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Amazing Python 3: "@"


1. This an interesting usage that I don't know how to call it.  See example:

def hehe(tt):    
    return 'hehe'+tt()

def test():
    return 'test'

print test

The output is same as:

def hehe(tt):    
    return 'hehe'+tt()

def test():
    return 'test'

test = hehe(test)

print test





P.S: It enables such an easy way to invoke functions by strings! - cloud 


From http://www.pythonid.com/html/fenleiwenzhang/lang/20070910/185.html


2. Use "@staticmethod" to realize static method in Python (Python does not have keyword "static"):

class AClass():
    def astatic():    # pay attention that there's no "self" here!
        print 'It's a static method!'




It's a static method!


By the way, there's another way to make a method static with a same output:

class AClass():
    def aclassmethod(): 
        print 'It's a static method!'
    aclassmethod = classmethod(aclassmethod)   # you can write "whatevername = classmethod(aclassmethod)" after Python2.5



From http://wiki.woodpecker.org.cn/moin/PythonEssentialRef7



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