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Bewildering service names of python application on maemo


A simple file structure of python applications on maemo/n800:


1. Main source file helloworld is written in python, but it must be named without ".py".
2. helloworld.desktop and helloworld.service are used for adding and linking the executable source file helloworld to the application menu of N800.
3. helloworld.png is the icon displayed in application menu.
4. setup.py is used for installing the four files above into N800. It is the only file that you can name it arbitrarily.

Necessary sentences in helloworld:

python 代码
  1. import osso   
  2. osso_c = osso.Context("com.nokia.helloworld", "1.0.0", False)   

All sentences in helloworld.desktop:

Terminal 代码
  1. [Desktop Entry]   
  2. Version=1.0.0   
  3. Encoding=UTF-8   
  4. Type=Application   
  5. Name=Hello world   
  6. Exec=/usr/bin/helloworld   
  7. Icon=helloworld   
  8. X-Osso-Service=helloworld   
  9. X-Osso-Type=application/x-executable  

All sentences in helloworld.service:

Terminal 代码
  1. [D-BUS Service]   
  2. Name=com.nokia.helloworld   
  3. Exec=/usr/bin/helloworld  

All sentences in setup.py:

python 代码
  1. #!/usr/bin/env python2.5   
  3. from distutils.core import setup   
  4. setup(   
  5.     name='helloworld',   
  6.     version='1.0.0',   
  7.     scripts=['helloworld'],   
  8.     data_files = [   
  9.             ('share/icons',               ['helloworld.png']),   
  10.             ('share/applications/hildon', ['helloworld.desktop']),   
  11.             ('share/dbus-1/services',     ['helloworld.service']),   
  12.     ]   
  13. )  

Be careful of those service names underlined and in red, which may result in fatel errors due to a little miss of coherence. Meanwhile, you can try any other combinations of those names, which however, is not recommanded. 

What's more, make sure that there is not even one single space at the end of each line in .service and .desktop files.

To install the helloworld application onto maemo:

cpp 代码
  1. [sbox-SDK_X86: ~helloworld-1.0.0] > python2.5 setup.py install  

To install it onto N800 device:

cpp 代码
  1. [sbox-SDK_X86: ~helloworld-1.0.0] dh_make   
  2. [sbox-SDK_X86: ~helloworld-1.0.0] dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b  

Remember to change debian/control. See article "Installing packages to N800 from sources".

  • 描述: When installed, our own application can be seen in the menu now.
  • 大小: 80.1 KB



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