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JIRA4.1 升级到 JIRA5.1
1、EDAM(Evernote Data Access and Management) 协议
- 数据模型(data model)由 service 管理
- 远程处理(remote procedures)从 service 返回和提交修改数据
- 通过 Thrift service 定义语言来描述数据模型和远程处理,支持所有流行语言
- UserStore service 用户认证
- NoteStore service 用于数据变更
每个核心的 NoteStore 数据元都有一个GUID(Globally unique identifier),在创建时生成,不能修改,被API参考调用。
每个数据对象都有一个 USN(updateSequenceNumber),用于发生修改服务的时候。每次发生变更提交时会创建一个USN。USN 是用户名下唯一且单调递增变量,方便客户端判断同步。
- User - 用户账户,用户名密码邮箱、个人属性、偏好
- Accounting - 账务,服务级别:如上传次数/空间限制(uploadLimit)。
- Notebook - 笔记本,每个用户账户可以有多个 notebook,note 需要存放在 notebook 中。有默认的 notebook - 不能删除最后一个 notebook。
- Note - 超文本文档,ENML(Evernote Markup Language)格式,内嵌资源(images, ink, audio, PDF, etc.),图片以内嵌二进制文件
- NoteAttributes - 系统定义的属性,如creation time, size, origin,用于搜索和过滤;
- Resource - 资源文件,二进制数据块。类似于电子邮件的附件,每个资源可能有一组描述其定义的属性 ResourceAttributes.
- SavedSearch - 保存搜索条件
<en-media type=”image/jpeg” hash=”9e107d9d372bb6826bd81d3542a419d6”/>
4、UserStore Service
固定访问: https://www.evernote.com/edam/user
远程方法 | 简介 |
checkVersion | 发送客户端版本号给服务,并获取兼容响应。 |
authenticate | 发送用户名和密码给服务,并获取成功的令牌信息。 |
refreshAuthentication | 发送一个将要到期的令牌给服务,并获取一个新的令牌。 |
getUser | 根据令牌返回一个用户。 |
getPublicUserInfo | 返回一个用户的公开信息。 |
getPreminmInfo | 返回一个用户免费/高级账号状态。 |
5、OAuth 认证
6、NoteStore Service
固定访问: https://www.evernote.com/edam/note/
远程方法 |
简介 |
listNotebooks |
Returns a list of all of the Notebooks in the account. |
getNotebook |
Retrieves the state of a single Notebook. |
getDefaultNotebook |
Retrieves the Notebook that should receive new Notes which do not specify a destination. |
createNotebook |
Makes a new Notebook in the account. |
updateNotebook |
Changes an existing Notebook. |
expungeNotebook |
Permanently removes an existing Notebook. Notes within the notebook are moved to the current default Notebook and moved into the trash. |
listTags |
Returns a list of all of the Tags in the account. |
listTagsByNotebook |
Returns a list of all of the Tags that are applied to at least one note within a specified notebook. |
getTag |
Retrieves the state of a single Tag. |
createTag |
Makes a new Tag in the account. |
updateTag |
Changes an existing Tag. |
untagAll |
Removes a Tag from any Notes. |
expungeTag |
Permanently removes an existing Tag. |
listSearches |
Returns a list of all of the SavedSearches in the account. |
getSearch |
Retrieves the state of a single SavedSearch. |
createSearch |
Makes a new SavedSearch in the account. |
updateSearch |
Changes an existing SavedSearch. |
expungeSearch |
Permanently removes an existing SavedSearch. |
findNotes |
Performs a search of the Notes in the User’s account based on a configurable filter, returning a paginated subset. |
findNotesMetadata |
Performs a search of the Notes in the User’s account based on a configurable filter, returning a paginated, configurable subset of metadata for matching notes. |
findNoteCounts |
Performs a search based on a configurable filter, returning the number of Notes that would match this filter for each Notebook and Tag. |
getNote |
Retrieves the state of a single Note. |
getNoteContent |
Retrieves just the ENML hypertext content of a Note. |
getNoteSearchText |
Returns the plain text contents of a single note. |
getNoteTagNames |
Retrieves the names of the Tags for a single Note. |
createNote |
Makes a new Note in an existing Notebook. |
updateNote |
Changes the content or metadata of a single existing Note. |
deleteNote |
Moves a single existing Note to the trash. |
expungeNote |
Permanently removes an existing Note. In most cases, third party applications that wish to remove a Note should use deleteNote instead of expungeNote. |
expungeNotes |
Permanently removes a set of existing Notes. |
expungeInactiveNotes |
Permanently removes all of the notes that are currently not active (i.e. notes in the “Trash”) |
copyNote |
listNoteVersions |
Retrieves a list of the prior versions of a particular note that are saved within the service. |
getNoteVersion |
Retrieves a previous version of a Note after it has been updated within the service (for premium Users only). |
getNoteApplicationData |
Retrieves the full applicationData map for a given note. |
getNoteApplicationDataEntry |
Retrieves a single entry in the applicationData map for a given note. |
setNoteApplicationDataEntry |
Create or update a single entry in the applicationData map for a given note. |
unsetNoteApplicationDataEntry |
Remove a single entry from the applicationData map for a given note. |
getResource |
Retrieves the state of a single Note attachment, optionally with its binary contents. |
updateResource |
Updates the metadata for a single Resource. (Not its binary contents.) |
getResourceData |
Retrieves the binary contents of a single Resource. |
getResourceByHash |
Retrieves one of the resources from a Note, via the MD5 checksum of its contents, not its GUID. |
getResourceRecognition |
Returns the XML recognition index file for a single Resource, which can be used to find words in the image. |
getResourceAlternateData |
Retrieves the binary contents of the Resource’s alternate data file. |
getResourceAttributes |
Returns the set of attributes for the Resource. |
getResourceSearchText |
Returns the plain text contents of a single Resource. |
getResourceApplicationData |
Retrieves the full applicationData map for a given resource. |
getResourceApplicationDataEntry |
Retrieves a single entry in the applicationData map for a given resource. |
setResourceApplicationDataEntry |
Create or update a single entry in the applicationData map for a given resource. |
unsetResourceApplicationDataEntry |
Remove a single entry from the applicationData map for a given resource. |
getPublicNotebook |
Gets the information for one published Notebook from a user’s account, via its public URI. |
createSharedNotebook |
Make a new SharedNotebook object. |
listSharedNotebooks |
Returns a list of all of the SharedNotebooks in an account. |
expungeSharedNotebooks |
Permanently removes a set of existing SharedNotebooks. |
createLinkedNotebook |
Makes a new LinkedNotebook object. |
updateLinkedNotebook |
Changes an existing LinkedNotebook. |
listLinkedNotebooks |
Returns a list of all LinkedNotebooks in an account. |
expungeLinkedNotebook |
Permanently removes an existing LinkedNotebook. |
authenticateToSharedNotebook |
Returns an authentication token that can be used to access the contents of a notebook shared from someone else’s account. |
getSharedNotebookByAuth |
Get extended information about a notebook shared from someone else’s account. |
sendMessageToSharedNotebookMembers |
Send an email to some or all of the addresses that a notebook has already been shared with. The message will include a link to the shared notebook. |
getSyncState |
Light-weight call for caching clients to “ping” the service to see whether the account has changed. |
getSyncChunk |
Core routine for full, synchronizing clients to retrieve the set of changes in an account since the last checkpoint. If you are developing a new application consider using getFilteredSyncChunkinstead of getSyncChunk. |
getFilteredSyncChunk |
Similar to getSyncChunk, but allows clients to specify the set of data elements that they would like returned to reduce network traffic and sync time. |
getLinkedNotebookSyncState |
Light-weight call for caching clients to “ping” the service to see whether shared notebooks linked from other accounts have changed. |
getLinkedNotebookSyncChunk |
Core routine for full, synchronizing clients to retrieve the set of changes in shared notebooks linked from other accounts since the last checkpoint. |
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在"evernote-clone"中,可以找到关于如何集成用户认证机制的代码。 2. 数据存储和同步: Meteor 支持MongoDB数据库,因此开发者需要理解如何设计数据模型,以及如何实现数据的增删改查和实时同步。 3. UI/UX 设计...
这为那些使用Evernote进行笔记管理和想要同步到Trello进行项目管理的人提供了一个便捷的解决方案。 【描述分析】 描述中提到的 "evernote_to_trello_exporter" 提供了将Evernote笔记迁移至Trello的功能。"更多相关...
1. 自动同步:Evernix可能会提供定期或实时的Evernote账户同步功能,确保信息的最新状态。 2. 信息整理:可能有更高级的分类、标签和过滤机制,方便用户根据个人需求定制信息视图。 3. 快速检索:可能增强Evernote的...
- 扩展性强:提供插件机制和统一的存储、同步机制,可作为轻量级wiki或SharePoint使用。 3. Kmpro: Kmpro是深蓝海域公司的知识管理平台,专为国内企业设计,具有以下特点: - B/S架构:便于企业内部知识的快速分析...
2. 数据同步与备份:用户在多个设备上或在不同时间使用同一设备编辑手账时,软件会提供数据同步机制,保证数据的一致性和完整性。 3. 移动应用开发技术:用于开发手机和平板电脑等移动设备上的手账应用,运用的编程...
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