Over the millions of websites available, some are true tools for us web developers. In this article, I have compiled 10 extremely useful sites for web developers, that should definitely be added to your bookmarks.
Mysql Format Date
MySQL Format Date helps you to format your dates using the MySQL DATE_FORMAT function. Just select a common date format and then change it to your suit your needs. The MySQL DATE_FORMAT code will be generated at the bottom of the page which you can then copy into your query.
Visit site: http://www.mysqlformatdate.com
Script Src
Are you tired of hunting the Internet in order to find the script tag for the latest version of the Javascript library of your choice? ScriptSrc.net has compiled all the latest versions of jQuery, Mootools, Prototype and more in a single page which lets you copy it in your browser clipboard with a single click.

Visit site: http://scriptsrc.net
Em Chart
I never been a fan of ems in CSS files, but sometimes you have to deal with it. In that case, Em chart will translate ems to pixels so you’ll save time and hassle.

Visit site: http://aloestudios.com/tools/emchart
Twitter API Explorer
If you’re using the Twitter API in the site you build, you’ll for sure enjoy this very handy website which allow you to search through the Twitter API. Even better, the website can generate ready-to-use code snippets. A real time gain for you and your clients!

Visit site: http://twitapi.com/explore
Browser Sandbox
Cross browser compatibility is definitely one of the biggest problems a web developer has to face in his daily job. The browser sandbox lets you run any Windows browser from the web. The only bad thing is that you must run a Windows machine: The app does not work on Macs and GNU/Linux.

Visit site: http://spoon.net/browsers
PHP Forms
Web forms are one of the most important part of a website, but creating them is also very time-consuming. So, what about using a website that can speed up your form development for free?
PHP forms allows you to create advanced forms that can fit the needs of most websites.

Visit site: http://www.phpform.org
.htaccess editor
A .htaccess file is a must have for any website. Don’t know how to write one? No problem, just visit this site to create your .htaccess file using a wizard. It doesn’t allow very advanced stuff, but the results are great for 95% of the websites you’ll make.

Visit site: http://www.htaccesseditor.com/en.shtml
Smush it!
Images may be worth a thousand words, they’re also well known to use a lot of bandwidth. Images can be optimized for the web using programs like Photoshop; but if you don’t own a copy of this software or simply don’t have a clue how to do it, smush.it is what you need.
Brought to you by Yahoo developers network, Smush.it is an online tool that will reduce your image size without reducing their quality. For WordPress users, a very handy plugin for your favorite blogging engine is available here.

Visit site: http://developer.yahoo.com/yslow/smushit/
CSS Compressor
Especially on site with many different page layouts, CSS files can become huge and use a lot of server bandwidth. This tool, named CSS Compressor, can consequently reduce the size of any CSS file by removing comments, indentation and more.
Even better, compression level can be configured to fit your needs.

Visit site: http://www.csscompressor.com
Test everything
This site is a definitive must-have for your bookmarks: As the name says, Test everything allows you to test lot of things such as XHTML and CSS markup, PageRank, back-links, and a lot more.

Visit site: http://tester.jonasjohn.de
本文将详细介绍一系列被公认为开发人员应当加入收藏夹的重要网站,这些网站覆盖了从编程语言、框架、设计模式到开源项目等多个领域,是开发人员提升自我、解决问题的绝佳助手。 ### HTML、CSS、XPath、XSL、...
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这样的工具集合极大地提高了开发效率,使得开发人员能够更加专注于业务逻辑的实现,而非基础架构的搭建。 在压缩包文件列表中,我们可以看到以下几个关键文件: 1. `.gitattributes`:这是一个Git配置文件,用于...
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ASP是Web开发的一种技术,它允许开发者在服务器端编写脚本,生成HTML代码并发送到客户端浏览器。这种技术使用VBScript或JScript等脚本语言,可以与各种服务器组件和数据库进行交互。 MSSQL,全称Microsoft SQL ...