The Object-Relation-Kin Model
Toward Relational Analysis and Design in General Object Oriented
The relational model is in use by many database systems. Object oriented technology is also widely used in database
application development. But “object-relational impedance mismatch” was found between the two approaches.
However, in the study behind this paper, the REAL mismatch is revaluated, and the Object-Relational Mapping
approach is found being actually mapping between the Network Model and the SQL interface.
A new data model - the Object-Relation-Kin model is then derived from the relational model and the entityrelationship
model, to better consolidate object technology and the relational model without defective mappings.
Ableverse™ TheObjectBase as the DBMS and WebOfWeb as the blueprint project are showing a feasible solution in
the Java™ programming language as realworld practices, on the basis of this new data model.
Table of Contents:
1 . Introduction
1 .1. Backgrounds
1 .1.1. The Relational Model and the Entity-Relationship Model
1 .1.2. Conventional Relational Databases and SQL
1 .2. New Situations
1 .2.1. Impedance Mismatch Problems and SQL's Limitations
1 .2.2. Physical RAM Capacity Increased to Hold Mass Data
1 .2.3. Developed Garbage Collection Technologies
1 .2.4. More CPUs, More Cores, Sharing a Same Memory Space
1 .3. New Ideas
1 .3.1. Adding Persistence Ability to Application Object Model
1 .3.2. Unique Object Graph
1 .3.3. Relational Data Traverse for Embedded DB Access
1 .3.4. Hosting Based Interfacing for Distributed DB Access
2 . Premised Object Orientation
2 .1. Object Oriented Analysis and Design
2 .2. The Java Programming Language
3 . The Object-Relation-Kin Model
3 .1. Data in Object Models: Exposed Properties and Encapsulated Fields
3 .2. Multilevel Views of Data
3 .3. Information Concerning Entities and Relationships (Level 1)
3 .3.1. Entity and Relation Objects
3 .3.1.1. Entity Object Inheritance
3 .3.1.2. Relation Object Inheritance
3 .3.2. Role in Relationship
3 .3.3. Properties, Value and Type
3 .3.4. Conceptual Information Structure
3 .4. Information Structure (Level 2)
3 .4.1. Object Identifiers
3 .4.2. Data Fields Encapsulated by Objects
3 .4.3. Entity and Relation Classes
3 .5. Object Graph in Operational Memory (Level 4)
3 .5.1. Relation Object Ties Other Objects with Tie Fields
3 .5.1.1. Tie Field Name reflects Role
3 .5.1.2. Behaviors of Tie Reference Object
3 .5.2. Related Objects Reach Each Others through Kin Fields
3 .5.2.1. Kin Field and Kin Set Field
3 .5.2.2. Source Relation, Self Roles and Target Roles
3 .5.2.3. Kin Reference
3 .5.3. Derive 3NF Schema from E-R Schema, Direct Kin
3 .6. Tabular Object States in Permanent Storage (Level 3)
3 .7. Object Swapping and Swap Engine
3 .7.1. Update Tables On Transaction Commit
3 .7.2. Inflate Objects On Initial Access
4 . Persistence System Design with ORK Model
4 .1. Database Management System for ORK Model
4 .2. Create Domain Model with Persistent Objects
4 .2.1. Design Domain Object Topography
4 .2.2. Design Object Behaviors (Domain Logics)
4 .2.2.1. Concern Persistence Behaviors
4 .3. Provide Access to the System
4 .3.1. Define and Implement Service Interfaces
4 .3.1.1. Create Domain Objects
4 .3.1.2. Find Domain Objects
4 . Query Persistent Objects using SQL
4 . More Query Mechanisms
4 .3.1.3. Delete Domain Objects
4 .3.1.4. Invoke Domain Object Methods
4 . Methods Read Persistent Fields
4 . Methods Write Persistent Fields
4 . Methods Update Tie Fields
4 .3.2. Host Foreign Task Agents with Domain Model Environment
4 .3.2.1. Enable Task Agent Transmission
4 .3.2.2. Impose Security Constraints
4 .4. Design Data Analytical Applications using SQL
5 . Object-Relation-Kin Diagram
6 . Software Products for Reference
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