1、Java, JavaScript, JScript, JSP
语言 | 开发者 | 类型 | 编译 | 位置 | 动/静 | 其它 |
Java | Sun | 面向对象编程语言 | 需要 | 客户端 | 静态 | 前身Oak语言 |
JavaScript | Sun, Netscape | 基于对象,事件驱动,脚本语言 | 不需要 | 客户端 | 静态 | 简称JS, 介于Java与HTML之间 |
JScript | Microsoft | 基于对象,事件驱动,脚本语言 | 不需要 | 客户端 | 静态 | 包含JavaScript, (仅?)用于IE |
JSP | Sun | CGI语言 | ? | 服务器端 | 动态 | JavaServerPages, 以Java为基础 |
1. JS (JavaScript) 是一种脚本语言,是嵌入式的,可以嵌入到 HTML、JSP、ASP、ASP.NET 中,是一门比较灵活的的语言。
2. JSP (Java Server Pages) 不是脚本语言,是和 ASP、PHP 一样的,用来写服务器端处理页面的 CGI 语言, 运行在服务器中。
3. JSP 和 ASP 并列为开发动态网页的两中基本语言。
4. JSP 只是一个服务器脚本语言的规范,并没有规定一定要用 Java,事实上有不少 JSP Engine 支持额外的脚本语言,尤其是支持 JS 居多。
5. JSP 技术是 Java 系列技术的一部分。JSP 页面被编译成 servlets,以便在服务器端处理。(applet 和 servlet 是用 Java 语言编写的,在服务器上运行的程序)。
6. ASP (Active Server Page) 不是一门语言,而是一个 web 服务器端的开发环境,利用它可以产生和运行动态的、交互的、高性能的 web 服务应用程序。ASP 采用脚本语言 vb script(java script)作为自己的开发语言。除了可使用 vbscript 或 jscript 语言来设计外,还通过 plug-in 的方式,使用由第三方所提供的其他脚本语言,譬如 rexx、perl、tcl 等。
7. PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor, 超文本预处理器) 是一种跨平台的服务器端的嵌入式脚本语言。它大量借用c、java 和 perl 语言语法,并耦合 PHP 自己的特性,使 web 开发者能够快速地写出动态生成页面。
程序是否在服务器端运行,是重要标志。在服务器端运行的程序、网页、组件,属于动态网页,它们会随不同客户、不同时间,返回不同的网页,例如 ASP、PHP、JSP、ASP.NET、CGI 等。运行于客户端的程序、网页、插件、组件,属于静态网页,例如 html 页、Flash、JavaScript、VBScript 等等,它们是永远不变的。
JavaScript,也被称为JS,是一种广泛应用于网页和网络应用的脚本语言,主要在客户端运行,为用户提供动态交互体验。它与Java虽然名字相似,但两者是完全不同的编程语言。JavaScript由网景公司的Brendan Eich在1995年...
JavaScript will entail about 70% of the book, while about 30% will be dedicated to JScript. <br>A JavaScript programming primer for beginning programmers and Web page developers will also be ...
Learn everything you need to know about object-oriented JavaScript with this comprehensive guide. Enter the world of cutting-edge development! About This Book This book has been updated to cover all ...
“The Future of Javascript 2018 and Beyond,” offers our future-looking analysis and predictions about the latest in JavaScript. We also look back at all the JavaScript craziness from 2017 and neatly ...
You will learn about modern libraries and tools so you can write better code. By the end of the book, you will understand how reactive JavaScript is going to be the new paradigm. What you will learn...
JavaScript: Moving to ES2015 by Ved Antani English | 24 Mar. 2017 | ASIN: B06XWDKLS8 | 1194 Pages | AZW3 | 9.08 MB Explore and master modern JavaScript techniques with ES2015 in order to build large-...
some very good books about javascript,if u complete those books and can use some debug tools such as FireBug or chrome developer tool, then u will have a very good comprehension of javascript
Data Wrangling with JavaScript is hands-on guide that will teach you how to create a JavaScript-based data processing pipeline, handle common and exotic data, and master practical troubleshooting ...
About This Book Write powerful code with the high-level functions that JavaScript offers Discover what functional programming is, why it's effective, and how it's used in JavaScript Understand and ...
5. `about.jsp` - 关于个人的详细页面。 6. `portfolio.jsp` - 展示作品集的页面。 7. `contact.jsp` - 联系方式页面,可能包含一个表单供用户发送消息。 8. `.jsp`文件中可能还包含`<jsp:include>`或`<jsp:forward>...
You will also learn about JavaScript performance on mobile platforms such as iOS and Android and how to deploy your JavaScript project to a device. Finally, by the end of the book, you'll be able to ...
This is a book about JavaScript, programming, and the wonders of the digital.
You will also learn about JavaScript performance on mobile platforms such as iOS and Android and how to deploy your JavaScript project to a device. Finally, by the end of the book, you'll be able to ...
- `aboutUs.jsp`:公司简介的源代码文件。 - `contactUs.jsp`:联系我们页面的源代码文件。 - `products.jsp`:产品展示页面的源代码文件。 - `messageBoard.jsp`:在线留言页面的源代码文件。 - `WEB-INF`:存放...
You'll also learn about anti-patterns: common programming approaches that cause more problems than they solve. * Explore useful habits for writing high-quality JavaScript code, such as avoiding ...