在PowerDesigner中PowerDesigner->Tools->Execute Commands->Edit/Run Scripts(Ctrl Shift X),然后将下面的脚本粘贴进去,并运行,即可
'* File: name2comment.vbs
'* Purpose: Database generation cannot use object names anymore
' in version 7 and above.
' It always uses the object codes.
' In case the object codes are not aligned with your
' object names in your model, this script will copy
' the object Name onto the object Comment for
' the Tables and Columns.
'* Title:
'* Version: 1.0
'* Company: Sybase Inc.
Option Explicit
ValidationMode = True
InteractiveMode = im_Batch
'* File: name2comment.vbs
'* Purpose: Database generation cannot use object names anymore
' in version 7 and above.
' It always uses the object codes.
' In case the object codes are not aligned with your
' object names in your model, this script will copy
' the object Name onto the object Comment for
' the Tables and Columns.
'* Title:
'* Version: 1.0
'* Company: Sybase Inc.
Option Explicit
ValidationMode = True
InteractiveMode = im_Batch
Dim mdl ' the current model
' get the current active model
Set mdl = ActiveModel
If (mdl Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox "There is no current Model "
ElseIf Not mdl.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model) Then
MsgBox "The current model is not an Physical Data model. "
ProcessFolder mdl
End If
Set mdl = ActiveModel
If (mdl Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox "There is no current Model "
ElseIf Not mdl.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model) Then
MsgBox "The current model is not an Physical Data model. "
ProcessFolder mdl
End If
' This routine copy name into comment for each table, each column and each view
' of the current folder
Private sub ProcessFolder(folder)
Dim Tab 'running table
for each Tab in folder.tables
if not tab.isShortcut then
tab.comment = tab.name
Dim col ' running column
for each col in tab.columns
col.comment= col.name
end if
' of the current folder
Private sub ProcessFolder(folder)
Dim Tab 'running table
for each Tab in folder.tables
if not tab.isShortcut then
tab.comment = tab.name
Dim col ' running column
for each col in tab.columns
col.comment= col.name
end if
Dim view 'running view
for each view in folder.Views
if not view.isShortcut then
view.comment = view.name
end if
for each view in folder.Views
if not view.isShortcut then
view.comment = view.name
end if
' go into the sub-packages
Dim f ' running folder
For Each f In folder.Packages
if not f.IsShortcut then
ProcessFolder f
end if
end sub
Dim f ' running folder
For Each f In folder.Packages
if not f.IsShortcut then
ProcessFolder f
end if
end sub
Option Explicit
ValidationMode = True
InteractiveMode = im_Batch
Option Explicit
ValidationMode = True
InteractiveMode = im_Batch
Dim mdl ' the current model
' get the current active model
Set mdl = ActiveModel
If (mdl Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox "There is no current Model "
ElseIf Not mdl.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model) Then
MsgBox "The current model is not an Physical Data model. "
ProcessFolder mdl
End If
Set mdl = ActiveModel
If (mdl Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox "There is no current Model "
ElseIf Not mdl.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model) Then
MsgBox "The current model is not an Physical Data model. "
ProcessFolder mdl
End If
Private sub ProcessFolder(folder)
On Error Resume Next
Dim Tab 'running table
for each Tab in folder.tables
if not tab.isShortcut then
tab.name = tab.comment
Dim col ' running column
for each col in tab.columns
if col.comment="" then
col.name= col.comment
end if
end if
On Error Resume Next
Dim Tab 'running table
for each Tab in folder.tables
if not tab.isShortcut then
tab.name = tab.comment
Dim col ' running column
for each col in tab.columns
if col.comment="" then
col.name= col.comment
end if
end if
Dim view 'running view
for each view in folder.Views
if not view.isShortcut then
view.name = view.comment
end if
for each view in folder.Views
if not view.isShortcut then
view.name = view.comment
end if
' go into the sub-packages
Dim f ' running folder
For Each f In folder.Packages
if not f.IsShortcut then
ProcessFolder f
end if
end sub
Dim f ' running folder
For Each f In folder.Packages
if not f.IsShortcut then
ProcessFolder f
end if
end sub
Option Explicit
ValidationMode = True
InteractiveMode = im_Batch
ValidationMode = True
InteractiveMode = im_Batch
Dim mdl ' the current model
' get the current active model
Set mdl = ActiveModel
If (mdl Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox "There is no current Model "
ElseIf Not mdl.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model) Then
MsgBox "The current model is not an Physical Data model. "
ProcessFolder mdl
End If
Set mdl = ActiveModel
If (mdl Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox "There is no current Model "
ElseIf Not mdl.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model) Then
MsgBox "The current model is not an Physical Data model. "
ProcessFolder mdl
End If
' This routine copy name into comment for each table, each column and each view
' of the current folder
Private sub ProcessFolder(folder)
Dim Tab 'running table
for each Tab in folder.tables
if not tab.isShortcut then
if trim(tab.comment)="" then '如果有表的注释,则不改变它.如果没有表注释.则把name添加到注释里面.
tab.comment = tab.name
end if
Dim col ' running column
for each col in tab.columns
if trim(col.comment)="" then '如果col的comment为空,则填入name,如果已有注释,则不添加;这样可以避免已有注释丢失.
col.comment= col.name
end if
end if
' of the current folder
Private sub ProcessFolder(folder)
Dim Tab 'running table
for each Tab in folder.tables
if not tab.isShortcut then
if trim(tab.comment)="" then '如果有表的注释,则不改变它.如果没有表注释.则把name添加到注释里面.
tab.comment = tab.name
end if
Dim col ' running column
for each col in tab.columns
if trim(col.comment)="" then '如果col的comment为空,则填入name,如果已有注释,则不添加;这样可以避免已有注释丢失.
col.comment= col.name
end if
end if
Dim view 'running view
for each view in folder.Views
if not view.isShortcut and trim(view.comment)="" then
view.comment = view.name
end if
for each view in folder.Views
if not view.isShortcut and trim(view.comment)="" then
view.comment = view.name
end if
' go into the sub-packages
Dim f ' running folder
For Each f In folder.Packages
if not f.IsShortcut then
ProcessFolder f
end if
end sub
Dim f ' running folder
For Each f In folder.Packages
if not f.IsShortcut then
ProcessFolder f
end if
end sub
/* Table: "test" */
create table "test" (
"username" varchar2(24),
"full_name" varchar2(24)
/* Table: "test" */
create table "test" (
"username" varchar2(24),
"full_name" varchar2(24)
使用方法:进入PowerDesigner,打开需要转换的PDM,在菜单栏找到:Tools – Excute Commands – Edit/Run Script,或者直接按Ctrl+Shift+X调出脚本执行窗口,输入下边的代码就可以了。
Option Explicit
ValidationMode = True
InteractiveMode = im_Batch
Dim mdl ' 当前模型
' 获取当前模型
Set mdl = ActiveModel
If (mdl Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox "没有打开一个模型"
ElseIf Not mdl.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model) Then
MsgBox "当前模型不是一个PDM"
ProcessFolder mdl
End If
Private sub ProcessFolder(folder)
Dim Tab '要处理的表
for each Tab in folder.Tables
' if not Tab.isShortcut then
' Tab.code = tab.name
Tab.name= UCase(Tab.name)
Tab.code= UCase(Tab.code)
Dim col ' 要处理的列
for each col in Tab.columns
col.code= UCase(col.code)
col.name= UCase(col.name)
'end if
' 处理视图
' Dim view 'running view
' for each view in folder.Views
' if not view.isShortcut then
' view.code = view.name
' end if
' next
' 递归进入 sub-packages
Dim f ' sub folder
For Each f In folder.Packages
if not f.IsShortcut then
ProcessFolder f
end if
end sub
1.版本:matlab2014/2019a/2024a 2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。 4.适用对象:计算机,电子信息工程、数学等专业的大学生课程设计、期末大作业和毕业设计。 替换数据可以直接使用,注释清楚,适合新手
1.版本:matlab2014/2019a/2024a 2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。 4.适用对象:计算机,电子信息工程、数学等专业的大学生课程设计、期末大作业和毕业设计。 替换数据可以直接使用,注释清楚,适合新手
Python Data Structures and Algorithms Minimal and clean example implementations of data structures and algorithms in Python 3. Contribute Thank you for your interest in contributing! There are many ways to contribute to the project. Start testing from here Take note when running all tests using unittest $ python3 -m unittest discover tests To run some specific tests you can do the following (e.g. sort) $ python3 -m unittest tests.test_sort Run all tests using pytest Make a note when $ python3 -m
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内容概要:本文综述了C、C++、Python、Java这四种主流编程语言中,用于实现常见和高级算法的学习资料,覆盖范围广泛,从书籍、在线课程平台到GitHub上的开源代码仓库均有提及。每种语言都详述了推荐的学习资源及其优势,旨在满足不同程度学习者的需要。 适合人群:对算法实现有兴趣的学生、自学爱好者、开发者等。 使用场景及目标:帮助读者挑选合适的语言和资源深入理解算法的理论与实际编码技巧,适用于个人提升、项目实践或教学使用。 其他说明:文章提供了丰富的学习渠道和实战项目,既适合作为基础理论的学习,也适合于实际操作练习,尤其强调通过实做加深理解的重要性。
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2023 年“泰迪杯”数据分析技能赛B题-企业财务数据分析与造假识别 完整代码
Levenshtein Python C 扩展模块包含用于快速计算 Levenshtein 距离和字符串相似度的函数内容需要维护者介绍文档执照历史源代码作者需要维护者我 (Mikko Ohtamaa) 目前不维护此代码。我只是为了方便起见才将其拉到 Github 上的(之前在公共存储库中不可用)。因此,如果您提交了任何问题,我都不会调查。介绍Levenshtein Python C 扩展模块包含用于快速计算的函数Levenshtein(编辑)距离和编辑操作字符串相似度近似中位数字符串,以及一般字符串平均值字符串序列和集合相似度它同时支持普通字符串和 Unicode 字符串。需要 Python 2.2 或更新版本。StringMatcher.py 是一个基于 Levenshtein 构建的类似 SequenceMatcher 的示例类。它缺少一些 SequenceMatcher 的功能,但又有一些额外的功能。Levenshtein.c 也可以用作纯 C 库。您只需在编译时定义 NO_PYTHON 预处理器符号 (-DNO_PYTH
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