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Mondrian4 release notes

  • BI



Mondrian 4.0.0 beta release notes






Mondrian 4.0.0 is a beta release of a new major version of the

leading open-source OLAP engine. To find out more about mondrian,

go to http://mondrian.pentaho.com.





The distribution is contained in the file mondrian-<version>.zip.

Each distribution contains the full Mondrian source code, as

mondrian-<version>-src.zip, documentation including generated API



The main interface to Mondrian is its olap4j driver,



This release runs on Java version 1.5 and higher. For

backwards compatibility on Java 1.4, substitute

mondrian-jdk14.jar for mondrian.jar, and add

retroweaver-rt-1.2.4.jar to your classpath.


For further installation instructions, see


or the included file doc/installation.html.


Main functionality in this release



 - Measure groups

 - Attributes

 - Time dimension generator

 - Composite keys

 - Physical schema

 - API to define aggregate tables (not yet complete)

 - Schema format does not require XML elements to be in a

   particular order.

 - Schema validation gives multiple errors and warnings, and

   errors and warnings have a precise XML location.

 - If connection property 'Ignore' is specified, warnings do not

   prevent a connection from being established.





Some functionality is not complete in this beta version.

 - Ragged hierarchies are not supported.

 - No all native SQL optimizations supported in Mondrian-3.x

   still work.

 - There are approximately 250 test failures out of 2700 tests.

 - Pentaho Analyzer does not yet work against Mondrian-4.

 - It's not as easy as it should be to download and load sample

   data sets such as FoodMart.

 - Default value of Attribute.hasHierarchy is currently false.

   Before production, this will change it to true, if attribute

   is not included in any hierarchies.


API and MDX language changes from 3.x to 4.0



 - Mondrian-4 is compatible with olap4j version 1.0.1.

 - In MDX, hierarchy elements must be specified using

   [dimension].[hierarchy], and level elements must be specified

   using [dimension].[hierarchy].[level]. (In Mondrian-3.x, this

   behavior was enabled only if the property

   mondrian.olap.SsasCompatibleNaming was set to true.)

 - The following deprecated APIs have been removed:

  -- mondrian.olap.DimensionType

  -- mondrian.olap.LevelType

- createDimension has been removed from the API mondrian.olap.Schema



Other changes from 3.x to 4.0



The XML schema format is not compatible between

versions. Mondrian-3.x software would not be able to read a

Mondrian-4 schema, and Mondrian-4 software can read a Mondrian-3

schema only because it recognizes that the schema is a legacy

format and internally converts to Mondrian-4 format.


We recommend using the metamodelVersion attribute of the Schema

element, to make it clear which version the schema is intended

for. This attribute is mandatory from 4.0 onwards.


The schema converter can handle most schemas, but has the

following limitations. It cannot recognize uses of columns in

expressions and convert them to Column elements.


The VirtualCube element is obsolete. The equivalent in Mondrian-4

is a Cube that contains multiple MeasureGroups.


The AggName element is obsolete. In Mondrian-4 you define

aggregate tables using the MeasureGroup element (which is also

used to define fact tables).


The AggPattern element is obsolete. There is no direct way in

Mondrian-4 to define a set of aggregate tables by

pattern-matching the names of tables and columns in the

schema. You can use the new aggregate table API to scan the

schema and define aggregate tables.


The standard demonstration schema is now called

FoodMart.mondrian.xml.  (The longer extension helps tools such as

Pentaho more easily identify the purpose of the file.)  It is in

version 4 format, of course. The previous demonstration schema,

which was called FoodMart.xml in version 3, is now called



In 3.x releases, the mondrian-<version>.zip file contained the

FoodMart data set in MySQL and Microsoft Access formats, and

there was an additional mondrian-<version>-derby.zip containing

the FoodMart data set in Apache Derby format. The binary

distribution of this release does not contain the data set. It

can be downloaded from



JPivot is no longer included with the release. Neither is there a

mondrian.war file in the distribution.


Schema workbench is obsolete and has been removed. Pentaho hopes

to build a replacement, but no firm plans exist at this time.


XMLA server has been removed from the Mondrian code base. It is

now a separate project. See



The "high-cardinality dimensions" feature has been removed. There

are better ways to support dimensions that have large numbers of



See CHANGES.txt for a list of all source code changes since the

previous release.


Upgrading from 3.x to 4.x


Mondrian 3 schemas will be automatically upgraded to Mondrian 4 

schemas internally.  Set the log4j log level for 

mondrian.rolap.RolapSchemaUpgrader to DEBUG to log the XML for the

upgraded schema.


Bugs and feature requests fixed for 4.0







To be removed


Property.formatter (XML attribute)

SchemaGrant.access value "all_dimensions"


# End



    mondrian4 schema设计说明文档

    mondrian4 schema设计说明文档,压缩包解压后打开index.html。4版本,官网链接 https://mondrian.pentaho.com/head/documentation/schema.php,无法访问,直接用该资源即可。附3版本地址: ...

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    4. **Hierarchies and Levels**: 层次是维度内的组织结构,而级别是层次中的具体节点。例如,时间维度可能有年、季度、月的层次,每个层次又有相应的级别。开发者可以通过`Hierarchy`和`Level`类来构建这些结构。 5...

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    4. **处理结果**:解析返回的结果集,将其转化为易于理解的格式,如表格或图表。 **四、使用Java与Mondrian交互** 在Java环境中,你可以使用JDBC驱动来连接到Mondrian服务器。首先,需要在项目中添加Mondrian和...


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    - **推荐版本**:`mondrian-` **2. 部署Mondrian** - **服务器环境**: - 操作系统:Windows 2000 - Web 服务器:Tomcat 5.5.20 - 关系数据库:MySQL - **新建foodmart数据库**: - 下载 `...


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    这个包可以帮助开发者确保Mondrian的olap4j实现与其他符合标准的工具和应用兼容。 5. **eigenbase-xom-**:Eigenbase XOM(eXtensible Object Model)是用于解析和生成XML文档的库。在Mondrian中,...

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    2. **olap4j**:作为Java的OLAP API规范,olap4j为Mondrian提供了与JDBC类似的接口,简化了与OLAP数据源的交互。 3. **前端工具**:Mondrian可以与多种前端工具集成,如jPivot、Saiku等,提供直观的多维数据分析...


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