Google recently announced that it is developing its own operating system based around the Chrome web browser, named appropriately enough Chrome OS
For the past week there have been rumors circulating about a leaked
version being available for download. Don't believe the hype. The
‘leaked version' is a fake that is not related to Google at all.
a trusted source like Gizmodo has perpetuated the myth that Chrome is
available. Its tough when there is so much pressure to be the first to
publish a breaking news story. Gizmodo recently reported a story of alleged Chrome operating system screen shots
but later updated the story to state that it was verified as a fake.
Gizmodo pushed the story of the fake download with a story titled Google Chrome OS Now Available, Go Get It
number of sites and individuals who are propagating the story is
lending credibility to the false rumor. A quick scan of Twitter or a
quick search of the Web will lead to all sorts of seemingly reputable sources talking about the availability of the Chrome OS beta
Most of the excitement though can be traced back to Gizmodo. It is a
trusted source of breaking tech news and it doesn't take much for an
announcement on Gizmodo to go viral on Twitter and blog sites.
site in question appears legitimate in so much as it is actually on the domain. The site lists features like a GNOME desktop, Google
Picassa integration, and a Flash Player plugin. It comes complete with
a few Google logos scattered about.
However, it is actually a
product of Google Sites. Basically, someone created a page with Google
Sites which points to and populated it with basic
information about the Chrome OS which could be extracted from publicly
available details Google has shared, then added a link to download some
other completely unrelated tool.
To be fair, the site owner did
include a disclaimer at the bottom stating "Chrome OS is not related to
Google. Service is provided by SUSE Studio. Seethe license." Google has
since disabled the site
for violating the Google Sites terms of service.
sounds like it has promise, although the operating system market is a
tough sell that is already filled with dominating players like
Microsoft and Apple. Of course, Google hasn't shied away from
head-to-head battles with either of those companies in other arenas
like Web search, mobile phone operating systems, or web browsers.
patient. The fervor over all things Google is remotely understandable,
but Rome wasn't built in a day. Even Google will take some time to
develop an actual operating system. When it is actually available, I am
sure you will hear about it.
In the meantime, if a guy in a
dark alley whispers that he has an early version of Chrome OS
available, there is good reason to be suspicious. Google may have shut
down this fake Chrome OS site, but others are sure to follow. If it
walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, its probably a duck. Check
your sources and exercise some common sense before you rush to download
a fake, and potentially malicious, Chrome OS.
Tony Bradley is
an information security and unified communications expert with more
than a decade of enterprise IT experience. He tweets as
and provides tips, advice and reviews on information security and unified communications technologies on his site at
Hackers Beware The Ultimate Guide to Network Security.pdf
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