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How to install Django


How to install Django

Downloading these software and then installing them as follow:

python:  http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.4.3/python-2.4.3.msi

PIL for py2.4:  http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/

Django:  http://media.djangoproject.com/releases/0.95/Django-0.95.4.tar.gz

apache:  http://apache.justdn.org/httpd/binaries/win32/apache_2.0.58-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi

mod_python:  http://apache.justdn.org/httpd/modpython/win/3.2.8/mod_python-3.2.8.win32-py2.4.exe


you can also find them as attachments in this page.


Entering Django-0.95.4 directory

Using 'python ez_setup.py' command to check whether 'setuptool' is existent or not, if it is not existent, then it will download automatically from internet.


Then installing Django

Using 'python setup.py install' command to install Django to site-package directory and configure the sys.path file.

You can also check it out in terminal using:

import sys

print sys.path


Checking 'mod_python.so' out in 'D:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\modules' directory


Modifying appach conf/httpd.conf file

Adding following things:


'LoadModule python_module modules/mod_python.so'


<Directory "D:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs/test">

    AddHandler mod_python .py

  PythonHandler pythonTest

  PythonDebug On



Creating a ‘pythonTest.py’ file in the test directory, like this(paying more attention on code formatting):


from mod_python import apache
def handler(req):
       req.content_type = 'text/plain' 

        req.write("Hello World!\n")
        return apache.OK





Restart appach

Using following address:


'Hello World!' appears on the page.



Next, creating a django project.


Entering D:\Program Files\Python24\Scripts directory

Using 'django-admin.py startproject newtest' command to create a new django project.


Cutting the newtest directory and then pasting in D:\Program Files\Python24\Lib\site-packages directory


Modifying appach conf/httpd.conf file

<Location "/newtest/">  

    SetHandler python-program  

    PythonPath "sys.path+['D:/Program Files/Python24/Lib/site-packages/newtest']" 

    PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython  

    SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE newtest.settings

    PythonDebug On  



Restart appach

Using following address:


It works!













    - 安装指南(How to install Django):详细介绍了在不同环境下安装Django的方法,如各种操作系统。 - Django设置(Djangosettings):讲解了Django的配置文件(settings.py)以及常用设置项,如数据库配置、中间件...


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    - **How to install Django:** 详细介绍Django的安装步骤,包括不同操作系统下的安装方法。 - **Models and databases:** 解释了如何在Django中定义模型,以及模型如何映射到数据库的表。 - **Handling ...

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    - **How to install Django (如何安装 Django)**: 详细介绍了在不同环境下的安装步骤。 - **Models and databases (模型与数据库)**: 讲解了如何定义模型以及与数据库交互的方式。 - **Handling HTTP requests (处理...

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