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Seam学习笔记 -
00 -现在,互联网造就了一批富翁,但那时,似乎什么都不会去想 ...
如果时光能够回流到八年前 -
八年前,OMG ,能改变的事情真的很多...

The DHTML / JavaScript Calendar
A flat DHTML calendar which is suitable for selecting date/time “on the fly”. The design is customizable through external CSS, the script provides help hints, allows multiple days selection, is fast and very easy to setup. Keyboard can be used for a quicker date selection. Open source. -
NoGray Calendar Component
A customizable and extensible JavaScript mooTools Calendar. It’s skinnable using CSS. -
Quick Calendar Using AJAX and PHP
A Tutorial from Bernard Peh at evolt.org. Visitors can navigate through the calender clicking on the linked dates; the information about the event which took place on this day appears below the calendar. -
jQuery Calendar v2.7
The calendar can easily be added to an input field with appropriate default settings. The calendar can appear on focus, via button and both ways. Day names are clickable to change the first day of the week. The calendar also responds to keystrokes entered in the input field. Use a custom field settings function to create a date range control: two date fields, each restricting the other. Very flexible solution. -
Calendar System
This calendar is using PHP & Script.aculo.us. There are 3 parts, the Javascript, the HTML and the PHP script. The style can be applied with CSS, of course. -
PHP iCalendar
PHP iCalendar is a PHP-based iCal file viewer/parser to display iCals in a Web browser. It displays iCal files in a nice logical, clean manner with day, week, month, and year navigation. It is available in 13 languages and includes support for printing, searching and RSS news feeds. -
Yahoo! UI Library: Calendar
The Calendar component is a UI control that enables users to choose one or more dates from a graphical calendar presented in a single month or multi month interface. Calendars are generated entirely via script and can be navigated without any page refreshes. There are dozens of examples and additional options you can use to customize the calendar. -
JavaScript DatePicker Control
The DatePicker lets users easily select valid dates from a dropdown calendar. No need to worry about date formats, by picking dates it’s always correct. -
Simple Calendar Widget
This flexible, simple pop-up calendar is written to work across browsers. It’s fully commented and customisable for language, colours and date format. The pop-up displays a month at a time from a specified range of years. -
Tigra Calendar
Tigra Calendar is a free JavaScript Calendar control that makes it easy for the website users to fill out the date/time fields by selecting the date from a popup calendar. Script saves the time for those internet/intranet developers who need intuitive, easy to use cross-browser client-side date or timestamp input control. Calendars are attached to the existing input fields in the web form, multiple calendars can be configured independently in the same form or page. Tigra Calendar is pure client side script so it can work with any server side scripting technology (PHP, ASP, CGI etc.). -
Epoch – Date Picker
A cross-browser date picker which is fast, easy to use and easy to configure. -
JS Calendar (version 2.1)
A cross browser Javascript calendar. 12 languages are currently supported -
Keith Devens PHP Calendar
A very simple, but multi-functional PHP script to print out a calendar. Neat bonus features include the ability to link certain days in the calendar to a web page - useful for a weblog. You can also assign stylesheet classes to specific days, and provide content for an individual day. -
Developing Johan’s Accessible Calendar
These examples relates to the Accessible Calendar with Selection of Weeks topic on Accessify Forums. -
AJAX Datetime Toolbocks
Intuitive Date Input Selection. The Datetime Toolbocks is a pure JavaScript library using DHTML and advanced date parsing to generate the date based on the grammar passed. The purpose of the Datetime Toolbocks is to simplify the date entering process using common terms we are all familiar with. -
AJAX Calendars
An overview of 10 AJAX-based calendar scripts.
More On:http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2007/10/23/online-calendars-and-date-pickers/

DateJs- Datejs is an open-source JavaScript Date Library.

JS Calendar- This is a cross browser Javascript calendar.

Date Range Picker
A rich date-range widget that uses the jQuery UI’s date picker and some additional custom interaction

Date Picker jQuery Plugin allows users select a date or a range selection of dates easily. It hasa lot of options and easy to fit in your web application. It supports multiple calendars in the component. We can mark dates as special, weekends, special days. More importantly, we can easy to customize the look by changing CSS.

Link: http://marcgrabanski.com/pages/code/jquery-ui-datepicker

Via: ArturoGoga
- Monket Calendar
- Calendario usando AJAX y PHP
- Integrando Google Calendar a tu web
- Calendario con JavaScript
- Calendario con DHTML y JavaScript
- Calendario con CSS y listas (<ul> y <li>)
- Calendario con CSS
- Calendario con CSS (valida correctamente CSS)
- Calendario con PHP y Scriptaculous
- Calendario AJAX - Javascript, XML y PHP
- MySQL Calendar por Jamie McConnell
- acc_calendar: calendario accesible en javascript
- Swazz Javascript Calendar
- Scal - Javascript Calendar Control based on Prototype and Scriptaculous
via: http://www.ribosomatic.com/articulos/10-calendarios-con-php-css-y-javascript/
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