
sybase cursor and report

select 1 as seq, a.*  into SelCommentaryList_jason from SelCommentaryList_terry_res1 a

declare cursor_t cursor
select sp_name,run_time,distance,counts from SelCommentaryList_jason order by run_time

declare @tmp int
declare @seq int
declare @sp_name varchar(200)
declare @run_time datetime
declare @distance int
declare @counts int
set @seq = 1
set @tmp=1

open cursor_t
fetch cursor_t into @sp_name,@run_time,@distance,@counts

WHILE @@sqlstatus = 0  
    update SelCommentaryList_jason set seq = @seq where run_time = @run_time
    if @tmp%10 = 0
         set @seq = @seq + 1
    set @tmp = @tmp + 1
    fetch cursor_t into @sp_name,@run_time,@distance,@counts
close cursor_t
deallocate  cursor cursor_t

select sp_name, sum(c1) c1,sum(c2) c2,sum(c3) c3,sum(c4) c4,sum(c5)  c5,sum(c6) c6,sum(c7) c7,sum(c8) c8,sum(c9) c9,sum(c10) c10,sum(c11) c11,min(distance) minTime, max(distance) maxTime,avg(distance) avgTime, avg(counts) counts from
    select seq,sp_name,run_time,distance,counts,
    case when(seq = 1) then distance else 0 end as c1,
    case when(seq = 2) then distance else 0 end as c2,
    case when(seq = 3) then distance else 0 end as c3,
    case when(seq = 4) then distance else 0 end as c4,
    case when(seq = 5) then distance else 0 end as c5,
    case when(seq = 6) then distance else 0 end as c6,
    case when(seq = 7) then distance else 0 end as c7,
    case when(seq = then distance else 0 end as c8,
    case when(seq = 9) then distance else 0 end as c9,
    case when(seq = 10) then distance else 0 end as c10,
    case when(seq = 11) then distance else 0 end as c11
    from SelCommentaryList_jason
) b
group by sp_name


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