1.*crment functions:
int Memcache::decrement ( string $key [, int $value ] )//自减 默认值为1
int Memcache::increment ( string $key [, int $value ] )//自增 默认值为1
$memcache = new Memcache;
$memcache->connect('', 11211);
$memcache->set('num',6);//value 为num
echo $memcache->get('num'); //输出6
echo $memcache->decrement('num', 3);//输出3
$memcache->set('num','x');//value 为string
echo $memcache->decrement('num', 3);//输出0
$memcache->set('num','x');//value 为string
echo $memcache->increment('num', 3);//
Memcache Functions LXXVI. Mhash Functions LXXVII. Mimetype Functions LXXVIII. Ming functions for Flash LXXIX. Miscellaneous Functions LXXX. mnoGoSearch Functions LXXXI. Microsoft SQL Server Functions...
Memcache Functions LXXIII. Mhash Functions LXXIV. Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Functions (PDO_DBLIB) LXXV. Microsoft SQL Server Functions LXXVI. Mimetype Functions LXXVII. Ming functions for ...
**描述分析:** "memcache与mysql结合必备" 表明Memcached Functions for MySQL是实现这两个技术协同工作的一个关键组件。Memcache是一个内存对象缓存系统,用于存储和检索数据,而MySQL则是一种关系型数据库管理...
Memcache Functions LXXIII. Mhash Functions LXXIV. Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Functions (PDO_DBLIB) LXXV. Microsoft SQL Server Functions LXXVI. Mimetype Functions LXXVII. Ming functions for Flash...
Memcache — Memcache Functions mhash — Mhash Functions Mimetype — Mimetype Functions Ming (flash) — Ming functions for Flash Misc. — Miscellaneous Functions mnoGoSearch — mnoGoSearch Functions MS...
### 构建Nginx+PHP(Fastcgi)+MySQL+Memcache高性能Web服务器 #### 一、概述 本文档旨在详细介绍如何构建一个基于Nginx、PHP(Fastcgi)、MySQL以及Memcache的高性能Web服务器架构(简称LEMP+Memcache)。此架构充分...
Memcache Functions LXXIII. Mhash Functions LXXIV. Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Functions (PDO_DBLIB) LXXV. Microsoft SQL Server Functions LXXVI. Mimetype Functions LXXVII. Ming functions for Flash...
Memcache Functions LXXIII. Mhash Functions LXXIV. Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Functions (PDO_DBLIB) LXXV. Microsoft SQL Server Functions LXXVI. Mimetype Functions LXXVII. Ming functions for Flash...
Memcache Functions LXXXVII. Mhash Functions LXXXVIII. Mimetype Functions LXXXIX. Ming functions for Flash XC. Miscellaneous Functions XCI. mnoGoSearch Functions XCII. Microsoft SQL Server Functions ...
Memcache Functions LXXXVII. Mhash Functions LXXXVIII. Mimetype Functions LXXXIX. Ming functions for Flash XC. Miscellaneous Functions XCI. mnoGoSearch Functions XCII. Microsoft SQL Server ...
Memcache — Memcache Functions mhash — Mhash Functions Mimetype — Mimetype Functions Ming (flash) — Ming functions for Flash Misc. — Miscellaneous Functions mnoGoSearch — mnoGoSearch Functions MS...
Memcache Functions LXXV. Mhash Functions LXXVI. Mimetype Functions LXXVII. Ming functions for Flash LXXVIII. Miscellaneous Functions LXXIX. mnoGoSearch Functions LXXX. Microsoft SQL Server Functions ...
Memcache Functions LXXIII. Mhash Functions LXXIV. Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Functions (PDO_DBLIB) LXXV. Microsoft SQL Server Functions LXXVI. Mimetype Functions LXXVII. Ming functions for Flash...
Memcache Functions LXXIII. Mhash Functions LXXIV. Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Functions (PDO_DBLIB) LXXV. Microsoft SQL Server Functions LXXVI. Mimetype Functions LXXVII. Ming functions for Flash...
Memcache Functions LXXIII. Mhash Functions LXXIV. Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Functions (PDO_DBLIB) LXXV. Microsoft SQL Server Functions LXXVI. Mimetype Functions LXXVII. Ming functions for Flash...
具体配置文件项在/app/configs下|-db.php 数据库(Mysql)配置文件|-memcache.php 缓存(Memcache)配置文件|-route.php 路由配置文件|-smarty.php 模版引擎配置文件|-system.php 系统配置文件系统配置结构为一维数组,...
// In your Class, Functions, PHP Pages // try to get from Cache first. product_page = YOUR Identity Keyword $products = $cache->get("product_page"); if($products == null) { $products = YOUR...
// In your Class, Functions, PHP Pages // try to get from Cache first. product_page = YOUR Identity Keyword $products = $cache->get("product_page"); if($products == null)...
7. **助手函数(Assist Functions)**:ThinkPHP2.0提供了大量内置助手函数,如assign(分配变量到视图)、U(生成URL)等,简化日常开发工作。 8. **AOP(面向切面编程)**:支持面向切面编程,允许开发者插入“切面...