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How We Jumped 50 Places in the App Store – for Free
- 博客分类:
- tech stuff
In October 2008 we saw the writing was on the wall for small, unfunded, inexperienced pure-play iPhone startups; we figured the App Store was growing so fast that soon everything would get buried and only the big players (or a lucky few) would prosper. So we did what any self-respecting masochistic entrepreneurs would do; we started a pure-play iPhone app startup!
We did this for three reasons:
1. Get something out there for people to interact with and talk about (”Release Early”).
2. Understand people’s wellness requirements (”Listen to Your Customers” + “Iterate Often”).
3. Learn what we are good at and what we are crap at (”Fail Fast”).
We made a lot of mistakes (growing list here) leading to poor sales at best and major stress at worst…but there’s two things we’ve done well that have made a huge difference to our prospects: Customer Service and Social Media (and they are linked, in the context of this article).
Customer Service
This is our customer service approach:
1. Answer ALL emails and tweets.
2. Build a support site that is SEO’d and contains all the questions people ask (support.gymu.com).
3. Find our evangelists and love them.
4. Find our haters and love them more than our own mothers.
5. Do whatever it takes to fix a customer’s problem, even if that means meeting them to give them pre-release code!
I’ll discuss these in a separate post (especially 4!) but the theme I want to get across is ENGAGEMENT – by responding to every email, complaint, concern we’ve not only been able to improve products and see new opportunities but we’ve also earned trust.
Ok, so we’re 500 words into the post and you are probably questioning – what on earth has Customer Service got to do with jumping 50 places in the App Store? The answer is partly “freebies” and party trust – because with trust you avoid looking too stupid when you try this:
Social Media
For a long time we’ve integrated Twitter and Facebook (badly – we don’t use Facebook Connect for historical dev reasons) to enable users to share their fitness progress with their friends and get extra motivation. In exchange there’s the hope that potential customers will become aware of the brand and/or click through to the site/twitter feed. We try to avoid things being a bit one-sided by interacting with those tweets as best we can, but there’s still this feeling “we could be doing more”.
Then it dawned on us:
1. We’d already coded a load of unreleased features we knew the customers want.
2. Many of our customers use twitter and facebook.
3. Any money we’d have made from micropayments (for new features) we’d have put back into ads.
So why not cut out the middle-men and make a sort of “in-app PR” – i.e. new features in exchange for tweets from within the app? Of course, we probably could have used pre-made text like “Hey, buy GymFu – it’s great!” but instead we decided to also allow free-form responses – risky, but important for maximum authenticity
The beauty about this approach is that it’s free – it’s code we already had (mostly), we don’t have to rev share, we don’t have to pay ads etc. The question was, would it work? We had absolutely no idea, but we knew what was critical was to hit everything all at once.
The result: both PushupFu (app store link) and CrunchFu (app store link) [motion-tracking personal trainers - see app store links for more info] jumped up 50 places in the App Store! Sweeeet! (BTW we did also mess with the pricing – I’ll discuss that in the comments if you want).
What could we have done better? Well, we definitely should have built up the hype a bit more – sending out the emails earlier would have hopefully queued people up ready to tweet all at once; had we done that it might have trended on Twitter. We probably should have timed things better for the West Coast users also, as they are our biggest customer area. Finally, we could have avoided annoying a few users by pre-warning them we were about to tweet a LOT – SORRY to all thoses guys who were deleting SMSs as fast as we were tweeting.
It might not even be a sustainable boost (the proof is in the pudding) but the chances are one of you could use this hack very effectively. As for for us, we’re pretty happy – and apart from a nice jump in the raw app sales, a lot of extra people are talking about us now.
We hope you enjoyed that post. For more information why not check out the afor-mentioned promo website here. Failing that, if you are interested in geek fitness have a look at our blog here or follow us on twitter.
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mistakes—multithreading was new to all of us—but we got there in the end. It was also while working on this project that I first became aware of the C++ Standards Committee and the freshly published...
So after years of pain, I jumped on oDesk and contracted Ilya Kitaev, to both compile with Microsoft Visual Studio, and also prepare automated tools for easy compiling in the future. Update: MSVC isn...
13. The girl in the school uniform jumped the farthest in the competition. 14. Whom do you often share your happiness and sadness with? 15. I think Chinese buses are less comfortable than those in ...
We wrote the code in C++, using POSIX threads, and made a fair number of mistakes—multithreading was new to all of us—but we got there in the end. It was also while working on this project that I ...
In the diagrams which follow, · indicates a peg in a hole, * emboldened indicates the peg to be moved, and o indicates an empty hole. A blue ¤ is the hole the current peg moved from a red * is the ...
1. **The people living in these apartments have free _______ to that swimming pool.** - **Answer:** A) Access - **Explanation:** “通路,入门”在这里指的是居住在这些公寓里的人可以自由出入游泳池。 ...
- 提供实例支持,如:"Taking the pie charts as an example, we can observe that food consumption decreased from 44% to 14% over the 30-year period, while car purchases jumped from 23% to 45%." ...
- `verb`: 包括五个动词,“drove”、“jumped”(应为“jumped”,原文中拼写错误)、“ran”、“walked”和“skipped”。 - `preposition`: 包含五个介词,“to”、“from”、“over”、“under”和“on”。 ### ...
We ran, we jumped and we cheered for **ourselves**."中的"ourselves"是反身代词,表示动作的执行者同时也是受益者。 15. **副词**:"**Luckily**","lucky"的副词形式,用于修饰整个句子,表示"幸运的是"。 ...
Along the way, we marveled at the array of wildlife – a family of deer grazing in a clearing, birds singing their evening songs, and the gentle rush of the river accompanying us. Our adventure had ...
Para1: The car abruptly stopped in front of him. Mac jumped off his bicycle and dashed towards the car, his heart pounding with fear. Paul and Becky, realizing the imminent danger, quickly opened the ...
Finally, as twilight settled, we spotted Uncle Paul's farm house in the distance, its warm lights welcoming us home. We rode in, a little worn out but with hearts full of joy and memories that would ...
11. 条件状语从句:__If it is convenient for__ you, we will meet at the school gate at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. "__If it is convenient for__"是一个条件状语从句,表明会面的条件。 12. 时间状语从句:_...
" 可以翻译成 "When they heard the news, they jumped with joy." 或 "Hearing the news, they jumped with joy." - "他在街上走的时候遇见了老同学。" 可以翻译成 "While he was walking in the street, he met ...
* jump / soar:表示数量的突然增加,例如:“The number of students jumped by 50% within a month.” 二、关于数量变化趋势的表达 * increase / rise / growth / increment / an upward trend:表示数量的增加...
8. **状语从句**:使用不同的状语从句,如时间状语从句(Whenever and wherever there is an emergency, you can dial 110 for help.)、条件状语从句(If only I had checked the answers before I handed in my ...
- In spite of the rain, they went for a walk. (尽管下着雨,他们还是出去散步了。) 让步状语从句在句子中的作用是强调主句的某种情况,即使存在从句中的情况,也不会改变主句的陈述。它有助于增强语言的表达力,...
16. **We waited over an hour for the train because there were too many people.** "waited for"等待,"because"引导原因状语从句,"too many"修饰可数名词复数,表示太多。 17. **Because of the bad weather, ...
3. 原句:The little boy lost his way in the big city. 转换:The little boy got lost in the big city. "lost his way"与"got lost"同义,均指在大城市中迷路。 4. 原句:It’s the highest mountain in ...
If you think there was a lot to learn when the world jumped from DOS to Windows 95, then you're really in for it if you make the leap from 9x/Me to XP unprepared. Let this proven bestseller be your ...