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[news] django moving towards 1.0

都是些好消息 ;-)

There’s a lot of different things that “1.0” can mean. In many cases the label refers to some arbitrary measure of code maturity, but that’s usually
very indistinct. There’s quite a bit of “1.0” software that’s far less robust
than Django was at day 1; we could have called it “1.0” then and gotten away
with it, I think.

In the context of Django, though, 1.0 has always meant something more concrete: forwards compatibility. Once we tag something as 1.0, we’re
committing to maintaining API stability as described in the contributing HOWTO

——摘自 邮件列表

这个 页面列出的是很可能会在 1.0 中出现的特性,还在讨论中。
最近 django 还定了一套新的 ticket 管理流程 ,并且组织了一个 4 人的 ticket 管理队伍:
The last, most important, piece of the puzzle, is that we now have official ticket managers, a group of volunteers who work together to manage ticket metadata and otherwise streamline the process. Although anyone can -- and is encouraged to -- help out keeping tickets organized, these folks have volunteered to take ownership of the ticket tracker in the long term. Please welcome Chris Beaven (SmileyChris), Simon Greenhill, Michael Radziej and Gary Wilson!

另外现在还有了一名专门的 release 管理员 ,并且最近发布了 django 0.95.1


    djangoBook 中文 v1.0 v2.0 合并美化版 原创

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    Django官方文档1.0(built from 1.1 release doc dir)

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    Django doc 1.0 chm

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