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你也应该可以这样:(not tested)./rbtunnel ...
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我使用过的Linux命令之perror - 解释错误代码
本文链接:http://codingstandards.iteye.com/blog/1127327 (转载请注明出处)
perror命令是MySQL数据库系统中的一个工具程序,它用于打印C语言中errno错误代码的含义、也可以打印MySQL中存储引擎错误代码的含义。(perror prints a description for a system error code or for a storage engine (table handler) error code.)
格式:perror <errno>
格式:perror <Errcode>
格式:perror <err1> <err2> ...
of the following styles:
message ... (errno: #)
message ... (Errcode: #)
#define ENOENT 2 /* No such file or directory */
#define ESRCH 3 /* No such process */
#define EINTR 4 /* Interrupted system call */
#define EIO 5 /* I/O error */
#define ENXIO 6 /* No such device or address */
#define E2BIG 7 /* Arg list too long */
#define ENOEXEC 8 /* Exec format error */
#define EBADF 9 /* Bad file number */
#define ECHILD 10 /* No child processes */
#define EAGAIN 11 /* Try again */
#define ENOMEM 12 /* Out of memory */
#define EACCES 13 /* Permission denied */
#define EFAULT 14 /* Bad address */
#define ENOTBLK 15 /* Block device required */
#define EBUSY 16 /* Device or resource busy */
#define EEXIST 17 /* File exists */
#define EXDEV 18 /* Cross-device link */
#define ENODEV 19 /* No such device */
#define ENOTDIR 20 /* Not a directory */
#define EISDIR 21 /* Is a directory */
#define EINVAL 22 /* Invalid argument */
#define ENFILE 23 /* File table overflow */
#define EMFILE 24 /* Too many open files */
#define ENOTTY 25 /* Not a typewriter */
#define ETXTBSY 26 /* Text file busy */
#define EFBIG 27 /* File too large */
#define ENOSPC 28 /* No space left on device */
#define ESPIPE 29 /* Illegal seek */
#define EROFS 30 /* Read-only file system */
#define EMLINK 31 /* Too many links */
#define EPIPE 32 /* Broken pipe */
#define EDOM 33 /* Math argument out of domain of func */
#define ERANGE 34 /* Math result not representable */
#define EDEADLK 35 /* Resource deadlock would occur */
#define ENAMETOOLONG 36 /* File name too long */
#define ENOLCK 37 /* No record locks available */
#define ENOSYS 38 /* Function not implemented */
#define ENOTEMPTY 39 /* Directory not empty */
#define ELOOP 40 /* Too many symbolic links encountered */
#define EWOULDBLOCK EAGAIN /* Operation would block */
#define ENOMSG 42 /* No message of desired type */
#define EIDRM 43 /* Identifier removed */
#define ECHRNG 44 /* Channel number out of range */
#define EL2NSYNC 45 /* Level 2 not synchronized */
#define EL3HLT 46 /* Level 3 halted */
#define EL3RST 47 /* Level 3 reset */
#define ELNRNG 48 /* Link number out of range */
#define EUNATCH 49 /* Protocol driver not attached */
#define ENOCSI 50 /* No CSI structure available */
#define EL2HLT 51 /* Level 2 halted */
#define EBADE 52 /* Invalid exchange */
#define EBADR 53 /* Invalid request descriptor */
#define EXFULL 54 /* Exchange full */
#define ENOANO 55 /* No anode */
#define EBADRQC 56 /* Invalid request code */
#define EBADSLT 57 /* Invalid slot */
#define EBFONT 59 /* Bad font file format */
#define ENOSTR 60 /* Device not a stream */
#define ENODATA 61 /* No data available */
#define ETIME 62 /* Timer expired */
#define ENOSR 63 /* Out of streams resources */
#define ENONET 64 /* Machine is not on the network */
#define ENOPKG 65 /* Package not installed */
#define EREMOTE 66 /* Object is remote */
#define ENOLINK 67 /* Link has been severed */
#define EADV 68 /* Advertise error */
#define ESRMNT 69 /* Srmount error */
#define ECOMM 70 /* Communication error on send */
#define EPROTO 71 /* Protocol error */
#define EMULTIHOP 72 /* Multihop attempted */
#define EDOTDOT 73 /* RFS specific error */
#define EBADMSG 74 /* Not a data message */
#define EOVERFLOW 75 /* Value too large for defined data type */
#define ENOTUNIQ 76 /* Name not unique on network */
#define EBADFD 77 /* File descriptor in bad state */
#define EREMCHG 78 /* Remote address changed */
#define ELIBACC 79 /* Can not access a needed shared library */
#define ELIBBAD 80 /* Accessing a corrupted shared library */
#define ELIBSCN 81 /* .lib section in a.out corrupted */
#define ELIBMAX 82 /* Attempting to link in too many shared libraries */
#define ELIBEXEC 83 /* Cannot exec a shared library directly */
#define EILSEQ 84 /* Illegal byte sequence */
#define ERESTART 85 /* Interrupted system call should be restarted */
#define ESTRPIPE 86 /* Streams pipe error */
#define EUSERS 87 /* Too many users */
#define ENOTSOCK 88 /* Socket operation on non-socket */
#define EDESTADDRREQ 89 /* Destination address required */
#define EMSGSIZE 90 /* Message too long */
#define EPROTOTYPE 91 /* Protocol wrong type for socket */
#define ENOPROTOOPT 92 /* Protocol not available */
#define EPROTONOSUPPORT 93 /* Protocol not supported */
#define ESOCKTNOSUPPORT 94 /* Socket type not supported */
#define EOPNOTSUPP 95 /* Operation not supported on transport endpoint */
#define EPFNOSUPPORT 96 /* Protocol family not supported */
#define EAFNOSUPPORT 97 /* Address family not supported by protocol */
#define EADDRINUSE 98 /* Address already in use */
#define EADDRNOTAVAIL 99 /* Cannot assign requested address */
#define ENETDOWN 100 /* Network is down */
#define ENETUNREACH 101 /* Network is unreachable */
#define ENETRESET 102 /* Network dropped connection because of reset */
#define ECONNABORTED 103 /* Software caused connection abort */
#define ECONNRESET 104 /* Connection reset by peer */
#define ENOBUFS 105 /* No buffer space available */
#define EISCONN 106 /* Transport endpoint is already connected */
#define ENOTCONN 107 /* Transport endpoint is not connected */
#define ESHUTDOWN 108 /* Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown */
#define ETOOMANYREFS 109 /* Too many references: cannot splice */
#define ETIMEDOUT 110 /* Connection timed out */
#define ECONNREFUSED 111 /* Connection refused */
#define EHOSTDOWN 112 /* Host is down */
#define EHOSTUNREACH 113 /* No route to host */
#define EALREADY 114 /* Operation already in progress */
#define EINPROGRESS 115 /* Operation now in progress */
#define ESTALE 116 /* Stale NFS file handle */
#define EUCLEAN 117 /* Structure needs cleaning */
#define ENOTNAM 118 /* Not a XENIX named type file */
#define ENAVAIL 119 /* No XENIX semaphores available */
#define EISNAM 120 /* Is a named type file */
#define EREMOTEIO 121 /* Remote I/O error */
#define EDQUOT 122 /* Quota exceeded */
#define ENOMEDIUM 123 /* No medium found */
#define EMEDIUMTYPE 124 /* Wrong medium type */
示例一 打印错误代码的含义
[root@jfht ~]# perror 1
OS error code 1: Operation not permitted
#define EPERM 1 /* Operation not permitted */
[root@jfht ~]# perror 13 64
OS error code 13: Permission denied
OS error code 64: Machine is not on the network
#define EACCES 13 /* Permission denied */
#define ENONET 64 /* Machine is not on the network */
[root@jfht ~]#
[root@jfht ~]# perror 121
OS error code 121: Remote I/O error
MySQL error code 121: Duplicate key on write or update
示例二 打印不存在的错误代码的含义
mysql> select;
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version
for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1、
[root@jfht ~]# perror 42000
Illegal error code: 42000
[root@jfht ~]# perror 1064
Illegal error code: 1064
[root@jfht ~]#
示例三 枚举所有错误代码
[root@jfht ~]# for i in $(seq 1 10000); do perror $i; done >10000.txt 2>/dev/null
[root@jfht ~]# cat 10000.txt
OS error code 1: Operation not permitted
OS error code 2: No such file or directory
OS error code 3: No such process
OS error code 4: Interrupted system call
OS error code 5: Input/output error
OS error code 6: No such device or address
OS error code 7: Argument list too long
OS error code 8: Exec format error
OS error code 9: Bad file descriptor
OS error code 10: No child processes
OS error code 11: Resource temporarily unavailable
OS error code 12: Cannot allocate memory
OS error code 13: Permission denied
OS error code 14: Bad address
OS error code 15: Block device required
OS error code 16: Device or resource busy
OS error code 17: File exists
OS error code 18: Invalid cross-device link
OS error code 19: No such device
OS error code 20: Not a directory
OS error code 21: Is a directory
OS error code 22: Invalid argument
OS error code 23: Too many open files in system
OS error code 24: Too many open files
OS error code 25: Inappropriate ioctl for device
OS error code 26: Text file busy
OS error code 27: File too large
OS error code 28: No space left on device
OS error code 29: Illegal seek
OS error code 30: Read-only file system
OS error code 31: Too many links
OS error code 32: Broken pipe
OS error code 33: Numerical argument out of domain
OS error code 34: Numerical result out of range
OS error code 35: Resource deadlock avoided
OS error code 36: File name too long
OS error code 37: No locks available
OS error code 38: Function not implemented
OS error code 39: Directory not empty
OS error code 40: Too many levels of symbolic links
OS error code 42: No message of desired type
OS error code 43: Identifier removed
OS error code 44: Channel number out of range
OS error code 45: Level 2 not synchronized
OS error code 46: Level 3 halted
OS error code 47: Level 3 reset
OS error code 48: Link number out of range
OS error code 49: Protocol driver not attached
OS error code 50: No CSI structure available
OS error code 51: Level 2 halted
OS error code 52: Invalid exchange
OS error code 53: Invalid request descriptor
OS error code 54: Exchange full
OS error code 55: No anode
OS error code 56: Invalid request code
OS error code 57: Invalid slot
OS error code 59: Bad font file format
OS error code 60: Device not a stream
OS error code 61: No data available
OS error code 62: Timer expired
OS error code 63: Out of streams resources
OS error code 64: Machine is not on the network
OS error code 65: Package not installed
OS error code 66: Object is remote
OS error code 67: Link has been severed
OS error code 68: Advertise error
OS error code 69: Srmount error
OS error code 70: Communication error on send
OS error code 71: Protocol error
OS error code 72: Multihop attempted
OS error code 73: RFS specific error
OS error code 74: Bad message
OS error code 75: Value too large for defined data type
OS error code 76: Name not unique on network
OS error code 77: File descriptor in bad state
OS error code 78: Remote address changed
OS error code 79: Can not access a needed shared library
OS error code 80: Accessing a corrupted shared library
OS error code 81: .lib section in a.out corrupted
OS error code 82: Attempting to link in too many shared libraries
OS error code 83: Cannot exec a shared library directly
OS error code 84: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
OS error code 85: Interrupted system call should be restarted
OS error code 86: Streams pipe error
OS error code 87: Too many users
OS error code 88: Socket operation on non-socket
OS error code 89: Destination address required
OS error code 90: Message too long
OS error code 91: Protocol wrong type for socket
OS error code 92: Protocol not available
OS error code 93: Protocol not supported
OS error code 94: Socket type not supported
OS error code 95: Operation not supported
OS error code 96: Protocol family not supported
OS error code 97: Address family not supported by protocol
OS error code 98: Address already in use
OS error code 99: Cannot assign requested address
OS error code 100: Network is down
OS error code 101: Network is unreachable
OS error code 102: Network dropped connection on reset
OS error code 103: Software caused connection abort
OS error code 104: Connection reset by peer
OS error code 105: No buffer space available
OS error code 106: Transport endpoint is already connected
OS error code 107: Transport endpoint is not connected
OS error code 108: Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown
OS error code 109: Too many references: cannot splice
OS error code 110: Connection timed out
OS error code 111: Connection refused
OS error code 112: Host is down
OS error code 113: No route to host
OS error code 114: Operation already in progress
OS error code 115: Operation now in progress
OS error code 116: Stale NFS file handle
OS error code 117: Structure needs cleaning
OS error code 118: Not a XENIX named type file
OS error code 119: No XENIX semaphores available
OS error code 120: Is a named type file
MySQL error code 120: Didn't find key on read or update
OS error code 121: Remote I/O error
MySQL error code 121: Duplicate key on write or update
OS error code 122: Disk quota exceeded
MySQL error code 122: Internal (unspecified) error in handler
OS error code 123: No medium found
MySQL error code 123: Someone has changed the row since it was read (while the table was locked to prevent it)
OS error code 124: Wrong medium type
MySQL error code 124: Wrong index given to function
OS error code 125: Operation canceled
MySQL error code 125: Undefined handler error 125
OS error code 126: Required key not available
MySQL error code 126: Index file is crashed
OS error code 127: Key has expired
MySQL error code 127: Record file is crashed
OS error code 128: Key has been revoked
MySQL error code 128: Out of memory in engine
OS error code 129: Key was rejected by service
MySQL error code 129: Undefined handler error 129
OS error code 130: Owner died
MySQL error code 130: Incorrect file format
OS error code 131: State not recoverable
MySQL error code 131: Command not supported by database
MySQL error code 132: Old database file
MySQL error code 133: No record read before update
MySQL error code 134: Record was already deleted (or record file crashed)
MySQL error code 135: No more room in record file
MySQL error code 136: No more room in index file
MySQL error code 137: No more records (read after end of file)
MySQL error code 138: Unsupported extension used for table
MySQL error code 139: Too big row
MySQL error code 140: Wrong create options
MySQL error code 141: Duplicate unique key or constraint on write or update
MySQL error code 142: Unknown character set used in table
MySQL error code 143: Conflicting table definitions in sub-tables of MERGE table
MySQL error code 144: Table is crashed and last repair failed
MySQL error code 145: Table was marked as crashed and should be repaired
MySQL error code 146: Lock timed out; Retry transaction
MySQL error code 147: Lock table is full; Restart program with a larger locktable
MySQL error code 148: Updates are not allowed under a read only transactions
MySQL error code 149: Lock deadlock; Retry transaction
MySQL error code 150: Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed
MySQL error code 151: Cannot add a child row
MySQL error code 152: Cannot delete a parent row
MySQL error code 153: No savepoint with that name
MySQL error code 154: Non unique key block size
MySQL error code 155: The table does not exist in engine
MySQL error code 156: The table already existed in storage engine
MySQL error code 157: Could not connect to storage engine
MySQL error code 158: Unexpected null pointer found when using spatial index
MySQL error code 159: The table changed in storage engine
MySQL error code 160: There's no partition in table for the given value
MySQL error code 161: Row-based binlogging of row failed
MySQL error code 162: Index needed in foreign key constraint
MySQL error code 163: Upholding foreign key constraints would lead to a duplicate key error in some other table
MySQL error code 164: Table needs to be upgraded before it can be used
MySQL error code 165: Table is read only
MySQL error code 166: Failed to get next auto increment value
MySQL error code 167: Failed to set row auto increment value
MySQL error code 168: Unknown (generic) error from engine
MySQL error code 169: Record is the same
MySQL error code 170: It is not possible to log this statement
MySQL error code 171: The event was corrupt, leading to illegal data being read
MySQL error code 172: The table is of a new format not supported by this version
MySQL error code 173: The event could not be processed no other hanlder error happened
MySQL error code 174: Got a fatal error during initialzaction of handler
MySQL error code 175: File to short; Expected more data in file
MySQL error code 176: Read page with wrong checksum
MySQL error code 177: Too many active concurrent transactions
[root@jfht ~]#
示例四 perror大体的C语言代码
[root@centos55 ~]# perror
-bash: perror: command not found
[root@centos55 ~]#
[root@centos55 ~]# cat >perror.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc == 1)
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <errno> [<errno> ...]\n", argv[0]);
int i;
for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
int ec = strtoul(argv[i], 0, 0);
fprintf(stdout, "OS error code %d: %s\n", ec, strerror(ec));
[root@centos55 ~]# gcc -Wall -o /usr/bin/perror perror.c
[root@centos55 ~]# perror 1
OS error code 1: Operation not permitted
[root@centos55 ~]#
【1】MySQL中文手册 perror — Explain Error Codes
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8. **错误处理**:C语言使用`errno`全局变量记录错误信息,`perror`函数将`errno`对应的错误信息输出到标准错误流。对于自定义错误处理,可以使用`assert`宏进行断言检查。 9. **信号处理**:C语言中的`signal`函数...
8. **错误处理和调试**:在Linux下,`perror()`和`strerror()`帮助开发者打印和解释错误码,`gdb`调试器是调试C程序的强大工具,学习如何使用它们能提高开发效率。 9. **权限和文件系统**:理解Linux的用户和组概念...
4. **错误处理**:命令通常使用`perror()`, `fprintf(stderr, ...)`等方式报告错误,通过查看这部分代码,我们可以了解如何优雅地处理异常情况。 5. **系统调用**:如`fork()`, `execve()`, `waitpid()`等,这些都...
在 Linux 系统中,`ls` 命令是最常用的文件管理命令之一,它用于列出指定目录中的文件和子目录列表。本文将详细介绍如何使用 C 语言来实现一个基本的 `ls` 命令,包括如何处理 `-a` 和 `-l` 参数。 #### 代码分析与...
8. **错误处理**:使用errno和perror处理系统错误。 9. **标准库函数**:如数学运算(math.h)、字符串处理(string.h)、内存操作(string.h)等。 10. **位操作**:理解位运算符并学会在实际问题中应用。 通过...
例如,使用fopen()和fwrite()函数进行文件读写,strtok()和strncpy()处理字符串,以及errno和perror()进行错误检测和报告。 5. **控制流和数据流**:FTP客户端需要维护两个TCP连接:一个用于控制命令的交换,另一个...
在“精通Linux C编程源代码”这个主题中,我们探讨的是如何在Linux操作系统环境下使用C语言进行高效且灵活的程序开发。C语言是系统级编程的基石,而在Linux这一开源操作系统上,C语言更是得到了广泛的应用,从内核...
通常使用`errno`全局变量和`perror()`函数来报告错误,或通过返回值检查来检测函数调用是否成功。 10. **调试技巧**:`gdb`是Linux下的一个强大的调试工具,可以帮助你定位和修复程序中的错误。通过设置断点、单步...
程序可能会遇到网络连接问题、数据传输错误、内存分配失败等问题,需要使用`perror`或`fprintf(stderr,...)`来打印错误信息,并适当地使用异常处理机制。 6. **多线程编程**:发送端和接收端可能分别运行在不同的...
8. **错误处理**:使用errno和perror来捕获和报告运行时错误。 9. **线程与并发**:多线程编程,使用pthread库创建、同步和通信。 10. **信号处理**:如何捕捉和响应系统信号,如SIGINT、SIGTERM等。 11. **位...
- **错误处理**:理解错误处理机制,如使用`errno`和`perror`来捕获和报告错误。 - **位运算**:介绍位运算符,以及在低级编程中的应用。 4. **Linux系统编程**: - **系统调用**:讲解如何使用系统调用,如`...
8. **错误处理**:在Linux下编程,需要学会正确处理各种错误,如使用perror()打印错误信息,检查返回值以确定函数调用是否成功。 9. **Makefile**:在大型项目中,Makefile是必不可少的,它定义了如何编译、链接源...
根据提供的文档信息,我们可以归纳出以下关键知识点,主要围绕Linux高级编程中的几个核心概念和技术细节展开。 ### 文件描述符管理 #### 文件描述符的特点 - **文件描述符**:在Unix/Linux系统中,每一个打开的...
8. **错误处理**:在编写这样的程序时,必须充分考虑错误处理,比如网络中断、文件不存在等情况,通过`errno`和`perror`函数来捕获和显示错误信息。 9. **安全性**:考虑到网络安全,可能需要对数据进行加密传输,...
学会使用`errno`、`perror`等来捕获和处理错误,可以提高程序的健壮性。 9. **线程与并发**:Linux提供了pthread库,用于实现多线程编程。理解和掌握线程创建、同步、互斥锁等概念,可以编写出高效的并发程序。 10...
可能会使用`errno`全局变量和`perror()`函数来报告系统错误,或者自定义错误处理机制。 9. **代码组织**: 为了使代码易于理解和维护,程序通常被组织成多个函数,每个函数负责特定任务,如计算星期几、打印月份...