需要将 -Dcom.ibm.crypto.provider.DoRSATypeChecking=false
APAR status
Closed as program error.
Error description
We have agreed to provide a flag for use at runtime to allow for the RSA encryption of data with the private key, as well as decryption of data with the public key. This flag can be set with the following property: -Dcom.ibm.crypto.provider.DoRSATypeChecking=false In Java 5, 6, 6.0_26, and 7, the default value will be "true" -- meaning that IBM's Java will have the old behavior. If this flag is set to "false" IBM's Java will allow for the atypical scenario with the reversal of the keys described above. Please note: This configuration is not recommended for use by developers of standard applications. It is understood that by setting this flag, a developer understands the behavior that is being enabled (encrypting with the private key/permitting anyone with the public key to decrypt). In nearly all cases, performing a signature in the standard way (with the private key to sign and the public key to verify) is preferred and recommended. With this APAR we are making sure the PUBLIC KEY can be used for DECRYPT.
Local fix
Problem summary
ERROR DESCRIPTION: IBM JVM should support encrypting using the private key and decrypting using the public key Note: This is a follow-up to APAR IV17344, which allows the public key to decrypt properly in this configuration
Problem conclusion
We have agreed to provide a flag for use at runtime to allow for the RSA encryption of data with the private key, as well as decryption of data with the public key. This flag can be set with the following property: -Dcom.ibm.crypto.provider.DoRSATypeChecking=false In Java 5, 6, 6.0_26, and 7, the default value will be "true" -- meaning that IBM's Java will have the old behavior. If this flag is set to "false" IBM's Java will allow for the atypical scenario with the reversal of the keys described above. Please note: This configuration is not recommended for use by developers of standard applications. It is understood that by setting this flag, a developer understands the behavior that is being enabled (encrypting with the private key/permitting anyone with the public key to decrypt). In nearly all cases, performing a signature in the standard way (with the private key to sign and the public key to verify) is preferred and recommended. Hursley defect: 190326. Affects ibmjceprovider.jar. Available in 5.0 SR 14, 6.0 SR11, 6.0_26 SR 3, and 7.0 SR 5 Jar build date: 20120404 WORKAROUNDS: None
本教程主要讲解如何在C# .NET环境中使用RSA进行公钥加密和私钥解密,以及私钥加密和公钥解密的操作。 首先,让我们了解RSA的基本原理。RSA算法基于两个大素数的乘积,这个乘积作为公钥,而这两个大素数作为私钥。...
本文将详细讲解Delphi环境下如何实现RSA加解密,并着重讨论其支持的公钥加密私钥解密以及私钥加密公钥解密的功能,同时涉及PKCS8和PKCS1两种秘钥格式。 RSA是一种基于大数因子分解困难性的加密算法,由Ron Rivest、...
私钥加密和公钥解密是RSA算法的核心特性,允许发送者使用接收者的公钥来加密数据,而只有持有对应私钥的接收者才能解密。在这个特定的案例中,`MyRSA.cs` 文件提供了一个实现,它使用了 `System.Numerics.BigInteger...
有朋友叫帮忙做有一个RSA加解密的帮助类,...由于C#RSA只支持公钥加密,私钥解密。而现在只能使用公钥加密,公钥解密,而且C#与Java并不互通,所以采用第三方类库 BouncyCastle来进行实现。并且实现了分段加密功能。
首先,RSA是一种基于大素数因子分解困难性的公钥加密算法,由Ron Rivest、Adi Shamir和Leonard Adleman在1977年提出。它的核心在于一对密钥:公钥和私钥。公钥可以公开,用于加密数据;私钥则需要保密,用于解密数据...
用RSACryptoServiceProvider进行公钥解密时会出现“不正确的项”的错误,本类使用RSA PKCS#1 1.5的格式实现了公钥、私钥的双向加解密
此源码项目“基于.net的RSA私钥加密 公钥解密的源码--201903”专注于利用C#语言来实现RSA算法的私钥加密和公钥解密功能。以下是对这个主题的详细解释。 RSA(Rivest-Shamir-Adleman)算法是1977年由Ron Rivest、Adi...
这个公钥解密程序是基于RSA算法设计的,用于解密那些使用对应私钥加密的数据。在理解这个程序之前,我们需要先了解RSA的基本原理。 RSA的核心思想是数学上的大数因子分解难题。它涉及到两个大素数p和q,它们的乘积n...
PYTHON Crypto库支持RSA,私钥加密公钥解密, 文件名:RSA.PY 路径:Crypto\PublicKey\RSA.py 将此Crypto库中以上文件替换。 关于加解密方法看我的文章有写
这个类提供了加密和解密的接口,支持对数据进行操作,并可以导入和导出RSA密钥对。 3. **私钥加密与公钥解密**:在本例中,源码可能包含一个使用私钥进行加密的过程,这通常不常见,因为通常私钥用于解密,公钥用于...
本主题聚焦于C#语言中实现RSA私钥加密和公钥解密的源码。 RSA算法的核心原理是生成一对密钥:公钥和私钥。公钥可以公开,用于加密数据,而私钥必须保密,用于解密数据。这样,即使加密后的数据被截获,没有私钥的...
这个压缩包文件的标题和描述提及了“Rsa 私钥加密 公钥解密”,这意味着我们将探讨如何使用RSA算法进行私钥加密和公钥解密的过程,以及在不同编程语言如JAVA、C#、PHP之间的互通性。 首先,RSA加密的基础是大数因子...
推荐在线完成RSA加密解密的网站:https://the-x.cn/cryptography/Rsa.aspx 可以用VS打开.sln文件也可以用QT编辑器打开.pro文件 文件中虽然有RSATool.cpp的文件,但是程序中使用动态库的形式引入的 如果你想分步调试...