Error moving temp DB file on the final destination: Invalid cross-device link
dbfilename /data1/redisdata/dump.rdb 路径需要同文件系统,否则无法写入dump.rdb文件
/** Save the DB on disk. Return REDIS_ERR on error, REDIS_OK on success */
0405 int rdbSave(char *filename) {
0406 dictIterator *di = NULL;
0407 dictEntry *de;
0408 FILE *fp;
0409 char tmpfile[256];
0410 int j;
0411 time_t now = time(NULL);
0413 /** Wait for I/O therads to terminate, just in case this is a
0414 * foreground-saving, to avoid seeking the swap file descriptor at the
0415 * same time. */
0416 if (server.vm_enabled)
0417 waitEmptyIOJobsQueue();
0419 snprintf(tmpfile,256,"temp-%d.rdb", (int) getpid());
0420 fp = fopen(tmpfile,"w");
0421 if (!fp) {
0422 redisLog(REDIS_WARNING, "Failed saving the DB: %s", strerror(errno));
0423 return REDIS_ERR;
0424 }
0425 if (fwrite("REDIS0001",9,1,fp) == 0) goto werr;
0426 for (j = 0; j < server.dbnum; j++) {
0427 redisDb *db = server.db+j;
0428 dict *d = db->dict;
0429 if (dictSize(d) == 0) continue;
0430 di = dictGetIterator(d);
0431 if (!di) {
0432 fclose(fp);
0433 return REDIS_ERR;
0434 }
0436 /** Write the SELECT DB opcode */
0437 if (rdbSaveType(fp,REDIS_SELECTDB) == -1) goto werr;
0438 if (rdbSaveLen(fp,j) == -1) goto werr;
0440 /** Iterate this DB writing every entry */
0441 while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
0442 sds keystr = dictGetEntryKey(de);
0443 robj key, *o = dictGetEntryVal(de);
0444 time_t expiretime;
0446 initStaticStringObject(key,keystr);
0447 expiretime = getExpire(db,&key);
0449 /** Save the expire time */
0450 if (expiretime != -1) {
0451 /** If this key is already expired skip it */
0452 if (expiretime < now) continue;
0453 if (rdbSaveType(fp,REDIS_EXPIRETIME) == -1) goto werr;
0454 if (rdbSaveTime(fp,expiretime) == -1) goto werr;
0455 }
0456 /** Save the key and associated value. This requires special
0457 * handling if the value is swapped out. */
0458 if (!server.vm_enabled || o->storage == REDIS_VM_MEMORY ||
0459 o->storage == REDIS_VM_SWAPPING) {
0460 /** Save type, key, value */
0461 if (rdbSaveType(fp,o->type) == -1) goto werr;
0462 if (rdbSaveStringObject(fp,&key) == -1) goto werr;
0463 if (rdbSaveObject(fp,o) == -1) goto werr;
0464 } else {
0466 robj *po;
0467 /** Get a preview of the object in memory */
0468 po = vmPreviewObject(o);
0469 /** Save type, key, value */
0470 if (rdbSaveType(fp,po->type) == -1) goto werr;
0471 if (rdbSaveStringObject(fp,&key) == -1) goto werr;
0472 if (rdbSaveObject(fp,po) == -1) goto werr;
0473 /** Remove the loaded object from memory */
0474 decrRefCount(po);
0475 }
0476 }
0477 dictReleaseIterator(di);
0478 }
0479 /** EOF opcode */
0480 if (rdbSaveType(fp,REDIS_EOF) == -1) goto werr;
0482 /** Make sure data will not remain on the OS's output buffers */
0483 fflush(fp);
0484 fsync(fileno(fp));
0485 fclose(fp);
/** Use RENAME to make sure the DB file is changed atomically only
0488 * if the generate DB file is ok. */
0489 if (rename(tmpfile,filename) == -1) {
0490 redisLog(REDIS_WARNING,"Error moving temp DB file on the final destination: %s", strerror(errno));
0491 unlink(tmpfile);
0492 return REDIS_ERR;
0493 }
0494 redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"DB saved on disk");
0495 server.dirty = 0;
0496 server.lastsave = time(NULL);
0497 return REDIS_OK;
0499 werr:
0500 fclose(fp);
0501 unlink(tmpfile);
0502 redisLog(REDIS_WARNING,"Write error saving DB on disk: %s", strerror(errno));
0503 if (di) dictReleaseIterator(di);
0504 return REDIS_ERR;
0505 }
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