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  • 来自: 北京

The visual styles could not be applied


Make sure the themes service is enabled and that you used the correct version of uxtheme.dll. 

Replace the files with following procedure:

  • Login as a Administrator.
  • Goto %systemroot%\System32
  • Right-click uxtheme.dll and click properties.
  • Take ownership of the file and close dialogs.
  • Do same for themeui.dll and shsvcs.dll
  • Right-click uxtheme.dll and click properties.
  • Give yourself (or group) Full Control permissions and close dialogs.
  • Do same for themeui.dll and shsvcs.dll.
  • Rename uxtheme.dll to uxtheme.old.
  • Rename themeui.dll to themeui.old.
  • Rename shsvcs.dll to shsvcs.old.
  • Copy downloaded patched files into %systemroot%\System32
  • Reboot your pc.
  • Done! enjoy



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