sterisk 常用命令、Trixbox相关的Linux命令、URL、Trixbox功能键、电话技巧、配置文件路径
Support Phone Number: |
+1-888-TRIXBOX |
Website | |
HUD-lite Download | |
TrixBox Link Reference
Admin Login |
http://<IP>/maint |
freepbx |
http://<IP>/maint/?freepbx |
ssh terminal |
http://<IP>/maint/?sshTerm |
Edit Configs |
http://<IP>/maint/?configEdit |
Point Manager |
http://<IP>/maint/?epManager End |
Asterisk Information |
http://<IP>/maint/?astInfo |
Process status |
http://<IP>/maint/?sysMaint |
Install/Update Packages |
http://<IP>/maint/?packages |
Operator Panel |
http://<IP>/admin/panel.php |
Entering the Asterisk Console |
asterisk -r |
Checking Current System Load |
top |
Interrupt Information |
cat /proc/interrupts |
RAID Array Information |
cat /proc/mdstat |
Checking the Routing table |
netstat -rn OR route |
Checking CPU Information |
cat /proc/interrupts |
Checking Memory Information |
cat /proc/meminfo |
Running tcpdump |
tcpdump -A -s 10000 port <port> and host <host> |
Running PING tests |
ping -i 0.02 -c 500 -s 270 <host> |
Intensive Performance Information |
vmstat 1 |
Current Wanpipe Version |
wanrouter version |
Current system processes |
ps aux |
Current Networking Information |
ifconfig -a |
Duplexing Diagnostics |
mii-tool |
Rsync Usage |
rsync -av -essh /path/to/file <remote_site>:/path/to/file |
SCP Usage |
scp /path/to/file <remote_host>:/path/to/file |
Checking Disk Space |
df -h |
Display TrixBox help options |
help-trixbox |
Show Current Peers |
sip/iax2 show peers |
Show Current Registration |
sip/iax2 show registry |
PRI Status |
pri show span <span_number> |
Database Dump |
database show |
Show Channels |
show channels |
Hangup a Channel |
soft hangup <channel_name> |
Show Channel Detail |
show channel <channel_name> |
SIP Debug |
sip debug ip <host> |
Starting Asterisk |
/etc/init.d/asterisk start |
Stopping Asterisk |
/etc/init.d/asterisk stop |
Reloading Asterisk |
reload |
Restarting Asterisk (without modules) |
restart now |
Restarting Asterisk (when there are no active calls) |
restart when convenient |
Enter PRI Debug Mode |
pri debug span <span_number> |
List modules and info |
show modules |
Lists parked calls |
show parkedcalls |
Show status of a specified queue |
show queue |
Show status of queues |
show queues |
Show uptime information |
show uptime |
Display version info |
show version |
List defined voicemail boxes |
show voicemail users |
Enable SIP debugging on IP |
sip debug ip |
Enable SIP debugging on Peername |
sip debug peer |
Enable SIP history |
sip history |
Disable SIP debugging |
sip no debug |
Disable SIP history |
sip no history |
Reload SIP configuration |
sip reload |
Show SIP dialog history |
sip show history |
Show defined SIP users |
sip show users |
Removes a channel from a specified queue |
remove queue member |
Set level of debug chattiness |
set debug |
Set level of verboseness |
set verbose |
Show status of agents |
show agents |
Shows registered applications |
show applications |
Describe a specific application |
show application |
Show status of conferences |
show conferences |
Displays RSA key information |
show keys |
Show manager command |
show manager command |
Show connected managers |
show managers |
Start Asterisk and Flash Operator Panel server |
amportal start|stop|kill|chown |
Sets an agent offline |
agent logoff |
Sets an agent online |
agent logon |
Enable RTP debugging |
rtp debug |
Enable RTP debugging on ip |
rtp debug ip |
Disable RTP debugging |
rtp no debug |
Destroy a channel |
zap destroy channel |
List cadences |
zap show cadences |
Show active zapata channels |
zap show channels |
Show information on a channel |
zap show channel |
Show all Zaptel cards status |
zap show status |
User Logon |
*11 |
User Logoff |
*12 |
ZapBarge |
888 |
Simulate Incoming Call |
7777 |
Call Forward All Activate |
*72 |
Call Forward All Deactivate |
*73 |
Call Forward All Prompting Deactivate |
*74 |
Call Forward Busy Activate |
*90 |
Call Forward Busy Deactivate |
*91 |
Call Forward Busy Prompting Deactivate |
*92 |
Call Forward No Answer/Unavailable Activate |
*52 |
Call Forward No Answer/Unavailable Deactivate |
*53 |
Call Waiting - Activate |
*70 |
Call Waiting - Deactivate |
*71 |
DND Activate |
*78 |
DND Deactivate |
*79 |
My Voicemail |
*97 |
Dial Voicemail |
*98 |
Save Recording |
*77 |
Check Recording |
*99 |
Directory |
# |
Call Trace |
*69 |
Echo Test |
*43 |
Speaking Clock |
*60 |
Speak Your Exten Number |
*65 |
ChanSpy |
555 |
Intercom Prefix |
*80 |
Zaptel Card Status |
zttool |
Detailed Card Status |
ztcfg -vvv |
T1 Error / Status |
wanpipemon -i w1g1 -c Ta |
Analog Voltage Check |
wanpipemon -i w1g1 -c astats -m <line_number> |
Start Wanpipe Driver |
wanrouter start |
Stop Wanpipe Driver |
wanrouter stop |
Upgrade TrixBox to the latest version | |
Set the local time zone and keyboard type |
config |
Configure ethernet interface |
netconfig |
Autoconfig Zaptel cards |
genzaptelconf |
Install the HUDlite-server (Required for HUDlite client) |
install-hudlite |
Set master password for web GUI |
passwd-maint |
Set password for amp only |
passwd-amp |
Set password for Web MeetMe only |
passwd-meetme |
Set root password for console login |
passwd |
Set admin password for checking system mail |
passwd admin |
Create a SIPDefault.cnf in /tftpboot |
setup-cisco |
Create a aastra.cfg in /tftpboot |
setup-aastra |
Setup for autoconfiguration of Grandstream |
setup-grandstream |
Set up a dhcp server |
setup-dhcp |
Set up a Samba server (Microsoft file sharing) |
setup-samba |
Configure sendmail |
setup-mail |
Get latest patches for CentOS |
yum -y update |
Asterisk Configuration Files |
/etc/asterisk/*.conf |
Agents Configuration File |
/etc/asterisk/agents.conf |
Queues Configuration File |
/etc/asterisk/queues.conf |
Extensions Configuration File |
/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf |
Extensions Additional Configuration File |
/etc/asterisk/extensions_additional.conf |
Extensions Custom Configuration File |
/etc/asterisk/extensions_additional.conf |
SIP Configuration |
/etc/asterisk/sip.conf |
SIP Additional Configuration |
/etc/asterisk/sip_additional.conf |
SIP Custom Configuration |
/etc/asterisk/sip_custom.conf |
Voicemail Configuration Files |
/etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf |
MeetMe Conferenece Configuration |
/etc/asterisk/meetme.conf |
IAX2 Configuration |
/etc/asterisk/iax.conf |
IAX2 Additional Configuration |
/etc/asterisk/iax_additional.conf |
IAX2 Custom Configuration |
/etc/asterisk/iax_custom.conf |
Asterisk Log Configuration |
/etc/asterisk/logger.conf |
Wanpipe Configuration Files |
/etc/wanpipe/* |
Zaptel Configuration |
/etc/asterisk/zaptel.conf |
Zapata Configuration Files |
/etc/asterisk/zapata.conf |
CDR Log Files |
/var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv |
Queue Log Files |
/var/log/asterisk/queue*.log |
Asterisk Log File |
/var/log/asterisk/messages |
Outgoing Call Files Directory |
/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing |
/var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/ |
Keys |
/var/lib/asterisk/keys/ |
Images |
/var/lib/asterisk/images |
MeetMe recordings |
/var/spool/asterisk/meetme/ |
Voicemail Messages |
/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/ |
Music on Hold |
/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/ |
Voice Prompts |
/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/ |
Dictation Recordings |
/var/spool/asterisk/dictate/ |
Monitor Recordings |
/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/ |
Phone Firmware and Config Locations |
/tftpboot/ |
### Asterisk与TrixBox:全面解析与应用实践 #### 一、Asterisk与TrixBox概述 **Asterisk**是一款强大的开源PBX(Private Branch Exchange,专用分组交换机)通信平台,它支持多种语音编码格式,并且能够通过软件...
在IT与通信技术领域,Trixbox作为一款基于Linux的PBX(Private Branch Exchange)解决方案,凭借其强大的功能和灵活的配置选项,成为了众多企业和组织构建内部电话系统时的首选。Trixbox集成了Asterisk开源PBX引擎,...
Asterisk是一款开源的IP电话系统,主要用于VoIP通信,其功能强大且可高度定制。在Asterisk的管理中,CLI(Command Line Interface)是一个非常重要的工具,它允许管理员直接与Asterisk服务器交互,执行各种管理和...
以下是一些Asterisk常用命令的详细解释: 1. **启动与调试命令**: - `./asterisk &`:将Asterisk服务在后台运行。 - `./asterisk -vvvc`:以调试模式启动Asterisk,输出大量日志信息到控制台。 - `./asterisk -...
下面是Asterisk的一些常用的命令: 1. amportal 命令 amportal 命令是FreePBX搞的,负责管控Asterisk。amportal start 启动Asterisk,amportal restart 重启Asterisk,amportal stop 关闭Asterisk。 2. asterisk ...
Asterisk提供了许多APP命令,用于实现各种电话功能。本文将对Asterisk APP命令进行分类和解释,以便更好地了解和使用Asterisk系统。 呼叫管理 * Answer:如果呼叫回复一个信道 * Busy:显示忙的情形等待挂断 * ...
TrixBox,原名Asterisk@Home,是基于Asterisk VoIP(Voice over Internet Protocol)电话系统的轻量级解决方案。这本书通过深入浅出的方式,帮助读者快速理解和应用TrixBox的各项功能,实现高效的企业通信系统。 ...
` 命令:这个命令用于在CLI中执行Shell命令,让你能够直接在Asterisk的控制台环境中运行Linux系统的命令。 2. `ael reload`:重新加载AEL(Asterisk Extension Language)配置。AEL是Asterisk的一种脚本语言,用于...
**说明:** 此命令允许用户在Asterisk的CLI界面中执行Linux系统的shell命令,适用于需要调用系统命令的情况。 **示例:** `!ls` 可以用来查看当前目录下的文件列表。 ##### 2. 取消暂停 **命令:** `abortshutdown` **...
Asterisk Dialplan是 Asterisk VoIP 服务器中的核心组件之一,它负责处理呼叫路由、通话控制和多种功能。Asterisk的拨号计划由一系列命令组成,这些命令用于定义呼叫流程并决定如何处理不同类型的呼叫事件。以下是...
Trixbox 是一种基于 Asterisk 的开源 VOIP 服务器解决方案,通常用于企业内部的 IP 电话和 VOIP 服务器。以下是 Trixbox 的安装和配置过程: 1. 安装 VMware 虚拟机,并安装 Linux 操作系统(Red Hat)。如果直接...
【标题】"asterisk学习综合"涵盖了多个关于Asterisk PBX系统的核心概念,包括了APP命令、DIAL命令的详细解析以及Asterisk的基本使用和配置。这是一份全面的资料集合,旨在帮助初学者深入理解Asterisk并进行实际操作...
Asterisk AMI(Asterisk Manager Interface)接口是Asterisk PBX系统提供的一种用于远程管理和监控的强大工具。这个接口允许开发者通过编程方式与Asterisk进行交互,执行诸如控制呼叫、获取状态、监听通话等多种操作...
这个库使得开发者可以利用Java语言来控制和编程Asterisk PBX(Private Branch eXchange),执行诸如创建、管理通话、处理AMI(Asterisk Manager Interface)事件等功能。在本篇文章中,我们将深入探讨如何使用...