Virgo from EclipseRT is a completely module-based Java application server that is designed to run enterprise Java applications and Spring-powered applications with a high degree of flexibility and reliability. It offers a simple yet comprehensive platform to develop, deploy, and service enterprise Java applications.
The Virgo kernel supports the core concepts of Virgo and is not biased towards the web server, thus enabling other types of server to be created. The kernel can also be used stand-alone as a rich OSGi application platform. A server runtime can easily be constructed by deploying suitable bundles on top of the kernel.
Virgo features:
- admin console - deploy and manage artifacts, examine diagnostic dumps, and examine bundle wiring, either in the live system or from a resolution failure
- Equinox console extension - manage Virgo and deployed artifacts
- plans - define the artifacts that comprise an application, optionally making the application atomic to tie the artifact lifecycles together, and scoped to isolate the application from other applications
- provisioning - automatically supply the dependencies of an application including bundles, plans, plan archives (PARs), and configurations, from both local and remote repositories
- web container - supports vanilla WAR files, with all their dependencies inWEB-INF/lib, and Web Application Bundles, that import their dependencies via OSGi manifest metadata, via the reference implementation of the OSGi Web Container specification, based on embedded Apache Tomcat and configured using the standard Tomcatserver.xml
- user region - isolates the kernel from user-installed applications and enables admins to focus on application artifacts and their dependencies without seeing those of the kernel as well
- Spring - Virgo packages Spring, but can easily be configured to use a different version of Spring
- hot deployment - deploy artifacts to Virgo by copying them into thepickup directory, either in archive or exploded form, as an alternative to deploying via the admin console
- legacy library support - enables third party libraries which were not designed for OSGi to function correctly, once they have been converted into OSGi bundles and deployed, through advanced support for thread context class loading, load time weaving, class path scanning, and implicit package use
- advanced resolution failure diagnostics - resolution failures are analysed and reported in meaningful terms, a dump is taken for offline analysis using the admin console, and the set of bundles being deployed is not committed to the runtime, preserving a cleanly resolved state
- logging - via embedded LogBack, configured inconfig/serviceability.xml, with a rich set of appenders available out of the box
- automatic thread stack dump on deadlock
5. `doc`目录:可能包含Virgo Server的用户指南、API文档和技术参考。 6. `lib`目录:存放运行时所需的库文件,包括Virgo Server的实现库和依赖的第三方库。 在实际使用中,开发者首先需要解压这个压缩包,然后通过...
【最新virgo-tomcat-server】是一个专为Apache Tomcat设计的服务器扩展,它提供了更为丰富和高级的服务管理功能,增强了Tomcat在企业级应用部署中的能力。Virgo服务器是SpringSource公司(现已被VMware收购)开发的...
"Virgo Web Server" 是一个基于Java平台的轻量级应用服务器,主要由SpringSource团队开发,后来成为VMware(现为Dell ...不过,由于其使用了OSGi技术,对开发者的技能要求相对较高,需要熟悉OSGi的原理和实践。
例如,可能有一个名为`virgo-start`的脚本用于启动服务器,`virgo-stop`用于停止服务器,以及`virgo-admin`之类的工具,用于执行配置更改、部署应用等管理任务。 在深入探讨Virgo-Bin包的具体内容之前,了解一些...
工作区间工具 virgo
在Virgo应用服务器中添加Hibernate支持,涉及到一系列的配置与依赖库的引入。Virgo,全称为OSGi Enterprise Platform,是SpringSource推出的一款基于OSGi规范的应用服务器,旨在为开发和部署企业级应用程序提供一个...
virgo是一款 Windows 下的极简虚拟桌面,源程序自身只有 7KB,支持 4 个虚拟桌面以及快捷键操作。 virgo极简到只有一个任务栏图标,连右键菜单都没有。 所有操作通过快捷键完成: ALT 1..4 -> 切换 1 .. 4 ...
Virgo是一款体积极小且开源的极简虚拟桌面软件,virgo 的可执行文件占用磁盘小于 10KB,并且运行后只占用了不到 1MB 的内存空间。支持 4 个虚拟桌面以及快捷键操作,应用场景有很多,譬如在桌面1打开 Office 之类...
在本文中,我们将深入探讨如何基于VirgoServer进行Spring Osgi Web开发,这是一个涉及OSGi容器、Spring框架和Web应用程序的集成技术。首先,我们需要确保拥有正确的开发环境和工具,包括Spring Tool Suite (STS),...
virgo 是一款 Windows 下的极简虚拟桌面,源程序自身只有 7KB,支持 4 个虚拟桌面以及快捷键操作。virgo 极简到只有一个任务栏图标,连右键菜单都没有。所有操作通过快捷键完成: ALT + 1..4 -> 切换 1 .. 4 个桌面 ...
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