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Learning Day

这个是公司新推出的个人发展计划,也算是个福利吧,每个人每个季度最多可以请两天假学习自己感兴趣的东西,在Learning Day的时候可以不用到公司,在公司也可以不接受任务。呵呵,我是公司第一个申请这个Learning Day并获批的人,也就是在今天 在家里系统的学习Web Service,唯一的问题就是没有饭吃
1 楼 highriver 2009-07-01  


    Luna’s diary of learning Day_1

    Linux中用vim编译pythonvim基本操作打开退出修改并退出未修改正常退出不保存退出强制退出python语法读取文件3类文本文件的读取方式read()...vim home/luna/learning_python/file_name.py 在指定路径下创建一个空文


    - **标题**:“DeepLearning_one_day.pdf”:这表明文档是关于一天之内能够掌握的深度学习基础知识的介绍。 - **描述**:“DeepLearning_one_day.pdf”:重复标题信息,暗示文档内容主要围绕深度学习的基础概念和...

    deeplearning ai 第三门课笔记

    第三门课 结构化机器学习项目 (Structuring Machine Learning Projects)

    TensorFlow Machine Learning Cookbook.pdf

    to-day machine learning activities Learn advanced techniques that bring more accuracy and speed to machine learning Upgrade your knowledge to the second generation of machine learning with this guide ...

    Learning to Drive in a Day.pdf

    2018年9月,Wayve 发表了一篇名为Learning to Drive in a Day 的论文。Wayve展示了其自动驾驶系统在短时间内学习驾驶的能力。Wayve结合了强化学习和深度学习算法,强化学习能够让系统通过试错过程自我改进,适应不同...


    1. 雪天学习日 (Snow Learning Day) 是一种教育创新,当因天气原因如雪天导致学校停课时,学生可以在家中继续学习,以弥补错过正常上课日的学习时间。它不是无作业的假期,而是通过电脑或纸质工作表进行技能提升的一...

    learning_grammer First day.py

    Python基础学习笔记Day·1中的记录以及代码已创建py文件,方便操作! Python基础学习笔记Day·1中的记录以及代码已创建py文件,方便操作! Python基础学习笔记Day·1中的记录以及代码已创建py文件,方便操作! ...

    Mastering Machine Learning Algorithms 2018

    Machine learning is a subset of AI that aims to make modern-day computer systems smarter and more intelligent. The real power of machine learning resides in its algorithms, which make even the most ...

    Python Deep Learning - Valentino Zocca

    Every day deep learning algorithms are used broadly across different industries. The book will give you all the practical information available on the subject including the best practices using ...

    Machine Learning in Action.pdf

    It avoids academic language and takes you straight to the techniques you'll use in your day-to-day work. Many (Python) examples present the core algorithms of statistical data processing, data ...

    Packt Building Machine Learning Projects with TensorFlow

    In recent years, machine learning has changed from a niche technology asset for scientific and theoretical experts to a ubiquitous theme in the day-to-day operations of the majority of the big ...

    scikit learn Machine Learning Simplified -2017.pdf

    or rainy day. You can develop an algorithm that is based on the current weather and your meteorological knowledge using a rather complicated set of rules to return the desired prediction. Now suppose ...

    Machine Learning Algorithms 2017.8

    This makes machine learning well-suited to the present-day era of Big Data and Data Science. The main challenge is how to transform data into actionable knowledge. In this book you will learn all ...

    TensorFlow Machine Learning Cookbook2017 高清完整PDF下载

    Your quick guide to implementing TensorFlow in your day-to-day machine learning activities Learn advanced techniques that bring more accuracy and speed to machine learning Upgrade your knowledge to ...

    Machine Learning Algorithms

    This makes machine learning well-suited to the present-day era of Big Data and Data Science. The main challenge is how to transform data into actionable knowledge. In this book you will learn all ...

    The Deep Learning Revolution: Machine Intelligence Meets Human Intelligence

    Someday a driverless car will know the road better than you do and drive with more skill; a deep learning network will diagnose your illness; a personal cognitive assistant will augment your puny ...

    Basics of Linear Algebra for Machine Learning

    You can choose to work through the lessons one per day, one per week, or at your own pace. I think momentum is critically important, and this book is intended to be read and used, not to sit idle. I ...

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