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Installing Maemo on Ubuntu manually


This article takes Maemo2.2 and Ubuntu6.10 for example. However, what we need to install another edition of Maemo platform is just to change the rootstrap gived below. As for Ubuntu, I think those above 6.06 will be allright.

1. All packages we need:

  • scratchbox-core-1.0.7-i386.tar.gz
  • scratchbox-devkit-debian-1.0.7-i386.tar.gz
  • scratchbox-libs-1.0.7-i386.tar.gz
  • scratchbox-toolchain-cs2005q3.2-glibc-arm-1.0.5-i386.tar.gz
  • scratchbox-toolchain-cs2005q3.2-glibc-i386-1.0.5-i386.tar.gz

Download them from http://www.scratchbox.org/download/files/sbox-releases/apophis/tarball/

  • Maemo_Dev_Platform_v2.2_i386-rootstrap.tgz

Download it from http://repository.maemo.org/stable/gregale/i386/

Note: File copy may brake files!?
If you copied these files from other computers, check them by double click before installation. Download them YOURSELF if any is broken.

2. Extract tar files (for each package) to the / directory by running:

Terminal 代码
  1. # tar zxf scratchbox-core-1.0.7-i386.tar.gz -C /    
  2. # tar zxf scratchbox-devkit-debian-1.0.7-i386.tar.gz -C /   
  3. # tar zxf scratchbox-libs-1.0.7-i386.tar.gz -C /   
  4. # tar zxf scratchbox-toolchain-cs2005q3.2-glibc-arm-1.0.5-i386.tar.gz -C /   
  5. # tar zxf scratchbox-toolchain-cs2005q3.2-glibc-i386-1.0.5-i386.tar.gz -C /  

Note: Use "zxvf" instead of "zxf" to see the process of installation if you want.

3. Run:

Terminal 代码
  1. # /scratchbox/run_me_first.sh  

Normally an error apears now. Follow the given tip, and copy the command("echo ..."). Then you can run it again without any errors:

Follow the questions next in order to create sbox user group and setup scratchbox (default answers will be all right).

Do you want to use sudo mode? [yes/no] (no): no
Give the name of the scratchbox group (sbox): sbox
The group 'sbox' does not seem to exist!
Would you like me to create the group 'sbox' for you? [yes/no] (yes): yes
Creating group "sbox"...
Stopping Scratchbox: umount, binfmt_misc.
Starting Scratchbox: binfmt_misc, mount.
Now you should add one or more users with /scratchbox/sbin/sbox_adduser

4. Add users to scratchbox with command: (For 'username', use your Linux user login name.)

Terminal 代码
  1. # /scratchbox/sbin/sbox_adduser <username></username>  

This adds the user to 'sbox' user group, creates the Scratchbox user directory under /scratcbox/users directory and mounts several directories (/dev, /proc, /tmp) under user/ directory.

For example:

Terminal 代码
  1. root@cloud# /scratchbox/sbin/sbox_adduser cloud
  2. Add user Huichun to group 'sbox'? [yes/no] (yes): yes
    Scratchbox user account for user cloud added

5. Reboot computer.

6. Check if my name has been added successfully:

Terminal 代码
  1. cloud@cloud ~$ groups   
  2. cloud ... sbox  

 7. Start sbox:

Terminal 代码
  1. # /scratchbox/sbin/sbox_ctl start  

(Error may apear again. Copy and run the "echo.." command given following the error. See step 3.)

8. User login. Run:

Terminal 代码
  1. cloud@cloud ~$ /scratchbox/login  

You may see:

You dont have active target in scratchbox chroot.
Please create one by running "sb-menu" before continuing

Welcome to Scratchbox, the cross-compilation toolkit!

Use 'sb-menu' to change your compilation target.
See /scratchbox/doc/ for documentation.

sb-conf: No current target

[sbox-: ~] >

9. Run:

Terminal 代码
  1. [sbox-: ~] > sb-menu  

10. Configuration.
    1) Setup a target.
        You can input "SDK_PC" as its name like the tutorial.
        Select the second type (...i386). -> Done -> None
    2) Before choosing "Yes":
        (1) Make sure you have Maemo_Dev_Platform_v2.2_i386-rootstrap.tgz.
(in /home/cloud/ for example)   
        (2) Run: (Start another terminal, and swich to root user)
             # mv /home/cloud/Maemo_Dev_Platform_v2.2_i386-rootstrap.tgz /scratchbox/packages/
3) Choose "Yes", then copy the file name into the blank after the path. Push Enter.
    4) Choose "No" when to install files.
    5) Active taget. You will see "[sbox-SDK_PC: ~] >" now, if everything is correct.

Note: Use command # mv in 2), not # cp, which may brake the file!  

11. Run:

Terminal 代码
  1. [sbox-SDK_PC: ~] > vi .bash_profile  

Copy these in:

export LANGUAGE=en_GB
export PAGER=less

The settings are necessary to be able to use the man command inside scratchbox and for the localisation to work properly.

12. Make a new file named start-xephyr.sh in /home/cloud/ (home folder).

Copy these in:

#!/bin/sh -e
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${prefix}/lib; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
exec ${prefix}/bin/Xephyr :2 -host-cursor -screen 800x480x16 -dpi 96 -ac

Note: Do not make the new file under root user! (Anyway Ubuntu does not allow root user to login in screen mode.)

13. Run this to make start-xephyr.sh executable:

Terminal 代码
  1. # chmod +x start-xephyr.sh  

14. Run this to start the backgroud, which is white..though not in the tutorial...

Terminal 代码
  1. $ ./start-xephyr.sh &  

15. Finally, run them to start the emulator:

Terminal 代码
  1. [sbox-SDK_PC: ~] > export DISPLAY=:2   
  2. [sbox-SDK_PC: ~] > af-sb-init.sh start   

To stop it, run:

Terminal 代码
  1. [sbox-SDK_PC: ~] > af-sb-init.sh stop  


See more at http://maemo.org/development/documentation/tutorials/Maemo_2.2_Tutorial.html
  • 描述: Emulator starts
  • 大小: 79.9 KB
  • 描述: Emulator menu
  • 大小: 80.3 KB
  • 描述: MaemoPad
  • 大小: 62.7 KB


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