻量级和易于集成的特性...
- **web.xml配置**:在Web应用程序的部署描述符web.xml中,可以通过配置`<login-config>`元素来指定认证方法和相关的JAAS配置。 - **过滤器**:可以使用Servlet过滤器进行预处理,如进行认证检查,然后将控制权...
第三,书中可能讨论了JAAS与Servlet容器(如Tomcat、Jetty等)以及其他Java EE组件的集成,如EJB和JMS。这种集成使得在Web应用程序中实现安全控制变得更加便捷。 第四,安全上下文(Subject)是JAAS中的重要概念,...
Jetty提供了安全模块,如JAAS认证、SSL/TLS加密等,确保Web服务的安全性。同时,Jetty可以通过调整线程池参数、内存配置等进行性能优化。 综上所述,Jetty的嵌入式特性使得它成为Java Web开发中的理想选择。无论是...
7. **Jetty的安全性**:Jetty提供了基本的身份验证和授权机制,支持HTTPS,以及基于JAAS(Java Authentication and Authorization Service)的认证。 8. **WebSocket支持**:Jetty很早就支持WebSocket协议,提供了...
- 配置Jetty服务器使用预认证的Realm。 - **示例代码**: 配置Jetty的Realm。 - **19.2 配置Spring Security** - 配置Spring Security支持预认证。 - **示例代码**: 在`spring-security.xml`中配置预认证。 **...
ActiveMQ提供了多种消息安全配置策略,例如简单授权配置、JAAS认证、LDAP认证等。 ActiveMQ的应用场景 ActiveMQ广泛应用于分布式系统、微服务架构、消息队列、任务队列等领域。 ActiveMQ的优点 ActiveMQ具有高...
- **JAAS认证**:集成Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS)进行认证。 - **CAS认证**:支持Central Authentication Service (CAS)协议进行单点登录。 - **X.509证书认证**:支持使用X.509数字证书...
- **Web容器安全配置**:如Tomcat、Jetty等,它们有自己的安全配置,如限制HTTP方法、设置访问控制等。 5. 持续安全监控: - **日志和审计**:通过集成如Log4j或SLF4J进行日志记录,以便于追踪异常行为和安全事件...
9. **安全性**:ActiveMQ支持用户认证和授权,可以使用JAAS进行安全配置,保护消息传输的安全性。 10. **插件扩展**:ActiveMQ拥有丰富的插件体系,允许开发者根据需要定制功能,如添加新的协议支持、日志插件等。 ...
这个框架解决了J2EE规范中安全性配置不便于移植的问题,使得应用程序的安全设置能够在不同服务器环境下轻松迁移。Acegi Security的核心设计考虑了认证(Authentication)和授权(Authorization)这两个关键的安全...