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分享Spring in Action Third Edition 正版ebook

Spring in Action Third Edition.pdf,英文原版


    Spring Boot in Action(Manning,2015)

    Summary A developer-focused guide to writing applications using...Craig Walls is a software developer, author of the popular book Spring in Action, Fourth Edition, and a frequent speaker at conferences.

    Spring In Action 2未包含在EBook中的几个章节

    ### Spring In Action 2未包含在EBook中的几个章节 #### 知识点概述 本章节探讨了在Spring框架中构建Portlet应用的关键概念和技术。Portlet是一种可以在门户(Portal)环境中运行的小型应用程序,它能够与其他...

    Amazon Web Services in Action(Manning,2015)

    Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Book Physical data centers require lots of equipment and take time and ...

    Thinking In Java 3rd Edition Chinese eBook

    《Thinking In Java 3rd Edition》是一本深受程序员喜爱的经典Java编程教材,中文版的推出为中文学习者提供了极大的便利。这本书由Bruce Eckel撰写,以其深入浅出、全面覆盖的讲解方式闻名于世,是Java初学者和进阶...


    selling predecessors, Real Time UML, Third Edition, provides an overview of the essentials of real-time systems and an introduction to UML that focuses on the use of the ever-evolving standard in ...

    Mule in Action, 2nd Edition

    Mule in Action, Second Edition is a totally-revised guide covering Mule 3 fundamentals and best practices. It starts with a quick ESB overview and then dives into rich examples covering core concepts ...

    Hadoop: The Definitive Guide, Third Edition

    With this digital Early Release edition of Hadoop: The Definitive Guide, you get the entire book bundle in its earliest form – the author’s raw and unedited content – so you can take advantage of ...


    Manning.AspectJ.in.Action.2nd.Edition.Sep.2009.eBook-BBL 书名:AspectJ.in.Action.2nd.Edition《AspectJ实战第2版》 作者: Ramnivas Laddad, Rod Johnson 出版商:Manning. 发行日期:2009年9月28日 ISBN:...


    Pro JSP, Third Edition by Simon Brown et al. ISBN:1590592255 Apress © 2003 (624 pages) Beyond covering JSP and Servlet APIs, this book shows you how to choose and implement the best persistence ...

    Windows 10 Inside Out, Third Edition.pdf

    This third edition incorporates all that learning and covers the two editions of Windows 10 released in 2018. One bedrock fact we’ve discovered over the past three years is that the core features of...

    《Spring In Action》

    ### Spring框架核心概念与新特性解析 #### 一、Spring框架简介 Spring 是一个开源的轻量级 Java 开发框架,旨在简化企业级应用的开发。它提供了许多强大的功能,如依赖注入(Dependency Injection, DI)、面向切面...

    Ext JS in Action, 2nd Edition

    Ext JS in Action, Second Edition teaches Ext JS from the ground up. You’ll start with a quick overview of the framework and then explore the core components by diving into complete examples, engaging...


    《Manning.jQuery.In.Action.2nd.Edition.Jun.2010.eBook-ELOHiM》是一本深入解析jQuery框架的权威指南,由Bear Bibeault与Yehuda Katz两位作者共同撰写,该书覆盖了jQuery 1.4和jQuery UI 1.8版本。jQuery是一个...

    Entity Framework Core in Action-原版

    Summary Entity Framework Core in Action teaches you how to access and update relational data from .NET applications. Following the crystal-clear explanations, real-world examples, and around 100 ...


    根据提供的文件信息,本书《Manning iBATIS in Action Jan. 2007 eBook-BBL》主要介绍了iBATIS框架的基本概念、安装配置方法、核心功能及其在实际项目中的应用。下面将针对该书籍中提及的主要知识点进行详细阐述。 ...

    英文原版-DSLs in Action 1st Edition

    implemented on top of conventional programming languages—give you a way to do this because they model the domain of your business problem.DSLs in Action introduces the concepts and definitions a ...

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