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Error opening installation log file.


You are unable to install QTP and VMware Client, and the following error message is displayed when you open the installation log file:

Error opening installation log file verify that the specified log file exist and is writable.



More Information

The installer tries to create a log in the computer's temporary directory (the directory pointed to by the "TEMP" environment variable.

If this environment variable is not set, or the directory does not exist, or you do not have permission to write to the directory, the installation will fail.

If you do not have a temp directory on your computer, follow these steps:

1.   Create a new directory called "c:\temp".

2.   In the Control Panel, open the System applet and go to the Environment tab.

3.   Add a new System environment variable called "temp" and set it to "c:\temp".





Another Resolution:

To resolve this issue, edit the system environment variables by completing the following steps:

Warning: The following procedure requires modifying the computer environment variables. This can result in unexpected system behavior. Document the existing values prior to implementing any changes. To search for the Install.log file or files in the temp folder:

1.     On the Start menu, click Run and type %temp%.

2.     Click OK.

3.     In the Temp folder, click Search and then All files and folders. In the All or part of the file name field, type Install.log and set the Look in field value to Temp. 

4.     Click Search.

5.     If the Install.log file is found, delete it.

6.     In Windows® Explorer, go to the C:\ drive and create a new folder called TEMP2.

7.     Open the Control Panel and double-click the System icon.

8.     On the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables.

9.     In the User variables list, select TEMP and click Edit.

10.   In the Variable value field, change the file path to C:\TEMP2 and click OK.

11.   In the User variables list, select TMP and click Edit.

12.   In the Variable value field, change the file path to C:\TEMP2 and click OK.

13.   In the Environment Variables window, click OK.

14.   In the System Properties window, click Apply and then OK.

15.   Restart the computer for the changes to take effect. 

16.   Repeat the installation procedure.




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