Recommended Solution
Part one:
Extract the maintenance and verify placement
1. Obtain the
archive file which contains the maintenance update. This may be a
Refresh Pack or a Fix Pack, and this archive file is typically
downloaded from the IBM WebSphere support site. Note:
For the discussion in this article, an
"archive file" is typically a .zip, .tar, or .tar.gz file. If the
maintenance update is an interim fix, it is most likely distributed
in the form of a .pak file, which is different than a "maintenance
archive". A .pak file is the actual maintenance file processed by
the updateInstaller to deliver a product update.
2. Obtain the latest available WebSphere V6 updateInstaller
utility. This can be downloaded from the
WebSphere V6 updateInstaller support page
3. If the maintenance obtained in step 1 was downloaded in the form
of a .pak file, then review the information presented here, and
proceed to step 4. If the maintenance was downloaded in the form of
an archive (.zip, .tar, or .tar.gz file), then proceed with this
Extract the content from the maintenance archive into the targeted
product's installation directory. It is very important
extract the updateInstaller properly. Improper extraction is the
most common cause for problems. Be sure to extract the content of
the archive directly into the targeted product's installation
directory. For details, please see Extracting the
updateInstaller or maintenance archive
, below.
4. Extract the updateInstaller which was downloaded in step 2 into
the targeted product's installation directory. The updateInstaller
should be extracted into the same location as was chosen in step 3.
Allow the extraction process to overwrite any existing files in the
"updateinstaller" directory.
Be sure to review Extracting the
updateInstaller or maintenance archive
, below, for details
which describe how and where to extract the updateInstaller
5. If the maintenance obtained in step 1 was in the form of a .pak
file, then move that file into the "maintenance" directory. The
"maintenance" directory is a subdirectory of the updateInstaller.
If the "updateinstaller/maintenance" directory does not exist, then
create it.
6. If this installation will take place silently using the silent
command-line options or a response file, then invoke the command
which prepares the environment by cloning the Java SDK. For more
details concerning this process, see the
InfoCenter article for the update command
. Specifically, refer
to the "Automating maintenance operations" section. Here are
examples of how to accomplish this: Windows-based systems
cd install_root
cd ..\updateinstaller update.exe -silent -W
UNIX-based systems
cd install_root
. ./
cd ../updateinstaller ./update -silent -W
The "dot-space" preceding the
"dot-slash" is very important. The "dot-space"
performs the "source" operation. Please be sure to type the command
exactly as shown.
7. Verify that the updateInstaller, maintenance, and Java files
appear in the correct locations. This can be accomplished by
checking the locations of a subset of files. (These example lists
are NOT complete lists of the required locations of updateInstaller
files.) If the files do not show up in the proper locations as
suggested in the examples below, then try this process again,
starting with step 1. For Windows-based systems:
updateinstaller\maintenance\*.pak (at least one .pak file)
updateinstaller\java\bin\java.exe Note:
java.exe may not appear until after
the first time the updateInstaller is run.
Also, the directories and files named above should show up within
the product's installation root directory. For
Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\updateinstaller\update.exe UNIX- or Linux-based systems
updateinstaller/maintenance/*.pak (at least one .pak file)
updateinstaller/java/bin/java Note:
java/bin/java may not appear until
after the first time the updateInstaller is run.
Also, the directories and files named above should show up within
the product's installation root directory. For
8. Start the updateInstaller using the following sequence of
commands: Windows-based systems
cd install_root
cd ..\updateinstaller update.exe
UNIX- or Linux-based systems
cd install_root
. ./
cd ../updateinstaller ./update
The "dot-space" preceding the
"dot-slash" is very important. The "dot-space"
performs the "source" operation. Please be sure to type the command
exactly as shown.
9. If the updateInstaller does not start, further action may be
necessary. Refer to Part Two
for more details. Part two: Manually clone the Java SDK
If the steps above did not resolve problems starting the
updateInstaller, then it may be necessary to manually clone the
Java SDK for use with the updateInstaller. Note that this should
not be necessary under normal circumstances. Please verify that the
steps in Part One
followed before resorting to this procedure.
If it is necessary to manually clone the Java SDK, please refer to
. Extracting the updateInstaller or maintenance archive
The updateInstaller archive file and maintenance archives which
contain the updateInstaller have been packed such that the
updateInstaller files are archived in a subdirectory named
"updateinstaller". This means that when the updateInstaller is
extracted from an archive, the extraction process will
automatically create the necessary "updateinstaller" directory. For
example, when extracting the updateInstaller on a Windows-based
system, the target extraction directory could
be: C:\Program
Note that the targeted directory does NOT contain "updateinstaller"
in the path. You must literally extract the archive into the
product's main directory, and allow the extractor to automatically
create the "updateinstaller" subdirectory.
The target installation directory varies depending on the product
edition being updated:
- If the product receiving the update is IBM HTTP Server V6 (IHS
V6), then be sure to extract the content of the IBM HTTP Server
maintenance into the installation directory for IBM HTTP Server V6.
Do not extract the IBM HTTP Server maintenance into an application
server installation directory! If you have accidentally extracted
the IBM HTTP Server maintenance into an application server
installation directory, please refer to technote 1214545 to correct
this situation.
- If the product receiving the update is the WebSphere Plugin
Edition, then be sure to extract the content of the Plugin
maintenance into the installation directory for the Plugin.
- If the product receiving the update is WebSphere Application
Server (Express, base, or Network Deployment), then extract the
content of the application server maintenance into that product's
installation directory.
Refer to the sections below for tips on extracting the
updateInstaller on various platforms:
Tips for extracting on Windows-based systems
Extracting the updateInstaller or maintenance archive on
Windows-based systems can be accomplished using third-party
utilities such as WinZip. Here are some tips to keep in mind when
extracting the zip contents:
- When extracting the contents of the zip file, be sure to use
the utility's "extract" function, specifying the installation
directory of the targeted product.
- Do NOT simply "drag and drop" the files from inside the zip
into the destination directory, as this will not properly
distribute the files from the zip into their proper destination
- Do NOT create a subdirectory named "updateinstaller" then
extract the files into that directory, as this may create an
additional updateinstaller directory level. When the extraction
process is handled properly, the extractor will automatically
create the "updateinstaller" folder, so it is not necessary to
create it beforehand.
Tips for extracting on UNIX- or Linux-based systems
The process of extracting on UNIX- or Linux-based systems varies
depending on the operating system. This example procedure outlines
the process for extracting the content of an updateInstaller .tar
archive file:
- Download the updateInstaller .tar archive to a temporary
directory. In this example, that temporary directory is called
"/downloads", and the downloaded file is named
- Change directory to the target directory for the WebSphere V6
product. In this example, that directory is called
cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer
- Execute the "tar" command to extract the content of the
maintenance archive.
tar xvf /downloads/updateInstaller.tar
- The updateInstaller is now extracted. Note that the
updateInstaller content should show up in a subdirectory named
"updateinstaller". The updateInstaller can be executed using a
sequence of commands as shown below.
cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin
. ./
cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/updateinstaller
The "dot-space"
preceding the "dot-slash" is very important. The
"dot-space" performs the "source" operation. Please be sure to type
the command exactly as shown.
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