According to The Next Web
, the Google Wave
team is getting ready to open up its servers for federation. This announcement may come as early as today.
The Google Wave we see today is only one part of what Wave is all about. Wave is also an open protocol
that allows different Wave providers to run their own Wave servers. These are not
just stand-alone Wave servers for internal use in a company, however.
This protocol gives Wave providers the ability to exchange messages
between different servers that are running Wave-based services, just
like different email providers can pass emails back and forth thanks to
standardized email protocols.
A Google spokesperson just told us that the company will have more news
about the launch of the Wave federation program early next week - not
What The Google Wave Federation Looks Like
The Wave team likes to compare
Wave to email - and just like email, Wave users will be able to
exchange messages and share waves with Wave users on different servers.
Right now, Google is the only Wave provider on the market. This will
soon change. Wave providers will be able to use the Wave federation
protocol to share updates and users only have to know the other users'
wave address. A wave address looks just like an email address:
To reach its potential as a ubiquitous new means for real-time
communication, Wave has to be open and available to as many users as
possible. If Wave only existed in Google's silo, it wouldn't be very
If you are interested in the technical background, Google offers a very readable White Paper about the Google Wave federation architecture
What Does This Mean for Users?
Because it's a federated protocol, you could soon run your own Wave
server. No pre-packaged distributions that would allow a user or
company to set up a Wave server exist at this point, but it's only a
matter of time before these will arrive. Hopefully, some of these will
also experiment with alternative user interfaces that will extend the
functionality of Wave beyond Google's current implementation.
Companies will be able to host their own Wave servers and use them
to communicate internally or with clients who run their own Wave
servers. Many enterprise companies are still worried about storing
their data in a hosted environment. If Google wants to make Wave
palatable for this market, these companies need to have the ability to
control their data and customize the experience for their employees.
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:input_symbols: 朱珀特联邦Jupyter Federation,Jupyter的便携式渲染。
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