How we do SCRUM ? Great book by Henrik Kniberg
<<SCRUM and XP from the Trenches>>
Both Scrum and Extreme Programming (XP) ask teams to complete some
tangible piece of shippable work by the end of each iteration. These
iterations are designed to be short and timeboxed. This focus on
delivering working code in a short timeframe means that Scrum and XP
teams don’t have time for theories. They don’t pursue drawing the perfect
UML model in a case tool, writing the perfect requirements document, or
writing code that will be able to accommodate all imaginable future
changes. Instead, Scrum and XP teams focus on getting things done.
These teams accept that they may mistakes along the way, but they also
realize that the best way to find those mistakes is to stop thinking about
the software at the theoretical level of analysis and design and to dive in,
get their hands dirty, and start building the product.
It is this same focus on doing rather than theorizing that distinguishes this
book. That Henrik Kniberg understands this is apparent right from the
start. He doesn’t offer a lengthy description of what Scrum is; he refers us
to some simple websites for that. Instead, Henrik jumps right in and
immediately begins describing how his team manages and works with
their product backlog. From there he moves through all of the other
elements and practices of a well-run agile project. No theorizing. No
references. No footnotes. None are needed. Henrik’s book isn’t a
philosophical explanation of why Scrum works or why you might want to
try this or that. It is a description of how one well-running agile team
This is why the book’s subtitle, “How We Do Scrum,” is so apt. It may
not be the way you do Scrum, it’s how Henrik’s team does Scrum. You
may ask why you should care how another team does Scrum. You should
care because we can all learn how to do Scrum better by hearing stories of
how it has been done by others, especially those who are doing it well.
There is not and never will be a list of “Scrum Best Practices” because
team and project context trump all other considerations. Instead of best
practices, what we need to know are good practices and the contexts in
which they were successful. Read enough stories of successful teams andhow they did things and you’ll be prepared for the obstacles thrown at you
in your use of Scrum and XP.
Henrik provides a host of good practices along with the necessary context
to help us learn better how to do Scrum and XP in the trenches of our own
Mike Cohn
Author of Agile Estimating and Planning and User Stories Applied for
Agile Software Development.
Bai渡Yun链接 内含CK和CK+两个完整数据集,只可用于人脸表情识别的学术研究。The Extended Cohn-Kanade Dataset (CK+): A complete dataset for action unit and emotion-specified expression
Getting Agile with Scrum Mike Cohn Scrum is one of the leading agile software development processes. Over 12,000 project managers have become certified to run Scrum projects . Since its origin on ...
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Cohn-Kanade(CK+)扩 展 数 据是目前比较通用的人脸表情数据集,适合于人脸表情识别的研究。它是 2010 年在Cohn-Kanda 数据集的基础上扩展得来的,包含 123 名参与者、593 个图片序列。CK + 与CK 数据集的区别为 CK...
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scrum官方ppt,scrum master培训使用材料。中文翻译版。由敏捷联盟发起人Mike Cohn 提供
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1. **数据集概述**:CK+全称为Extended Cohn-Kanade Dataset,是由Cohn-Kanade等人扩展并改进的原始Cohn-Kanade数据集。它包含了大量人脸表情的连续帧,旨在捕捉表情从中性到峰值表达的动态变化过程。 2. **图片...
对于考虑采用Scrum的团队,建议在开始之前装备Ken Schwaber的《Agile Project Management with Scrum》或Mike Cohn的《Succeeding with Agile》。同时,可以通过***网站了解更多关于Scrum的培训和辅导选项。这些书籍...
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《用户故事与敏捷方法》是敏捷开发领域的重要著作,作者Mike Cohn是敏捷开发的先驱之一,他在书中深入探讨了如何在敏捷项目管理中有效地使用用户故事来驱动开发过程。用户故事是敏捷方法中一个核心的概念,它代表了...
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