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When You Told Me You Loved Me


Doesn't mean anything to me
Show me the meaning of complete
Did our love go wrong
Once we were so strong
How can I go on?

When you told me you loved me
Did you know it would take me the rest of my life
to get over the feeling of knowing
A dream didn't turn out right
When you let me believe that you weren't complete
Without me by your side
how could I know
That you would go
That you would run
Baby, I thought you were the one

Can't I just leave it all behind
Felt passion so bright that I was blind
Something made me weak
Talking in my sleep
Baby, I'm in so deep and you know I believed

When you told me you loved me
Did you know it would take me the rest of my life
to get over the feeling of knowing
A dream didn't turn out right
When you let me believe that you weren't complete
Without me by your side
how could I know
That you would go
That you would run
Baby, I thought you were the one

Your lips
Your face
Something that time just can't erase
Find my heart
Could break
All over again

When you told me you loved me
Did you know it would take me the rest of my life
to get over the feeling of knowing
A dream didn't turn out right
When you let me believe that you weren't complete
Without me by your side
how could I know
That you would go
That you would run
Baby, I thought you were the one

流行女星Jessica Simpson于1980年7月10日出生在美国德克萨斯州东北部的重镇达拉斯,并在那里度过了童年的时光。她最初开始演唱生涯是在她12岁的时候,当时她成为了当地教堂唱诗班的一员。后来她想作为歌手去参与了一些招聘活动,但是均以失败告终。不久在教堂唱诗班的一次夏季露营活动中,她的歌唱才华意外的被当地一家小唱片公司CMM唱片公司所发现,结果立即把她作为歌手签入了公司,并且在以后的三年时间内一直为JessicaSimpson筹备并制作她的第一张个人专辑,但是正所谓好事多磨,就在新专辑发行之前,这家唱片公司却倒闭了。这一挫折使Jessica Simpson陷入窘境,幸好她的祖母出面帮助她度过了这一难关。
之后,在一次名为Christian Youth Conference的巡演中,她再次向唱片公司证明了自己的实力。在这次巡演中,她的名字和Kirk Franklin,God's Property等人的名字一起出现在了宣传海报上,这使她歌唱生涯的发展有了新的机会,她顺利的和Sony唱片公司签约。随后不久她就和另一个当红的男孩乐团98'一起展开了巡回的演唱活动,来为她不久就将发行的第一张个人专辑宣传造势,与上一次不同的是,这次她在也不用担心唱片公司会破产了。
1999年11月9日,Jessica Simpson的第一张个人专辑《Sweet Kisses》终于摆上了柜台,但是销量并不十分显眼,在Billboard 200排行榜上的最高位置也只是第25位。2001年5月第二张专辑《Irresistible》也上市发行,销量明显比第一张要好出许多。2003年8月,Jessica Simpson的第三张个人专辑《In This Skin》正式发行。




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