1. change user : SU
eg: if current user is root, u want to change to another user A, then : su userA
1. just list directory:
ls -l| grep ^d
2. list specific character directory
ls -d abc*
3. list directory via time
ls -l -t
ls -lrt
4. check whether a port number is used:
netstat -n | grep 15010
if generate nothing, then not used; if generated including the port number lines, then its occupied
5 search specific strings from a bunch of file
grep -n -R "string" ./*
-n 打印行数,
-R 遍历目录
./* 当前目录下所有文件
6 copy a file to current directory
cp xyz .
7 add symbolic link
symbolic link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_link
ln -s /sbcimp/run/pkgs/APRAP/profiles/.aprap_second_functional_run_profile /home/dssengap/.aprap_prod_run_profile
remove symbolic link: rm linkname
8 kill service
kill -9 pid
9. memory used checked:
Daily Heat Production log for Slab.xls
首先,我们来看一下标题:“100 topics for Daily English Situation”。这意味着这个学习资料涵盖了100个不同的生活场景,如购物、点餐、旅行、工作、就医等。每个话题都提供了具体的情景对话,让学习者能够深入...
Replace the broken 'Ignore next change' implementation used for reloading for external diff changes with a proper ignore changes lock for exactly the right timespan. [r12198] rhuijben src/Ankh....
This book teaches effective shell script programming with Bash, and is ideal for people who may have used its command line but never really learned it in depth. This book will show you how even simple...
for daily test
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* **Command Line and GUI Environments:** Rothwell covers essential skills for both Linux command line and GUI environments, introducing text editors and other tools for efficient coding. * **Text ...
Oracle HR Intelligence Daily Business Intelligence for HRMS User Guide 是一本专为使用Oracle人力资源管理系统(HRMS)的用户设计的指南,适用于11i版本。该指南详细介绍了如何利用Oracle HR Intelligence进行...
cnn-dailymail, 获取 cnn/daily邮件数据集( 非匿名)的代码 这里代码生成 cnn/daily邮件摘要数据集的非匿名版本,如 ACL 2017论文所使用的 指针发生器网络 。 它将数据集处理为代码所期望的二进制格式的二进制格式。...
DailyTask 工具。
根据提供的文件信息,我们可以深入探讨Oracle Daily Business Intelligence (DBI) 的关键概念、应用场景以及它在企业中的价值。 ### Oracle Daily Business Intelligence 概述 Oracle Daily Business Intelligence...
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标题 "Daily_Task_for_JD" 暗示这是一个与京东(JD)日常任务相关的项目,可能涉及自动化脚本或系统管理。由于标签是 "Shell",我们可以推断这个项目主要使用了Shell脚本来完成任务。在Shell编程中,我们通常会用到...
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Daily_report-for-redmine 获取今天的问题标题。 它可以是乳品报告的填充内容。 要求 Redmine,'2.3.0.devel' 安装 $ git clone https://github.com/jiikko/daily_report-for-redmine 从chrome://extensions安装 ...
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