Yeah jbi is dying. There is not gonna be a jbi 2 spec. Check out the blog post by gnodet, lead on jbi and servicemix, posted on his blog, about his thoughts on jbi.
Its just so so much easier to do apache camel, or spring integration than jbi.
JBI standard is (was?) supposed to be the standard for Entreprise Service Bus, especially in terms of facility of reuse/exchange of capabilities of different ESBs (or lonely Service Engine providers)
Known JBI implementations are (according to wikipedia) :
Non implementers:
Without taking into consideration that JBI works, and that it address different problems than SCA, would you really took into account in an ESB choice the fact that it is or not JBI compliant ? or stick to the capabilities of the ESB ?
Reference: What are the differences / similarities between JBI and SCA
Yeah jbi is dying. There is not gonna be a jbi 2 spec. Check out the blog post by gnodet, lead on jbi and servicemix, posted on his blog, about his thoughts on jbi.
Its just so so much easier to do apache camel, or spring integration than jbi.
Alternative to JBI seems to be more than one... Apache Camel or Spring Integration as mentioned by Clause.. which means, JBI need exists as standard.. to avoid multiple ways of doing the same thing..
I think JBI would continue to evolve as it is just a specification and not implementation.. Camel and Spring could comply to such specification
More can be read at
Raja Nagendra Kumar, C.T.O
### ESB原理及Mule ESB实践 ...综上所述,ESB和Mule ESB是现代IT架构中不可或缺的部分,它们为企业提供了一种灵活、高效的服务集成方案。无论是理论层面还是实际应用,掌握ESB原理及Mule ESB实践都是非常有价值的。
### JBI规范与ESB资料的关键知识点 #### 一、JBI规范概览 **1.1 定义** JBI(Java Business Integration)规范是由Java Community Process (JCP)组织发布的一套标准,旨在为Java平台上的业务集成提供统一的框架。...
### 开源ESB in Action(中文):深入解析与实践 #### 第一部分:理解ESB功能 **企业服务总线(ESB)**是现代IT体系结构中的关键组件之一,尤其在处理复杂的集成挑战方面表现突出。它不仅仅是一个技术概念,更是一种...
For many of you, ESB is encroaching and JBI is still an unknown—a risk previously avoided but now found to be inescapable. Let us tame these buzzwords in the context of SOA and Integration. ...
### JBI理论详解 #### 一、引言 在服务导向架构(Service-Oriented Architecture,简称SOA)中,JBI(Java Business Integration)组件是实现SOA的关键部分,它们通过消息交换来提供和使用服务,从而成为连接服务...
3. **消息交换(Message Exchange)**:JBI定义了多种消息交换模式,如请求-响应、单向(in-only)等,以适应不同场景下的通信需求。 4. **组件安装(Assembly)**:允许动态或静态地向运行时环境添加可执行的软件...
Java Business Integration (JBI) 是一个由Java Community Process (JCP) 定义的标准,具体是JSR 208,它为构建企业服务总线(Enterprise Service Bus, ESB)提供了框架。ESB是SOA(面向服务的架构)中的关键组件,...
jbi规范1.0 jbi规范1.0 jbi规范1.0 jbi规范1.0
ServiceMix支持JBI(Java业务集成规范)标准,因此能够和其他遵循JBI标准的ESB系统进行互操作。 书中还指导读者如何设置Mule和ServiceMix的环境,这部分内容对于实际操作非常有帮助。搭建环境是任何技术实施的第一...
【标题】"ESB+OpenESB教材"指的是企业服务总线(Enterprise Service Bus,简称ESB)与OpenESB的教程资料集合。OpenESB是开源的企业服务总线实现,它基于Java技术栈,提供了灵活、可扩展的集成解决方案。 【描述】...
mvn:org.apache.servicemix/ode-jbi-karaf/1.3.4/xml/features valid mvn:org.apache.camel.karaf/apache-camel/2.6.0-fuse-00-00/xml/features valid ``` 以上信息显示了不同模块和版本的有效特性URL。 #### 五、...
### ESB产品说明:探索企业服务总线的关键组件 企业服务总线(ESB)作为现代企业集成架构的核心组成部分,其重要性不言而喻。本文将深入解析多个开源ESB产品的特性与功能,帮助读者更好地理解ESB在企业级应用中的...
- **与JBI容器的整合**:虽然Mule ESB不是基于JBI构建的,但它提供了JBI适配器,以便更好地与JBI容器协同工作。 #### 三、Mule ESB 3.0的关键特性 - **云连接(Cloud Connect)**:Mule 3引入了一种全新的特性——云...
**Open ESB:Java 业务集成(JBI,JSR-208)的 ESB 实现** Open ESB,全称 Open Enterprise Service Bus,是一个强大的开源企业服务总线(ESB),它遵循 Java 业务集成(JBI,Java Specification Request 208)规范...
【Jboss ESB 简介】 JBoss ESB(Enterprise Service Bus)是Red Hat公司提供的一个开源中间件,它是基于Java的企业级服务总线,用于实现不同应用间的集成和通信。ESB作为SOA(Service-Oriented Architecture,面向...
Open ESB 是一个开源项目,它使用 JBI(Java Business Integration)作为基础,实现了企业服务总线(ESB)运行时环境。这使得 Web 服务的集成变得简单,可以创建松耦合的企业级复合应用。Open ESB 还提供了多种开发...
Apache Camel 2.0 is an advanced integration framework that implements Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) in a robust and flexible manner. This powerful tool is based on the Spring framework and ...
业界正在广泛寻求解决 B2B 以及 EAI (企业应用集成)所存在问题的方案。...本文简短地阐述了即将到来的与 SOA (面向服务体系)规范及 ESB (企业服务总线)基础架构有关的 JBI ( Java 业务集成)标准。