


bsdiff and bspatch

Description: generate/apply a patch between two binary files

 bsdiff and bspatch are tools for building and applying patches to binary files.

 By using suffix sorting (specifically, Larsson and Sadakane's qsufsort) and

 taking advantage of how executable files change, bsdiff routinely produces

 binary patches 50-80% smaller than those produced by Xdelta, and 15% smaller

 than those produced by .RTPatch (a commercial patch tool).

Homepage: http://www.daemonology.net/bsdiff/



Description: high-quality block-sorting file compressor - utilities

 bzip2 is a freely available, patent free, high-quality data compressor.

 It typically compresses files to within 10% to 15% of the best available

 techniques, whilst being around twice as fast at compression and six

 times faster at decompression.


 bzip2 compresses files using the Burrows-Wheeler block-sorting text

 compression algorithm, and Huffman coding.  Compression is generally

 considerably better than that achieved by more conventional

 LZ77/LZ78-based compressors, and approaches the performance of the PPM

 family of statistical compressors.


 The archive file format of bzip2 (.bz2) is incompatible with that of its

 predecessor, bzip (.bz).

Homepage: http://www.bzip.org/



Description: PNG library - runtime

 libpng is a library implementing an interface for reading and writing

 PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format files.


 This package is superseded by libpng12-0, and is provided only for

 transitional purposes.

Homepage: http://libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html



Description: Development files for International Components for Unicode

 ICU is a C++ and C library that provides robust and full-featured

 Unicode and locale support.  This package contains the development

 files for ICU along with programs used to manipulate data files found

 in the ICU sources.

Homepage: http://www.icu-project.org


Chinese and Japanese word frequency list



Description: XSLT processing library - runtime library

 XSLT is an XML language for defining transformations of XML files from

 XML to some other arbitrary format, such as XML, HTML, plain text, etc.

 using standard XSLT stylesheets. libxslt is a C library which

 implements XSLT.


 This package contains libxslt library used by applications for XSLT




Description: XZ-format compression library - development files

 XZ is the successor to the Lempel-Ziv/Markov-chain Algorithm

 compression format, which provides memory-hungry but powerful

 compression (often better than bzip2) and fast, easy decompression.


 The native format of liblzma is XZ; it also supports raw (headerless)

 streams and the older LZMA format used by lzma. (For 7-Zip's related

 format, use the p7zip package instead.) This package provides the

 development library needed to build programs using liblzma.

Homepage: http://tukaani.org/xz/








TLS Lite is a python library for SSL/TLS. It supports non-traditional authentication methods such as SRP, shared-keys, and cryptoIDs, as well as X.509 certificates.



Description: compression library - sample programs

 Some generally useful sample programs from the contrib directory.

 Includes a "mini" implementation of `zip' and `unzip' called

 `minizip' and `miniunzip' respectively.



Description: Web content engine library for Gtk+ - Development files

 WebKit is a web content engine, derived from KHTML and KJS from KDE, and

 used primarily in Apple's Safari browser.  It is made to be embedded in

 other applications, such as mail readers, or web browsers.


 It is able to display content such as HTML, SVG, XML, and others. It also

 supports DOM, XMLHttpRequest, XSLT, CSS, Javascript/ECMAscript and more.


 This package provides development files required to create Gtk+ applications

 embedding WebKit.

Homepage: http://webkit.org/




Windows Template Library (WTL) is a C++ library for developing Windows applications and UI components. It extends ATL (Active Template Library) and provides a set of classes for controls, dialogs, frame windows, GDI objects, and more.


V8 assembler

Description: Development files for the V8 JavaScript Engine

 V8 is Google's open source, high performance JavaScript engine. It is written

 in C++ and is used in Google Chrome, Google's open source browser.


 Install this package if you wish to develop your own programs using the

 V8 JavaScript Engine

Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/v8/





Description: multimedia player, server and encoder

 This package contains the ffplay multimedia player, the ffserver streaming

 server and the ffmpeg audio and video encoder. They support most existing

 file formats (AVI, MPEG, OGG, Matroska, ASF...) and encoding formats (MPEG,

 DivX, MPEG4, AC3, DV...).

Homepage: http://ffmpeg.org/



Description: Development libraries, header files and docs for libevent

 Contains the header files, documentation, examples and static libraries

 for use in developing applications that use the libevent library.


 The libevent library is an asynchronous event notification library

 that provides a mechanish to execute a callback function when a specific

 event occurs on a file descriptor or after a timeout has been reached.

Homepage: http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/




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    这通常涉及安装依赖项、配置构建环境和执行构建脚本。 #### 1.3 CEF 结构 CEF有三个主要进程:Browser进程、Renderer进程和GPU进程。Browser进程负责处理用户交互和管理多个Renderer进程,每个Renderer进程则对应...




    2. **运行gclient**: 在源码目录下,使用`gclient sync`命令来获取所有依赖的第三方库。gclient是depot_tools的一部分,用于管理和同步项目依赖。 3. **生成构建文件**: 使用`gn gen out/Default`命令生成 Ninja ...


    在Linux环境下,你需要安装一系列的依赖库和构建工具,如Debian或Ubuntu,可以运行以下命令: ```bash sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y devscripts gnupg2 g++ git scons python3-pip python3-...


    7. **社区贡献**:作为开源项目,ungoogled-Chromium依赖于社区的贡献,包括代码修复、功能添加和文档改进。 8. **安装与使用**:用户需要有一定的技术背景来编译和安装ungoogled-Chromium,因为这通常涉及获取源...

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    1. **DEPS**:这是一个Git子模块配置文件,用于管理Chromium项目依赖的外部库和其他子项目。它定义了各个组件的版本和获取方式,对于构建和更新项目非常重要。 2. **BUILD.gn**:这是构建系统文件,用于指定如何...

    chromium 编译工具depot_tools

    在Chromium项目中,gclient用于同步和管理所有依赖的源代码库,确保每个开发者的本地环境与远程仓库保持一致。 2. **gcl**: gcl(Git Commit Logger)是用于提交Chromium项目中代码更改的命令行工具。它简化了代码...

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    1. **安装库**:首先,你需要在项目中引用 ChromiumFX 和 ChromiumFX.Hosts.Winforms(或其他适合你应用程序平台的库)。 2. **创建浏览器实例**:在 C# 代码中,通过 ChromiumWebBrowser 类创建一个浏览器实例。 ...

    delphi chromium cef3.2171.1949(win32)

    "libcef.dll版本3.2171.1949" 是CEF的核心动态链接库,负责处理与Chromium相关的大部分工作,如网页渲染、JavaScript执行等。这个特定的版本号意味着项目包含了CEF在2016年左右的一个稳定更新,可能包含了当时的最新...

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    - 执行`gclient runhooks`命令,该脚本会执行一系列操作来为编译做准备,如下载依赖库、生成编译配置文件等。 6. **配置编译参数**: - 设置`GYP_DEFINES=component=shared_library`,指定编译时生成共享库组件。...


    - 安装SPDY支持:安装必要的扩展库并配置Apache以支持SPDY协议。 #### 第8篇 网页在Safari快速滚动和回弹的原理:-webkit-overflow-scrolling : touch;的实现 - **-webkit-overflow-scrolling属性解释**: - `-...


    3. 构建脚本或Makefile:用于编译和链接项目,可能包含了特定的编译选项和依赖项。 4. 示例或测试代码:展示如何在实际项目中使用这个库。 5. 配置文件:可能包含了项目设置,如编译器选项、链接器设置等。 6. ...

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    这是因为这些动态链接库(DLLs)是运行程序所必需的,它们提供了Chromium引擎运行时的支持。 4. **编译与集成**:在Delphi环境下,导入并编译源码,然后将其整合到你的项目中。这通常涉及到添加单元文件,设置引用...



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