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Weblogic Server配置为Windows服务

weblogic9 没有这个文件,weblogic8 有这个文件


cd d:\bea\wlserver\config\mydomain

rem *** Set Classpath to load Weblogic Classes
set CLASSPATH=.\lib\crack.jar;.;D:\bea\weblogic92\server\lib\weblogic_sp.jar;D:\bea\weblogic92\server\lib\weblogic.jar

rem *** Set Command Line for service to execute
rem *** %Java_HOME%\java will automatically be prepended.
set CMDLINE="-ms64m -mx64m -classpath \"%CLASSPATH%\" -Dweblogic.Domain=mydomain -Dweblogic.Name=myserver -Djava.security.policy==\"D:\bea\weblogic92\server/lib/weblogic.policy\" -Dbea.home=\"d:\bea\" weblogic.Server"

rem *** Install the service
"D:\bea\weblogic92\server\bin\beasvc" -install -svcname:myserver -javahome:"D:\jdk1.5" -execdir:"D:\bea\weblogic92\server" -extrapath:"D:\bea\weblogic92\server\bin" -cmdline:%CMDLINE% -password:"oatsingtao"


weblogic8 installService.cmd
@rem *************************************************************************
@rem This script is used to install WebLogic Server as a service for the
@rem domain in the current working directory. 
@rem To create your own domain script, all you need to set is
@rem SERVER_NAME, then call %WL_HOME%\server\bin\installSvc.cmd
@rem Other variables that installService takes are:
@rem WLS_USER     - cleartext user for server startup
@rem WLS_PW       - cleartext password for server startup
@rem PRODUCTION_MODE    - true for production mode servers, false for
@rem                development mode
@rem JAVA_OPTIONS - Java command-line options for running the server. (These
@rem                will be tagged on to the end of the JAVA_VM and MEM_ARGS)
@rem JAVA_VM      - The java arg specifying the VM to run.  (i.e. -server,
@rem                -hotspot, etc.)
@rem MEM_ARGS     - The variable to override the standard memory arguments
@rem                passed to java
@rem For additional information, refer to the WebLogic Server Administration
@rem Console Online Help(http://e-docs.bea.com/wls/docs81/ConsoleHelp/startstop.html)
@rem *************************************************************************

echo off

set WL_HOME=d:\bea\weblogic81

@rem Set Production Mode.  When this is set to true, the server starts up in
@rem production mode.  When set to false, the server starts up in development
@rem mode.  If it is not set, it will default to false.

@rem Set JAVA_VENDOR to java virtual machine you want to run on server side.

@rem Set JAVA_HOME to java virtual machine you want to run on server side.
set JAVA_HOME=D:\jdk1.5.0_01

call "%WL_HOME%\common\bin\commEnv.cmd"

@rem USERDOMAIN_HOME is preset to the domain directory.
set USERDOMAIN_HOME=d:\bea\user_projects\domains\tsingtao2

@rem Set SERVER_NAME to the name of the server you wish to start up.
set SERVER_NAME=myserver

@rem Set DOMAIN_NAME to the name of the server you wish to start up.
set DOMAIN_NAME=tsingtao2

@rem Set WLS_USER equal to your system username and WLS_PW equal 
@rem to your system password for no username and password prompt
@rem during server startup.  Both are required to bypass the startup
@rem prompt.
set WLS_USER=tsingtao2
set WLS_PW=

if NOT "%1" == "" set WLS_USER=%1
if NOT "%2" == "" set WLS_PW=%2

if "%WLS_USER%" == "" goto usage
if "%WLS_PW%" == ""  goto usage
goto continue

echo Need to set WLS_USER and WLS_PW environment variables or specify
echo them in command line:
echo Usage: installService.cmd [WLS_USER] [WLS_PW]
echo for example:
echo installService.cmd user password
goto finish


@rem Set JAVA_OPTIONS to the java flags you want to pass to the vm. i.e.:
@rem set JAVA_OPTIONS=-Dweblogic.attribute=value -Djava.attribute=value

@rem Set JAVA_VM to the java virtual machine you want to run.  For instance:
@rem set JAVA_VM=-server
@rem set JAVA_VM=

@rem Set MEM_ARGS to the memory args you want to pass to java.  For instance:
@rem set MEM_ARGS=-Xms32m -Xmx200m
@rem set MEM_ARGS=

@rem Check that the WebLogic classes are where we expect them to be
if exist "%WL_HOME%\server\lib\weblogic.jar" goto checkJava
echo The WebLogic Server wasn't found in directory %WL_HOME%\server.
echo Please edit your script so that the WL_HOME variable points
echo to the WebLogic installation directory.
goto finish

@rem Check that java is where we expect it to be
if exist "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe" goto runWebLogic
echo The JDK wasn't found in directory %JAVA_HOME%.
echo Please edit your script so that the JAVA_HOME variable
echo points to the location of your JDK.
goto finish


@echo on


@echo ***************************************************
@echo *  To start WebLogic Server, use the password     *
@echo *  assigned to the system user.  The system       *
@echo *  username and password must also be used to     *
@echo *  access the WebLogic Server console from a web  *
@echo *  browser.                                       *
@echo ***************************************************

rem *** Set Command Line for service to execute within created JVM

@echo off

if "%ADMIN_URL%" == "" goto runAdmin
@echo on
set CMDLINE="%JAVA_VM% %MEM_ARGS% %JAVA_OPTIONS% -classpath \"%CLASSPATH%\" -Dweblogic.Name=%SERVER_NAME% -Dweblogic.management.username=%WLS_USER% -Dweblogic.management.server=\"%ADMIN_URL%\" -Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled=%PRODUCTION_MODE% -Djava.security.policy=\"%WL_HOME%\server\lib\weblogic.policy\" weblogic.Server"
goto installSvc

@echo on
set CMDLINE="%JAVA_VM% %MEM_ARGS% %JAVA_OPTIONS% -classpath \"%CLASSPATH%\" -Dweblogic.Name=%SERVER_NAME% -Dweblogic.management.username=%WLS_USER% -Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled=%PRODUCTION_MODE% -Djava.security.policy=\"%WL_HOME%\server\lib\weblogic.policy\" weblogic.Server"

rem *** Set up extrapath for win32 and win64 platform separately
if not "%WL_USE_64BITDLL%" == "true" set EXTRAPATH=%WL_HOME%\server\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%WL_HOME%\server\bin\oci920_8

if "%WL_USE_64BITDLL%" == "true" set EXTRAPATH=%WL_HOME%\server\bin\win64;%WL_HOME%\server\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%WL_HOME%\server\bin\win64\oci920_8

rem *** Install the service
"%WL_HOME%\server\bin\beasvc" -install -svcname:"beasvc %DOMAIN_NAME%_%SERVER_NAME%" -javahome:"%JAVA_HOME%" -execdir:"%USERDOMAIN_HOME%" -extrapath:"%EXTRAPATH%" -password:"%WLS_PW%" -cmdline:%CMDLINE%



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